Instructions for Use
Please check to see that you have all part of the testing kit before beginning.
Parts of the test kit:
1. Filter tube
2. DUSTREAM™ collector
3. Top cap
4. Bottom cap
5. Dropper
6. Test solution
7. Test cassette in foil wrapper
8. Vacuum cleaner nozzle adaptor
* Use the side of t he adaptor which fit s your vacuum cleaner.
3 Remove the dust co llector from the
vacuum cleaner, leaving the filter in
place. Insert the bot tom cap firmly into
the base of the dust c ollector.
MISSION:ALLERGY is a major distri butor of Ventia Ra pid Allergen Test a nd a resource
for allergen -avoidance produc ts and information. w ww.missionallerg
Tests are also availab le directly throug h INDOOR Biotechnol ogies, Inc. www.inb
No test line is vis ible. Dust mite level
is below the detec table limit.
No action is nee ded.
The test line is light pink, closest in
intensity to the LOW line on the color
chart. No ac tion is needed.
The test l ine is a pink/red, closest in
intensity to the MEDIUM line on the
color char t. Take action to reduce mite
allergen levels
The test line is dar k red and is closest
in intensity to th e HIGH line on the
color char t. Take action to reduce mite
allergen levels
What Do the Results Mean?
Compare the col or intensity of the test line ( T) with the indicator lines (C) shown o n the test cassette.
Concerned About Allergens and Asthma and Want to Go Further?
INDOOR B iotechnologies i s the world leader in environmental all ergen detection systems. If you would like to
use our laboratories for a complete allergen analysis of your home using our exclusive state-of-the-art MARIA™
testing, pleas e visit our site or call 434- 984-2304.
What Action
Should I Take?
If your test has revealed the
presence of dust mite allergen, you
can check an other site in your
home using t he second test. To
perform a second test , r inse the
collector and ca ps with water, dry
with a paper towel, and p lace a
clean filter inside and repeat the
There are many steps you can
take to reduc e yourallergenlevels ,
focusing on beds, carpet s, and
other soft ma terials where dust
mites live. Specific actions to
reduce or eliminate the presence
of dust mites and mite allergen
can be found in the “ Consumer”
section of Consul t
your aller gist or physic ian for
further advice.
4 Twist open the top of one vial of testing
solution and carefully pour t he liquid
into the dust coll ector.
5 Push the top cap firmly i nto the top of
the dust collecto r a nd gently shake
the collected dust and the solution for
1 minute.
6 Leave to st and for 4 minutes. Rem ove
the rapid test casse tte from the foil
wrapper and pla ce on a flat surface.
7 Remove the to p cap from the colle ctor.
Using a dropper, suck up dust sol ution
from near the top of th e collector.
9 Wait 10 minutes for the t est line to
develop. If mite al lergens are present,
a red or pink line will appear at the ' 'T''
mark. Compare the intensi ty of the line
with the three c olored i ndicator lines
already printed on the test at the "C"
1 Inse rt the plas tic f ilter into the
DUSTREAM™ colle ctor and f irmly
attach the co llector to the vacuum
cleaner tub e. If the collect or does not
fit th e vacuum cle aner tube, use the
adaptor pi ece to attach the c ollector.*
Performing the Test
2 Choose the ar ea t o b e t ested. Turn
on the vacuum cleaner an d va cuum
four separ ate areas of 8” x 12” (or
approximate ly the area of a letter-sized
page) for 3 0 secon ds each (total
sampling ti me = 2 minutes).
©2009 INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc
5. 6. 8.1. 2.
8 Transfer 5 drops into the small round
sample well on the test c assette.
Discard dropper.