INCRA Miter Channel Glue Down User Manual
INCRA Miter Channel
Glue Down Instructions
Cut a 1-1/8” wide x 1/2” deep groove in your application.
Apply a bead of heavy duty construc­tion adhesive like Liquid Nails®.
Use a putty knife or chisel to atten the
You can also consider “Surface Mount” or “Build-up” options for mounting as shown below.
Surface Mount
Adhere INCRA Miter Channel directly to the application.
Use a 1/2” thick material on either side of a surface mounted INCRA Miter Channel.
As an alternative, you can drill and countersink mounting holes in your INCRA Miter Channel and mount to your appli-
cation using #8 at head screws. Drill the holes with a .219”
diameter standard twist drill bit then countersink to a depth that brings the top of the fastener head just below the surface of the extrusion.
Manufactured by:
Taylor Design Group, Inc.
P.O. BOX 810262 Dallas, TX 75381 P: 972-242-9975
©2013 Taylor D esig n Group, I nc.
INCR A Tools a re prot ecte d by one or m ore of t he fol lowi ng US pa tents: #4,793,604, #4,930,221, #5,195,730, #5,275,074, #5,423,360, #5,716,045, #6,237,457, #6,557,601, #6,672,190. rev.04.17.13