Inada Chair HCP-9101A Operating Instructions Manual

Thank you for purchasing the Inada Chair AAA. You can enjoy various types of massage for relieving or soothing fatigue. We hope the Inada Chair AAA will be a valued partner in your daily health preservation for many years to come.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ·················· 1
MAIN FEATURES ······························4
BEFORE USE ······································7
POSITION ADJUSTMENT ············· 11
PROGRAMS & SELECTION ·········· 17
PRESET PROGRAMS ······················19
MANUAL SELECTION ···················21
TROUBLESHOOTING ····················25
FAQ ····················································27
CARE AND STORAGE ····················29
SPECIFICATIONS ··········Back Cover
Please read this Operating Manual before use.
Keep this Operating Manual nearby so that you can refer to it anytime.
This product is designed for home use.
Operating Manual
Warranty card provided separately
Be sure that you have read these SAFETY PRECAUTIONS thoroughly before using your Inada Chair AAA for the first time. The Operating Manual contains important information about how to use the chair safely and correctly, avoiding possible damage to property or injury to the users of the chair and others. First of all, you should understand well the meaning of the indications and symbols described below, which are used throughout the Operating Manual to highlight important safety instructions. Please adhere to all precautions. Descriptions of each chair component can be found on pages 5-6.
Types of Indications
This action cou ld result in serious injury or deat h.
This action cou ld result in personal injury or dam age to property.
Types of Symbols and Description
Prohibited (The s ymbol on the left means "Do not d isassemble.")
Required Act ion (The symbol on the left m eans "Unplug the chair.")
Remember to keep this Operating Manual in an easily accessible place.
Safety Precautions: Installation
Do not install the chai r in an area of high humid ity,
such as a bath room or sauna.
Could result i n electric shock o r damage to the chair.
Required Action
Install on a flat, level s urface only.
Chair could ti p over accidentally if plac ed on an uneven surfac e.
Safety Precautions: Before Use
Space Requirements
This produc t must be grounded . If it should malfunc tion or breakdown, grou nding provides a path o f least resistance f or electric cur rent in order to reduce th e risk of elec tric shock. This pr oduct is equippe d with a cord having an equi pment-grounding cond uctor and a groundin g plug. The plug must be plu gged into an appropri ate outlet that is prope rly installed and gr ounded in accordance wi th all local codes and or dinances.
• Improper con nection of the equ ipment-grounding cond uctor can result in t he risk of electri c shock. Check with a q ualified electr ician or servicema n if you are in doubt as to whe ther the product is p roperly grounded . Do not modify the plu g provided wi th the product if i t will not fit the outl et; have a proper outlet i nstalled by a qualif ied electric ian. This product is for use on a nom inal AC 120 V circuit and has a ground ing plug that looks like t he plug illustrated i n the figure to the right. Make sur e that the product is co nnected to an outle t having the same conf iguration as the plug. N o adapter should be used wit h this product.
The following perso ns must not use this mass age chair:
Persons who hav e been instructe d by a doctor to avoid mass age therapy. Ex. Thromb osis, severe aneurism, ac ute varicosity, or der matitis and/or skin infe ction including in flammation of the hyp odermis. ◎Persons wit h suspected acute n eck sprain (whiplash inju ry)
Required Action
Persons wi th any of the following cond itions should seek me dical advice befor e using the chair:
Serious hea rt conditions ◎Sensor y impairment cause d by serious peripher al circulatory dis orders due to diabete s and other diseases ◎Osteopo rosis, spinal fract ures, acute pain and/or sy mptoms thereof ◎Persons bei ng treated for perso nal injuries ◎High fever (100°F o r higher) Ex. Strong acute i nflammation illne ss caused by fa tigue, chills, blood pr essure fluct uation, or asthenia ◎Persons in th e early stages of pre gnancy, or immediately af ter giving birt h ◎Persons who hav e an implanted el ectronic medic al device(s) easily suscepti ble to electromagn etic interferen ce Ex. pacemaker ◎Abnormal or c urved spine ◎Persons plan ning to use the chair for t he massage of the body p art which is/was un der medical treatme nt ◎Persons wit h malignant tumor(s) ◎Persons und er bed rest orders ◎Persons with acute ga stro-intesti nal complaints or ailmen ts such as gastrit is, enteritis, or hepat itis ◎Persons und er a doctor's care, or th ose experiencing u nusual physical discomfor t ◎Joint dysf unction due to rhe umatism, gout, or other di seases ◎Persons wit h symptoms such as qualm, d izziness, or tinni tus ◎Inflammat ion due to rheumatism, g out, or other disease s ◎Persons wit h thecitis or suspe cted thecitis
Elderly people and persons with weak bones should seek medical advice before using the chair, even if they do not have a specific disease.
