РОССИЯ, 398040 г. Липецк,
пл. Металлургов, 2
Служба сервиса
тел. (0742) 42-41-00
êîä 195050335 00
TT 85
TT 85 T
Installation and use
Установка и использование

Read your manual carefully since it contains ins tructions, which will ensure safe installation, use and maintenance of your appliance.
Your Refrigerator is built to Internat ional safety standards (EN60) and has been awarded the European
approval mark (IMQ) for conformity with UK el ectrical
safety requirements. It also meets the EC standards on
the prevention and elimination of readio interference
(EC directive 87/ 308 - 02.06.89).
1. This appliance is designed to be used indoors and
under no circumstances should it be i nstalled outside
even if protected by a roof. Leaving the appliance
exposed to the rain and whether is ex ceedingly
2. The appliance should be used only by adults and
exclusively for storing foodstuffs in com pliance with the
instructions provided in this manual. Under no circumstances should children be allowed to operate, or
tamper with, this produ ct.
3. Do not attempt to opera te or handle this appliance
when barefoot, or with wet hands or fe et.
4. It is highly recommended that you do not operate
this appliance by connecting it to the power supply
with extensions or multiple s ocket plugs. If the refri gerator has been installed between two cabinets , make
sure that the supply cord is not dangerously crimped
or trapped beneath a heavy object.
5. Never pull the cable or the a ppliance to remove
the plug from the socket; this is exceedingly dangerous.
6. Do not touch the internal cooling elements, esp ecially if
your hands are wet, since you could burn or hurt yourself.
7. Before doing any cleaning, discon nect the appliance
from the electricity (by pulling o ut the plug or turning off the
general switch in your home); it is not sufficient to place the
temperature regulation knob “ 0 ” to cut off the power.
8. Before disposing of your old appliance, rem ember to
break or remove the lock as a safety measure to protect
children who might lock thems elves inside the appliance
when playing. In addition, if the appliance is a new one with
a lock, keep the key out of the reach of sm all children.
9. If your appliance is not operating properly, read the
chapter entitled, “Troub le Shooting”, which mig ht help you to
resolve the problem, before ca lling an after-sales service
center. Do not attempt to repair the appliance by tampering with the internal components.
10. If the power supply cord must be replaced, please contact one of our Customer S ervice Centers. In s ome cases,
the connections are ma de using special t erminals and in
others a special tool must be used to access the connections.
11. Do not use electric appliances inside the co mpartment
for food storage, if these are not those recommended by
the manufacturer.
12. At the end of the functional life of your appliance –
containing cyclopentane gas in the insulation foam and
gas R134a (tetraphtorethane) in the
refrigeration circuit – the latter
should made safe before b eing
sent to the dump. For this
operation, please contact your
dealer or the Local Organisation
in charge of waste disposal.
Proper install ation of the appliance is essential to
ensure the best and most e fficient performance of
your appliance.
The compressor and condenser generate heat and,
therefore, need to be ventilated properly. Rooms with
less than perfect ventilation are not very suited for installation of the appliance. Therefore, it should be installed in a room with an opening (window or French
window) that provides the appropriate amount of air
re-circulation. It is also important that the room should
not be too humid.
During installation, make sure not to cover or obstru ct
the grates that allow proper ventilation of the appliance. For proper ventilation of the appliance, you
must leave:
- a space of at least 10 cm between the top part and
any cabinets above it;
- a space of at least 5 cm between the sides of the
appliance and any adjacent cabinets/walls.
Away from Heat
Avoid positioning the appliance in a place where it is
directly exposed to sunlight or near an oven, cook top or the
The floor should be perfectly levelled; if not, you can adjust
the feet at the front of the appliance.
Before making the electrical connection, check that the
voltage shown on the data plate, that you will find on the
bottom left hand side of the appliance next to the crisper,
corresponds to that of your mains and that the socket is
earthed in conformity with all current electrical regulations. If
the system is not earthed, the manufacturer declines all liability for consequent damages or losses. Do not use
adapters or multiple sockets.
Check the power load
The electrical socket must support the maximum power load
of the appliance shown on the data plate (on the bottom
left hand side of the appliance next to the crisper).
Before plugging the appliance to the mains
Set the appliance upright and wait at least 3 hours before
plugging the appliance into the mains to ensure proper performance.
