3.1 Analog Output Load Limits……………………………………………………. 39
3.8 Wiring: Digital Connector Pin-Out……………………………………….…….. 47
5.1 Error Codes …………………………………………………………….….……. 50
The Model 1250-LTC Programmable Position Monitor is a highly advanced solidstate instrument, which measures the absolute position of a synchro transmitter. It provides
both a user definable visual panel indication and optional analog and digital signal outputs
suitable for a variety of monitoring and control applications.
The INCON 1250-LTC series is unique in its capability to monitor up to 40 userdefinable position segments. It is specifically designed for monitoring power transformer
load tap changer position, where the desired readout is in whole tap numbers. Its transmitter
can be attached to any operating shaft on the LTC and the 1250 programmed to read out in tap
positions. The display and all outputs follow a “stair step” function defined in the program.
The INCON 1250 has become the industry standard for LTC position monitoring.
In addition to basic LTC tap position, the 1250-LTC can provide useful information
about the movement of the LTC. Beginning with a momentary (optional) relay closure after
each successful tap change, the 1250-LTC keeps records on seven important issues relating to
LTC movement, including: total number of tap changes; number of days since last “pass
through neutral”; number of changes “up to” and “down to” each tap; and more.
Most LTC’s rotate about 9 to 11 degrees with each tap change. The 1250-LTC can
measure in increments of 1/10th of a degree. A special feature of the 1250-LTC is its ability
to monitor small discrepancies in tap position. A programmable limit can be set to give an
alarm when the discrepancy in tap position reaches the limit. Inaccurate tap position can be
an early indicator of wear in the LTC mechanism or possible impending failure.
The 1250-LTC may be wired in parallel with existing synchro transmitter/receiver
pairs or wired directly to the synchro transmitter. Additional 1250’s may be wired to the
same transmitter without compromising the accuracy or reliability of the system.
• The Model 1250-LTC is designed for use in any 50/60 Hz, five-wire synchro system
compatible with electrical specifications given in Section 6.0, page 51. These devices
include CX, TX, CDX, and TDX function synchros, as well as Self-Synchronous
Indicator devices. (INCON’s model 1292 Synchro is a highly specified robust
transmitter with a history of proven performance.)
•The panel-mount case is designed to snap-fit into a standard 1/8 DIN rectangular
cut-out of 44mm (1.73 in.) by 92mm (3.62 in.)
• Wiring is done to the rear of the case. #16 AWG (min.) type THHN, THWN, TFFN,
or equivalent wire is recommended for the five AC synchro lines. #20 AWG (min.)
shielded twisted pair wire is recommended for analog output wiring. Use appropriate
spade lugs (provided) when connecting to the case terminals.
• Contact INCON Technical Service (1-800-872-3455) for application assistance if the
synchro transmitter and the 1250-LTC monitor are separated by a wire run of more
than 1200 feet.
Figure 1.1 Mechanical Dimensions
Figure 1.2 Field Wiring Diagram
Figure 1.3 Field Wiring Diagram with 4-20mA Output
Table 1.1 Terminal Functions
Terminal Function Terminal Function
A S1 1 Analog Output +
B S2 2 Analog Output –
C S3 3 Program Mode Inhibit
D (Spare) 4 Inhibit Return
E R1 * 5 Line L1 *
F R2 * 6 Line L2 *
7 Chassis Ground
* Terminals E & F are 8 Relay Low Contact N.O.
jumpered to 5 & 6 9 Relay Common
respectively 10 Relay High Contact N.O.
A DIP switch tells the firmware which hardware options are installed, so their function
can be enabled. It is located on the top PCB, above the power transformer and is
accessible through a slot in the left side of the case, towards the rear of the instrument.
Table 1.2 DIP Switch Functions
Switch # Function
1 Serial Communications Option Enable
2 MODBUS Protocol Enable
3 Spare
4 High / Low Relay Limit Option Enable
5 Analog Output Option Enable
6 Spare
7 Spare
8 In-Factory Test & Calibration Menu Enable
Installation Notes:
1) A resistor may be wired remotely across the analog output terminals to convert analog
output milliamp current to a voltage. Use Ohm’s Law to calculate the proper resistance
for the desired voltage based upon the 1250-LTC’s rated output current.
3) Models with 4-20 mA analog output options must have an EXTERNAL LOOP POWER
SOURCE of 10.0 VDC minimum, 24.0 VDC maximum, in series with the current loop.
The INCON Model 1945 Power Supply is recommended for these installations,
(See Figure 1.3, page 7).
4) When additional remote indication is needed, several 1250-LTC’s may be wired in
parallel to the same transmitter. The 1250-LTC can also be connected via its serial port to
the INCON model RD-4 Remote Display unit.