If your condition does not i mprove after use, consu lt a doctor or specia list.
Do not drop or insert a ny object into any openin g.
To d isconnect, switc h all controls to the of f position, then remove pl ug from outlet.
Do not use the chair with a ny other power so urce than AC 120 V.
May result in f ire or electric s hock.
Do not use with any type of t ransformer device.
May result in dama ge to the chair or elec tric shock.
Do not use the chair, if the power co rd or plug is damaged, or i f the wall outlet connec tion is loose.
May result in ele ctric shock, sh ort circuit, or com bustion.
Never operate the applian ce with the air opening s blocked. Keep the air ope nings free of lint, hai r, and the like.
May result in f ire.
Before each use, check f or holes or tears in the c hair covering. Also, check t he other parts for tea ring. Stop using the chai r
immediate ly if you find even the smal lest tear. Unplug the chair an d contact the vendor for a ssistance.
Using the chair w ith holes or tears in th e covering could result in i njury or electr ic shock.
Do not operate under bla nket or pillow.
May result in bur ns, fire, elect ric shock, or injur y to persons.
Do not use outdoors.
May result in bur ns, fire, elect ric shock, or injur y to persons.
Do not operate where aero sol (spray) products ar e being used or where ox ygen is being adminis tered.
May result in bur ns, fire, elect ric sock, or injur y to persons.
Safety Precautions: Before Use
Required Action
Before plugging the p ower cord into the wall outl et, make sure that the main P OWER switch is se t to OFF.
May result in dama ge to the chair or elec tric shock.
Make sure that the plugs o n the power cord are inser ted fully into the cord c onnector and the wall o utlet.
May result in ele ctric shock, sh ort circuit, or com bustion.
Before using the chai r for the first time, tu rn on all the switches in o rder as indicated in th is Operating Manual to c heck that the
chair is op erating properly.
Before using, raise t he reclining seat to its f ully upright posit ion. Then recline the sea t back slowly to the most com fortable
position, r emembering to star t off with a lighter ma ssage.
Starting w ith a deep massage may hu rt a user. Elderly peopl e and persons with weak b ones should be espec ially careful when s electing massa ge intensity.
For the safety, sit down in the c hair slowly without tu rning or twisting t he body to ensure that the s pinal rollers are p laced at
either sid e of the spine.
Do not sit, stand, or lean o n the leg rest unless you ar e sitting in or getti ng up from the chair.
Personal inj ury or damage to the chai r may result if the chair tip s over.
If you use the chair afte r it has not been used for a lon g time, read this Operati ng Manual again thoro ughly and check if the c hair
operates pr operly.
Do not use the chair in any way not p rescribed by the Ope rating Manual. Do not use t he chair together with a ny other therapeutic
device or wit h an electric blanke t.
May result in inj ury or have a negative ef fect on health.
Do not move the chair while so meone is in it.
Accident or inj ury may result if the cha ir tips over.
Do not sit down on the chair w ith the leg rest raised .
Any sudden, heav y weight on the leg rest co uld cause damage to the me chanism. Also, accident o r injury may result if th e chair tips over.
Do not use with anythin g other than the accessor ies supplied with thi s product.
Safety Precautions: During Use
Do not wrap the power cord or t he remote control cord ar ound your body, or place the ch air on top of either cord. D o not scratch,
tear, treat, undu ly twist, stretch o r bend the power cord or the re mote control cord.
The cords may be da maged, resulting in f ire or electric s hock.
Do not spill water and/or othe r liquids on the chair, remo te control, cord or plug.
May result in ele ctric shock, sh ort circuit, or com bustion. Contac t the vendor for repair s.
Keep the cord aw ay from heated s urfaces.
May result in ele ctric shock, sh ort circuit, or com bustion.
