The intent o f this document is to p rovide a list of sugg estions that can h elp to optimize the e nergy
perfo rmance and usage o f the appliance.
This ref rigerating app liance is not intende d to be used as a built- in appliance.
The mode l information ca n be retrieved usi ng the QR-Code i ndicated on the en ergy label.
The labe l also includes the m odel identie r that can be used to con sult the https://epre l.ec.europa .eu
database portal.
The quant ity of fresh foo d that can be frozen in a s pecic time per iod is indicated o n the rating plate.
1. It is advis able to set the temp erature colder o r turn on the Fast Freeze a t least four hours b efore
removin g the food from the f reezer compar tment, to prolo ng the preserva tion of the food dur ing the
defrosting phase.
2. To defrost, unp lug the appliance. L eave the door open to a llow the frost to me lt. To prevent the water
from esc aping during the de frost, it is advi sed that you place an a bsorbent cloth o n the bottom of the
freezer compartment and wring it out regularly.
3. Clean the insi de of the freezer co mpartment and d ry it carefull y.
4. Turn the applianc e back on and put the fo od back inside.
Key lock is us ed to prevent childr en from being loc ked inside (if pres ent).
Doors an d lids of the refri geration applia nce should be remov ed before dispo sal in the landll, t o avoid
children o r animals getti ng trapped insid e.
This pro duct contains a lig ht source of energy e ciency class G (i f present).