5) The 1250-LTC and the synchro transmitter MUST BE WIRED TO THE SAME AC
SOURCE. Do not remove the jumpers from terminals E and F.
6) A wire jumper or keyswitch may be installed between terminals 3 & 4 to prevent the
program from being changed. When these terminals are jumpered the menu will read
“EP-x” instead of “OP-x”, which indicates that you can Examine each Parameter, but not
change them.
7) After installation and programming, install the rear terminal guard with screws provided.
8) For models with serial options, plug the cable onto the card edge with the red stripe
towards the outside of the case.
Application Bulletins:
1) If there is a large component of AC “ripple” present on the 1250 analog output, check the
isolation of all wiring with respect to earth ground. R1, R2, S1, S2, and S3 should
measure infinite resistance to earth ground. In applications where external isolation is not
sufficient, the Input Isolation Option (-I) is required to break the ground path that causes
this ripple. See Application Bulletin #000-1150 for more detailed information.
2) Analog outputs of 0-1mA, +/-1mA, and 0-2mA can be changed in the field to any one of
the other two (see Table 1.3). The configuration jumpers are located on the bottom PCB.
See Application Bulletin #000-1151 for more detailed information.
Table 1.3 Analog Output Configuration Jumpers
Output Signal: J8 J10 J12 J13
0-1mA Jumped Jumped Jumped
+/-1mA Jumped Jumped Jumped
0-2mA Jumped Jumped
The Model 1250-LTC has three methods of programming: numeric menu (traditional
1250); alphanumeric menu; and serial port programming commands. The 1250-LTC can be
ordered with either RS-232 or RS-485 serial port hardware. The serial programming
commands can be in the form of ASCII characters or MODBUS packets, depending upon the
position of DIP switch #2. See Tables 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 for a full listing of all programming
menu items, commands, and syntax. See the simplified programming flowchart for tap
position on page 12, Figure 2.1.
2.1 Front Panel Programming
To access the numeric or alphanumeric programming menu, press the MENU key for
several seconds until the display goes blank, then press the SELECT/ENTER key. The
display should read “OP 0”. The default menu is the numeric menu. To choose the
alphanumeric menu, press the DOWN key to select OP 99. Press the SELECT/ENTER key,
the display should read “to OP”. Press the UP key. The display should read “run”. You are
now in the alphanumeric menu mode.
To change a parameter using the numeric or alphanumeric menus, select the parameter
to be changed from the menu, press the SELECT/ENTER key. The parameter’s present
setting will now be displayed. You can change the setting by pressing the UP or DOWN key.
To store the new setting, press the SELECT/ENTER key, the display will return to the menu.
Table 2.1 Numeric and Alphanumeric Menu Items:
OP 0 run Press the SELECT/ENTER key to exit the
OP 2 Func Select Operating Mode (see pages 34-37) 21 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
OP 3 tCrLY Selects which relay will assert
OP 4 tCrdL Sets the delay time before Tap Change
OP 5 tCrLt Sets duration of time the Tap Change
OP 6 dHF-L Selects which visit to the Draghand
OP 10 LtCLr Low Tap Alarm Clear CL
OP 11 HtCLr High Tap Alarm Clear CL
OP 15 rL Lt Sets low relay limit tap -16 Any valid tap
OP 16
OP 17 rL Ht Sets high relay limit tap +16 Any valid tap
OP 18
Function: Default
Program mode
momentarily, after each tap change
0.0 0.0 to 9.9
Acknowledge Relay turns on (Seconds)
0.0 0.0 to 9.9
Acknowledge Relay stays on (Seconds)
LASt “FirSt”, “LASt”
positions (first
the day counters
Selects which relay will assert when the
“Low Tap” alarm limit is reached
Selects which relay will assert when the
“High Tap” alarm limit is reached
time or last time) will begin
OP 19
OP 20
OP 21
OP 22 nEu Number of neutral taps 1 0 to 8
OP 23 n St Sets lowest neutral tap 0-1 Any valid tap
OP 27 S Pt Sets present tap position 0 Any valid tap
OP 28 L Pt Loads present tap position into memory Ld
OP 29 dSPrL Enables display of “r” or “L” in Function
OP 30 CAL E Enables analog output Calibration Mode OFF On or OFF
OP 31 L CAL Forces the analog output to its lowest
OP 32 H CAL Forces the analog output to its high scale
OP 33 d CAL Forces the analog output to its mid scale
OP 34 t CAL Forces the analog output to alternate
OP 39 dOG t Forces a Watchdog Reset (Factory use
OP 40 LED t Display LED Test: Turns on all LED’s -
OP 41 rS t RS-232 Echo Test: Re-transmits characters
OP 42 InCAL Calibrates synchro input circuitry CAL
OP 43 rLY t Relay Test: UP and DOWN keys toggle
OP 50 dSPbL Causes the display to go blank after 60 sec. OFF On or OFF
