Flip Shop Stop Instructions
As you look at your new INCRA Flip Shop Stop and fence for the first time you
will no doubt see a most interesting detail. The front face of the fence uses a
tongue and groove arrangement to accept a mating feature on the flip arms.
When the flip arm is down with the two opposing tongue and grooves engaged,
it becomes impossible for the sharp corner of a mitered board end to wedge
between the fence and flip arm. Combined with the already famous incremental
positioning capabilities of the Incra saw-toothed racks, you'll soon be duplicating
cut off lengths with machine shop precision.
Tongue and
Micro Adjusting
Micro adjusting your stop position can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Use the
supplied hex tool to loosen the two socket head screws located on the top of the stop
body and then turn the micro adjust socket head screw to fine tune the stop position.
Fig 1. When unscrewing the micro adjust screw, apply pressure to the stop body to
keep it against the screw end. After adjustment, always tighten the two socket head
screws on top of the stop body.
When using the stop rods in the flip arms, another way to micro adjust is to simply
shift the position of the rod. A dual rod setup can provide the most controlled means
of adjusting. Place a short rod in one flip arm and a long rod in the other, then
slide the rods to contact each other between the two flip arms before tightening the
thumbscrews. With this setup in place, one rod will be in a "backup" position to the
actual "stop" rod. Fig. 2.
To micro adjust the stop rod forward, loosen the thumbscrew that secures it and
place a shim or spacer, equal in thickness to the adjustment required, between the
backup and the stop rod. Slide the stop rod against the shim and tighten the
thumbscrew. Detail 2.
To micro adjust the stop rod backward, first loosen the backup rod and place the
shim or spacer between the backup and stop rods. Slide the backup rod against
the shim and tighten the thumbscrew. Remove the shim, loosen the stop rod
thumbscrew, slide the stop rod to contact the backup rod and tighten in place.
Detail 2
Place shim between
stop & backup rods
Fig. 1
Turn this socket
head screw to
micro adjust
Fig. 2
Loosen (2)
socket head
Long “backup” rod
Short “stop” rod
Zeroing to the Blade
To zero the stop and scale to the blade, begin by locating the fence a safe distance
from the blade and tightening the socket head screws that secure the fence. Clamp the
stop to the fence about 10" away from the blade. Crosscut a piece of scrap stock with
this setup. Measure the length of the cut piece. Fig 3. If the cut piece measurement
is some multiple of 1⁄32" (i.e.: 101⁄32, 101⁄16, 103⁄32, 101⁄8 etc.), slide the scale on the
fence to read the length of the piece directly under one end of
the stop. Detail 3.
If the cut piece measurement is not a multiple of 1⁄32 (example:
101⁄64), micro adjust the stop forward 1⁄64", and recut the board.
When the test cut measurement equals some multiple of 1⁄32",
slide the scale on the fence to read the length of the piece
directly under one end of the stop. Note: When zeroing the
scale for mitering setups, the test cuts must be made with the
fence locked to the selected angle.
About your Fence Scales
All INCRA products use overlapping 16" long Lexan scales. The overlap allows finetuning the scale from one end to the other to agree with the high degree of accuracy
provided by the Incra saw toothed positioning racks. These scales are printed initially
in 16" lengths (0-16", 16-32", 32-48" etc.). As they are slid into the scale slot on the
fence, the ends are overlapped and aligned using the optical window located at the
end of the second scale. Fig 4. The friction fit will keep the scales in place. If you
wish, you can use a small piece of double faced tape at the overlap to ensure that
the scales move together when changing your zeroed setups for mitering.
Detail 3
Slide scale to read board’s
length under either end of stop
Fig. 3
Clamp stop
to fence
Measure test
cut length
Fig. 4
Align scales using
optical window
Flip Arms and Stop Rods
The dual flip arms and stop rods provided permit a variety of stop configurations. The
flip arms can be used without the stop rods when you want to take advantage of the
fence/arm tongue and groove feature for stop control on mitered board ends. Typically
you will use the longer rod to join the two arms together. Fig 5. This produces an
arrangement that, when pivoted, moves both arms simultaneously. The rod can be
positioned so that it is the actual stop surface or it can be positioned slightly behind the
front of the arm so that the aluminum arm is the actual stop surface.
Fig. 5
Long stop rod
joins flip arms
By placing one of the shorter 11⁄2" rods in each of the two stop arms, you can use the
two stop arms independently. Fig 6. For example, you can calibrate one for work to the
left of the blade and the other for work to the right. On one side of the blade you might
want to position the stop rods to provide two different cut off lengths from one position.
Just pivot the arm nearest the blade up and the second arm is ready. By using varying
combinations of long or short rods you can create as much as 73⁄4" between the two
stop positions.
Expanded Clamping Mode
The two part body design of the INCRA Flip Stop allows for the use of a 3⁄4" wooden
subfence. The subfence can be used to provide tear out control as well as support
for your workpiece up to and beyond the blade. To expand the Incra Flip Shop Stop,
loosen the two socket head screws located on the top of the stop body, then slide
the upper portion of the stop off. Now slide the upper portion back on, capturing the
rectangular nuts in the second T-slot located on the lower portion of the stop body,
Fig 7.
Making a Zero Clearance Wooden Subfence
A good material to use for making your zero clearance subfence is 3⁄4" medium density
fiberboard (MDF). Use the drill and counterbore dimensions shown to the right. Fig 8.
Adjust the length of the fence to accommodate your application.
*Note: In applications where the incremental stopping capability of the Flip Shop Stop
is required, the wooden fence can be no taller than 21⁄2".
To avoid the saw blade pulling your workpiece into the cut,
add a strip of adhesive backed sandpaper to the front face
of the wooden subfence.
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Loosen these
fasteners, slide out of
first T-slot and into second
Fig. 8
2 1/2"
(See note)
/4-20 x 3/4"
socket head
cap screw
/4" flat washer
1 1/16"
Short stop
rods allow flip
arms to be used
First Tslot
Second T-slot
/16" thru hole
w/ 3/4" dia. x 3/8"
------deep counterbore
Making a Wooden Auxiliary Stop Surface
Fig. 9
In some applications you may discover that making and attaching a wooden stop
surface to one of the flip arms can be beneficial. Use a wood screw to attach the
wooden auxiliary stop through the slotted hole located midway up the flip arm. You
can equip the second flip arm with the longer stop rod to provide outboard support for
the auxiliary stop. Fig 9.
Auxiliary stop
Wood screw
Long stop rod used for
additional support
Taylor Design Group, Inc. warrants this product for one year from date of purchase. We will repair any defects due to faulty material or workmanship,
or at our option, replace the product free of charge. Please return the failing component only, postage prepaid, along with a description of the
problem to the address below. This warranty does not apply to parts which have been subjected to improper use, alteration, or abuse.
If an INCRA positioning rack in this tool becomes damaged for ANY reason, Taylor Design Group will replace it free of charge for as long as you
own your tool. Return the damaged rack, postage prepaid, and allow 1 to 2 weeks for delivery.
Made by: Taylor Design Group, Inc. ■ P.O. Box 810262 ■ Dallas, Texas 75381 ■ Web Site: www.incra.com 07-2002
Printed in the U.S.A. © 2000, Taylor Design Group, Inc. INCRA is a registered trademark of Taylor Design Group, Inc.