Children and those wh o are unable to express i ntention should not use t he chair. It is advisable to kee p children and pets o ff the
chair and away f rom the surroundi ng area (especially behi nd the reclining seat b ack or under the seat or leg r est). Children aged 14 years or over may use on ly the Youth Program. In such a c ase, an adult must attend t he child.
Could result i n accident or injury.
Close supervis ion is necessary whe n this appliance is us ed by, on, or near chil dren, invalids, or dis abled persons.
Could result i n accident or injury.
Do not use the chair whil e your body is wet, or with wet ha nds.
Could result i n electric shock o r damage to the chair.
Do not use the chair if the cove ring is torn. If it is, unpl ug the power cord from the w all outlet.
Could result i n accident, injury or e lectric shock . Contact the vendor f or repairs.
Be careful not to get han ds, feet, or objects c aught between the un its of the leg rest or bet ween the leg rest and the c hair. Be
carefu l not to get hands, feet, or ob jects caught bet ween the units of the arm rest or between the ar mrest and the chair.
Accident, per sonal injury or dama ge to the chair may result if h ands, feet or objec ts are caught.
Do not release hands su ddenly while lift ing the leg rest by hand.
Required Action
Make sure no one, especia lly children or pets, i s in the way when reclini ng the seat back or lowering t he leg rest down. Be care ful
that peopl e and/or objects are not c aught behind the seat b ack or under the leg rest .
Do not use the chair uncl othed.
Do not use the chair for pu rposes other than mass age, or other than the ordi nary uses of a chair.
Could result i n accident or injury.
Do not use the chair to mass age the head, chest, stom ach, and/or joints (knees, e lbows). Do not place hands, feet , or arms in
between th e rollers.
May result in naus ea or injury. Place a sof t towel behind your neck if y ou want to avoid intense sti mulation of the area.
Do not place hands or feet i nto the roller track s, into the space between t he seat back and the seat or in to the moving parts. Do
not sit weari ng hard objects, suc h as hair accessories, ne cklace, watch, bracele t, or ring.
May result in per sonal injury.
Do not place anything ot her than legs and feet on t he leg rest.
May result in per sonal injury.
Do not place anything ot her than hands in the hand m assage unit. Do not plac e anything other than s houlders in the shou lder
massage un it.
May result in per sonal injury.
Do not operate the massag e chair or leave it operatin g when there is no one in it.
Could result i n accident or injury.
Safety Precautions: During Use
Required Action
In an emergency, or if you f ind any abnormal condit ion, push the EMERGENCY STOP bu tton on the remote contro l to stop
operation i mmediately.
If you get acute pain or other u nusual physical dis comfort while usi ng the chair, immediately d iscontinue the use of th e chair and
seek medic al advice.
If you feel the massage is to o strong, reduce the sti mulation according to t his Operating Manua l. If this solution does no t work,
stop using a nd contact the vendor.
May result in inj ury if you continue us e with high stimulati on under such circums tances.
Make sure to keep the back pad i n place during massag e. Do not use the chair witho ut the back pad.
May result in per sonal injury.
Do not fall asleep in the ch air during a massage s ession.
May result in per sonal injury.
Keep massag e sessions to no more than 15 minute s in length. Do not exceed f ive minutes for area spec ific massage of any
partic ular part of the body.
Continuous u se for extended pe riods of time can resu lt in over-stimulation, whi ch could cause the opp osite of the desired ef fect, or even inj ury. The total
amount of time f or a daily massage shoul d be limited to about 30 minu tes keeping appropr iate intervals bet ween each massage ses sion.
* Children a ged 14 years or over may us e only one session of the Youth P rogram a day.
If your leg or foot comes out of t he leg rest during the m assage, do not try to forc e it back in.
Undue force may re sult in damage to the mecha nism.
If your hand comes out of the h and massage unit duri ng the massage, do not try to f orce it back in.
Undue force may re sult in damage to the mecha nism.
the chair
If there is a power outage or t he possibility of a po wer outage, sto p operation immediate ly and turn the main POWER swi tch to
OFF. Unplug the power plug fro m the wall outlet.
Accident or inj ury may result if the cha ir is still in operati ng mode when the power resu mes.
If there is a threat of lig htning, stop operatio n immediately and turn t he main POWER switch to OFF. Unplug the power plug f rom
the wall outl et.