OP 51 SEr Serial Communication Mode:
OP 53 Aut25 Auto-Reset after “FA 25” Loss of Synchro
OP 54
OP 55 ttCLt Sets Total Tap Change counter alarm limit
OP 56 ttrLY Selects which relay will assert when the
OP 57 ttPrE Presets the Total Tap Change counter in
OP 58 ttdtE Total Tap Change counter reference date
OP 59 ttCdS Displays Total Tap Change Count and
Function: Default
Displays absolute synchro position in
degrees with one decimal place resolution
Number of taps 33 2 to 40
Degrees per tap 10.000 -99999 to +99999
OP 90 1dCLt Sets the limit for number of consecutive
OP 91 1drLY Selects which relay will assert when the
OP 92 1ddIS Displays the number of days since the
OP 93 1dCLr Clears “One Direction Change” alarm CL
OP 99 tO OP Toggles between Numeric and
Function: Default
counter & alarm
2 2 to 30
tap changes in One Direction
“One Direction Change” limit is reached
“One Direction Alarm” was asserted
Alphanumeric menus
Figure 2.1 Simplified Programming Flowchart
2.2 Serial Port Programming - ASCII:
These commands require either the RS-232 (-S) or RS-485 (-M) hardware option. To use
the serial port programming commands, connect a computer terminal to the serial port cable. The
terminal must have the proper Comm port settings to communicate to the 1250-LTC (see Sections
3.3 and 3.4, pages 46 - 47). See Table 2.2 for a full listing of all Serial Programming Commands
and syntax. At the command prompt, type a command followed by the new parameter setting,
using proper syntax as shown in Table 2.2. Typing the command only, without a new para-
meter setting, will cause the 1250-LTC to transmit the present setting for that parameter.
Table 2.2 Serial Programming ASCII Commands:
◊=space ª=enter
Command Syntax: Function: Explanation:
SETUPªEnter the Setup Mode This command must be entered before
any other commands can be made.
EXITªRe-starts the serial connection Changes to comm. port settings will take
RUNªReturn to the Run Mode Changes to settings will take effect
DISPªDisplays all setup parameters Each setup parameter command is dis-
played with the current value following it
DUMPªDisplays all measured LTC
(See Figure 2.2, page 17)
POSªDisplays present Tap #, synchro
position (in degrees) and current
On-Tap deviation degrees
DHLRST Low Draghand Reset Draghand value becomes present tap
DHHRST High Draghand Reset Draghand value becomes present tap
LTCLRªClears Low Tap Alarm Also resets “Days Since Alarm” counter
HTCLRªClears High Tap Alarm Also resets “Days Since Alarm” counter
Segmented modes See Section 2.4, page 34-37 for details
Selects which relay will assert
momentarily after each tap
Sets the delay time, in seconds,
before the ACK relay asserts
Sets the duration, in seconds,
that the ACK relay remains on
Selects which visit to the
Draghand position to begins the
day counter
Set Low Tap alarm limit n= an integer, any valid tap number
Selects which relay is associated
with the Low Tap alarm
Set High Tap alarm limit n= an integer, any valid tap number
Selects which relay is associated
with the High Tap alarm
Set number of taps n= an integer from 2 to 40
Lists: Total tap change count, Days since
Pass-Through-Neutral, High & Low
Draghand positions, Change Up-To and
Down-To counts for each tap, Maximum
On-Tap deviations for each tap, etc…
Reads Tap #, 0.0 to 359.9 degrees, with
one decimal place of resolution
Press ª (enter) to exit
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert momentarily after each tap change
n= a number from 0.1 to 9.9 with one
decimal place resolution
n= a number from 0.1 to 9.9 with one
decimal place resolution
Choose “FIRST” or “LAST” visit.
The number of days since the LTC
visited that extreme position the first or
last time
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
LEDTESTªTurns on all display segments Press the enter key to stop the LED test
INCALªSelf-calibrates the input circuitry Outputs “Pass” or “Fail” calibration
RLYTESTªForces Hi / Lo relay output to
RESET25ªManually clears the “FA 25”
RESET27ªManually clears the “FA 27”
Set degrees per segment n= a floating point number, 5 digits max,
average number of degrees between taps
Set number of neutral taps n= an integer from 0 to 8
Set lowest neutral tap number n= an integer, any valid tap number
Set present tap position n= an integer, any valid tap number
Load present tap pos. into memory
Enables the display of “r” (raised)
and “L” (lowered) tap numbers
Must be done for SETTAP to take effect
“ON” or “OFF” When enabled causes
the display to show “r” and “L” in
function modes 20 and 21 only
Enter analog calibration mode, the
1250 analog output will be forced
to Low / Mid / High signal output
Forces a Watchdog Reset This command is for factory use only.