GB Refrigerator
Instructions for installation and use……………………………………… 1
CIS Холодильник
Инструкции по установке и использованию……………………………6
To maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance, we recommend:
- call onl y the Ser vice Cent ers aut horized b y the manu facturer ;
- always use original Spare Parts.
Производитель оставляет за собой право без предупреждения вносить изменения в
конструкцию, не ухудшающие эффективность работы оборудования.
- Некоторые параметры, приведенные в этой инструкции, являются ориентировочными;
- Производитель не несет ответ ственности за незначи тельные отклонен ия от указанных величин.
Safety - a good habit to get into.

How to Start the Appliance
After the appliance has been delivered,stand it in
the upright posit ion and wait approximately 3 hours
before connecting it to the electrical outlet to guarantee that it operates prorerly.
Before placing foodstuffs in the refrigerator, clean the
interior well with warm water and baking soda.
After having plugged the appliance in set knob ‘B’ onto a medium position and can place food in the fridge after only a few
When the refrigerator has reached the optimum temperature,
you can place frozen food in it.
The thermostat automatically regulates the temperature
inside the appliance
1 = less cold
5 = colder
It is recommended that a medium setting be used .
To increase the amoun t of space, optimiz e arrangement
and improve appearance, this appliance has a “cooling
area” located within the back panel of the refrigerator
When the appliance is operating, this panel may be
covered with frost or droplets of water depending on
whether the compressor is operating or not at a set time.
Do not be concerned about this! The refrigerator is
operating normally.
If the thermostat knob is positioned on hi gher settings
while the refrigerator is heavily filled and th e ambient temperature is high, the appliance may run continuously, resulting in the forma tion of frost on the back cooling area.
This will lead to an incr ease in energy consum ption.
To avoid this situation, just turn the thermos tat knob to a
lower setting so that th e appliance defrosts auto-matically.
Storing food in the Refrigerator Compartment
Storage time
Location in the Refri gerator
Fresh meat and cleaned fish
(use plastic wrap or pack in plastic bags)
2 or 3 days On any shelf
Fresh cheese 3 or 4 days On any shelf
Butter, margarine 1 week On any shelf
Cooked or precooked food (placer in air-tight
containers and when cool st ore in refrigerator)
3 or 4 days On any shelf
Sausages, salami, sandwich meats in gen eral, fresh
pasta, custards, puddings, chocolates, cream pastries, bread, dry pastries, red tomatoes
3 or 4 days On any shelf
Bottled products, milk, drinks, yoghurt On special door shelves
Fruit and vegetable - In vegetable crisper
What Should Not be Stored in the Refrigerator
Garlic (transmits odour), onions and leeks.
Bananas (they will turn black).
Citrus fruits.
Potatoes and root vegetables (store in dark, dry places).
- Within the refrigerator com partment, the air circulates
naturally, with the colder air falling down because it is
heavier. This is the reason why meat and cheeses should
be placed above the vegetable container.
- Please follow our instructions carefully on maximum storage time: any food, even the freshest, will not remai n edible for any extended amount of time.
- Do not place liquids in containers without cover ing them
because this will lead to an increase in the level of moi sture within the refrig erator, causing the formation of frost.
- Remember to cool hot food before storing otherwise the
temperature inside the appliance will increase, causing
the compressor to work h arder and use more en ergy.
- Contrary to popular bel ief, cooked foods are no t stored
any longer than raw food.
- The refrigerator com partment is equipped with convenient, removable shelf, which can be adjusted for height
using the shelf guides. This allows you to place even large
containers and foodstuf fs in the refrigerator.
- Be careful not to place con tainers (plastic or gl ass), food
or other objects in direct contact with the cooling area of
the back wall of the refrigerator. This could harm the food,
in-crease energy consumption and facilitate the formation
of condensate (on food, containers, etc.).
Temperature regulator knob
This knob allows you to adjust the
refrigerator temperature to different
0 the refrigerator is switched off;
1 minimum refrigeration setting;
5 maximum refrigeration setting.
Transparent cover
Hanging rack
Bottles holder
Lower hanging rack
Adjustable feet
Ice container
Ice scraper
Fruit and vegetable drawer
Glass tray
How to use the refrigerator compartment ...
Drainage system for thawn water
Removable height adjustable
Compartment for frozen food