If an operation does not s tart, or if you find any a bnormality, stop the ch air immediately and tu rn the main POWER switch to OFF
to prevent an acc ident. Unplug the power pl ug from the wall outlet . Contact the vendor for i nspection or repa irs.
Electr ic shock or fire cau sed by a short circui t may result if the chair is l eft plugged in und er such circumstan ces.
Safety Precautions: After Use or When Not in Use
Required Action
Be sure to turn the main POWER sw itch to OFF after every use an d to unplug the power plug fr om the wall outlet.
Accident or inj ury may result if child ren or pets play with th e chair.
After using the chai r, b e sure to return the rec lining seat back to its up right position and lowe r the leg rest to its lowest po sition.
Wipe the chair off af ter every use, and stor e the chair in a place free o f excess humidity.
Do not place any object on t he seat, reclining se at back, or leg rest.
the chair
Hold the power plug when un plugging from the wal l outlet. Do not pull on the p ower cord.
May result in ele ctric shock or f ire caused by shor t-circuiting.
When cleaning the cha ir, make sure to unpl ug the power plug from the w all outlet first. D o not plug or unplug the powe r plug
with wet hand s.
An appliance should ne ver be left u nattended when plug ged in. Unplug from outl et when not in use, and befo re putting on or
taking of f parts.
Could result i n accident, injury or e lectric shock .
If the chair is left un used for a while, be sure to u nplug it from the wall ou tlet.
Insulation de gradation by dirt o r moisture may cause el ectric shock, o r fire due to short-c ircuit.
Other Precautions
Do not stand on the chair. Do not ma ke a major impact or sit o n any part of the chair oth er than the seat.
Personal inj ury or damage to the chai r may result if the chair tip s over.
Do not
Do not try to repair any ma lfunction of the ch air. Contact t he vendor for assistanc e.
For the safety, if the power cor d is damaged, contact t he vendor for replaceme nt.
Do not modify or remo del the chair.
May result in f ire, electric sho ck, or injury.
Required Action
If you lend, sell, or other wise transfer the c hair to another part y, make sure to inc lude this Operating M anual.
Before disposing of t he product or its acc essories, consult you r local authorities a bout the proper proce dure.
Perfect size for an apartment
Full-Body Massage Function
The chair provides a roller massage from the neck to the lower back, and an air massage using the seat and foot units. Also, the shoulder massage air units provide a massage from the front, and the hand massage units give a pleasurable massage to your hands. All this in a compact size.
Optic sensors provide for
Automatic Shiatsu Point Locator Function
Automatically locates shiatsu points which vary from person to person. This allows for an effective massage that tailors itself to your size and shape.
Easy-to-see LED
Stylish Remote Control
An LED lights up for the selected program, making the buttons easy to understand and use. Also, the remote control semicircle area displays LEDs for the shoulder position search and operations inside the panel of the remote control.
Easy to adjust to the most comfortable position
Automatic Reclining Function
The seat back can be reclined to any angle between approx. 120° and 170° from the floor. The angle of the leg rest unit also can be adjusted up to approx. 90° according to your preference.
Relieve any kind of fatigue
Various Course Functions
Healthcare programs and wellbeing programs allow you to select the optimal program according to your purpose. Quick programs allow you to refresh yourself in a short period of time. And the manual selection mode allows you to combine functions to suit your particular needs.
Swing Function
The seat rocks to a rhythm that makes you feel like you are swinging in a hammock.
Full-Body Stretch Function
This function combines with the reclining of the seat back to extend your back muscles and stretch your body through twisting and bending. This full-body stretch thoroughly stretches your body both vertically and horizontally.
Back 3-D Mechanism
The intensity of massage can be adjusted with an air-actuated 3-D massage mechanism.
Shoulder Massage Air Unit Function
Enables an air massage from the front and also works in combination with the air cushions on the sides of the back to give a massage over a wide body area.
Youth Program and Senior Program
The Youth Program provides a low-stimulation massage for children aged 14 years or over. The Senior Program performs a slow shiatsu at the same time as the massage. These programs help make the entire household more healthy.