Press the space bar to toggle between
Low / Mid / High analog output. Press the
enter key to stop calibration
Press the Space Bar to toggle between
Enables the display blanking
Lo or Hi relay Press ª (enter) to exit
“ON” or “OFF” When enabled causes
the display to go blank after 60 sec.
Set serial communication mode 0=Serial Disabled, 1=Data Logger
Mode, 2=Polled Mode,
3=Sampled Mode,
4=Serial Command Mode, 5= Reserved,
6=MODBUS Mode, 7=Remote Display
Enables automatic reset of the
“FA 25” Loss of Synchro Signal
Error (page 50)
Selects which relay is associated
with the “FA 25” Error
“ON” or “OFF” When “ON”, the
“FA 25” alarm will automatically reset
when the condition clears
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the FA 25 Error is active
When AUTO25 is “OFF”, manually
Sets the Total Tap Change count
alarm limit in THOUSANDS
Selects which relay is associated
with the Total Tap Change count
clears the alarm and opens the relay
n= a number from 0.00 to 999.99 with
two decimal place resolution
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
Presets the Total Tap Change
and clears the alarm
Sets the Total Tap Change
counter reference date
Enables automatic reset of the
“FA 27” Unstable Synchro
Signal Error (page 50)
Selects which relay is associated
with the “FA 27” Error
n= a number from 0.00 to 999.99 with
two decimal place resolution
mm-dd-yyyy = Month <hyphen> Day
<hyphen>Year (4 digits)
“ON” or “OFF” When “ON”, the
“FA 27” alarm will automatically reset
when the condition clears
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the FA 27 Error is active
When AUTO27 is “OFF”, manually
clears the alarm and opens the relay
Command Syntax:Function: Explanation:
Sets the On-Tap guard band
limit in DEGREES
Selects which relay is associated
with the On-Tap alarm
OTDVTNªDisplays the tap with the greatest
On-Tap Deviation
Sets the On-Tap reference date
OTCLRªClears the On-Tap alarm Data is retained, the alarm is cleared
OTRSTªResets all On-Tap logs & alarm All On-Tap data is erased, alarm cleared
Sets the alarm limit for the
number of changes “Up-To”
and “Down-To” any tap
Selects which relay is associated
with the “Up-To / Down-To”
Change alarm
Sets the Up To / Down To
Change counter reference date
UPDNCLRªClears an active Up-To or
Down-To Change alarm
UPDNRSTªResets all Change Up-To and
Down-To counters and alarm
Set comm. port settings: baud
rate, word length, parity, stop
bits, and address
SITEID◊Abcd-Xyz & 123ª
Identifies installation site on the
“DUMP” header
Sets the alarm limit for the
number of DAYS without a
“Pass Through Neutral”
Selects which relay is associated
with the “Pass-Through-Neutral”
PTNRSTªResets the “Pass-Through-
Neutral” counter & alarm
Sets the alarm limit for the
number of consecutive tap
changes in One Direction
Selects which relay is associated
with the “One Direction” alarm
1DTCCLRªClears a “One Direction” alarm
Set the keyboard button menu
n= a number of degrees from 0.0 to 99.9
with one tenth degree resolution
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
Displays Tap Number and Deviation
yyyy = Month <hyphen> Day
<hyphen>Year (4 digits)
n= a number from 0.00 to 999.99 with
two decimal place resolution
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
mm-dd-yyyy = Month <hyphen> Day
<hyphen>Year (4 digits)
If a tap with an Up-To or Down-To Change
counter exceeding the programmed limit is
re-visited, the alarm will re-activate
All Up-To and Down-To counters are reset
to zero and an active alarm is turned off
2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200,
28800, 38400, 57600, 76800 baud
w=7 or 8 bit word
p=n, E, O
s=1 or 2 stop bits
a= 0 to 255
40 ASCII Characters – Upper / lower case
letters, numbers, punctuation marks
n= a number from 0.0 to 365.0 with one
decimal place resolution
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
n= an integer from 2 to 30, OFF
Choose “OFF”, “LO” or “HI” relay to
assert when the alarm limit is reached
“1” = Numeric “OP” menu or
“2” = Alpha-numeric menu
Provides on-line help on the
specific command entered or
lists all available commands
An explanation of a command and the
proper entry syntax is given. If no
command is entered, all commands will
be listed with syntax but no explanations
To prevent accidental or unwanted changes to the program parameters, a jumper wire
may be installed across terminals 3 & 4. With this jumper installed, the numeric menu will
read “EP nn” instead of “OP nn”. All parameters can be viewed but no changes can be made.
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