As a therapeutic massage device in the general households, the Inada Chair AAA provides the following benefits:
Relaxes muscles
Relieves minor muscle aches and pains
Thigh Air
Cushion x 2
Foot Air
Cushion x 10
Calf Air
Cushion x 6
Back Pad
Shoulder Massage
Unit (left)
Leg Rest
Calf Unit Foot Unit
Armrest (left)
Back Cover
Seat Back Folding Clasp
Reclining Seat Back
Hand Massage Unit (left)
Cord Connector
Power Cord
Shoulder Massage
Air Cushion x 4
Headrest (large)
Headrest (small)
Storage roller position is inside the upper part of the seat back.
Shoulder Massage Unit
Remote Control Holder
Hand Massage Unit (right)
Armrest (right)
Massage Air Cushion x 2 (left and right)
Seat Rear Air
Cushion x 2
Do not spill water and/or othe r liquids on the remote co ntrol.
Do not handle the remote con trol with wet hands.
Do not sit on the remote cont rol. Do not drop or step on the remote contr ol. Do not pull the remote control cord forc ibly.
Do not use pointed or ha rd objects to push the but tons. →May result in damage to the rem ote control.
Remote Control
Remote Control/Inside the Panel
Program Selection Display
When a program is selected inside the remote control panel, the corresponding light turns on.
Roller Position Display
The position of the roller during the massage is displayed.
Shiatsu Point Locator Indicator
A light indicates when the shiatsu point locator is operating and when the operation has finished.
POWER Button
Turns the remote control power ON and OFF. If the button is pressed again, the operation will stop after the rollers return to their storage position. The button is lit in green while the power to the remote control is ON, in orange while the power is OFF, and in red while the chair is stopped in an emergency.
Use this button to shut the chair off immediately in an emergency or if there is a malfunction during operation of the chair. The rollers will stop immediately.
Preset Program Buttons 1 (Healthcare Programs) →See P17
ROLLER-Position Adjustment Buttons
See P20
See P13
LEG REST Buttons
See P14
Use to adjust the angle of the leg rest.
Use to adjust the angle of the reclining seat back.
Use to adjust the shoulder position while the shiatsu point locator is operating, and to adjust the roller position during manual selection mode.
Selects the program with the corresponding name.
Basic Operation Buttons
See P23
Selects among basic massage operations such as Kneading, Tapping, or Rolling.
Air Massage Buttons
See P23
Selects among Shoulder, Arm or Low Body air massage.
* These 3 air massage types can all be selec ted
at the same time. Press the buttons repeatedly to adjust the air intensity.
Preset Program Buttons 2 (Quick Programs) →See P18
Selects the program with the corresponding name.
Preset Program Buttons 3 (Wellbeing Programs) →See P18
Selects the program with the corresponding name.
Intensity Buttons
See P24
Adjusts the basic operations.
This product is shipped with the reclining seat folded down. Before use, be sure to raise the seat back to its upright position until it makes a locking sound.
Do not expose the chair to sudden bursts of heat. If the room where the chair is to be used is cold, turn the heat up slowly. If the chair is moved from a cold place into a heated room, wait one hour before using the chair.
Condensation could occur in the moving parts of the chair, which may compromise performance.
Allow for at least 16 inch clearance behind the chair and 12 inch in front of the chair when installing, so as to be able to recline the seat back fully without obstruction. Keep at least 8 inch clearance to the left and right of the chair.
Do not insta ll the chair in an area of h igh humidity, such as a bath room or sauna.
Install on a f lat, level surface o nly.
Do not use in ar eas of high debris or du st content. Do not use wher e ambient temperatur e is 104°F or over.
Do not insta ll the chair where it ca n come into contact wit h direct heat, such as d irect sunlight o r a radiator.
To avoid damaging floor sur faces and to cut down on the noise of the c hair, it may be better to ins tall the chair on a carpeted sur face or to lay a piece of carpet under the chair. (Do not use an elec tric blanket.)
The chair is very heav y, so please be care ful when unloading it so as not to damage f loor surfaces.
Install the chair at least 39 inch away from TVs, radios, and/or other audio or video equipment. Otherwise they may make noises affected by the operation of the chair.
The load to the f loor per 0.16 inch² is approximately 5.0 lb, with a per son weighing 220 lb sitting on the chai r.
Checking the Supplied Items
Check that the chair and the other items are all in the package.
Buffer Pad (thin) Headrest (small)
Buffer Pad (thick) Back Pad Headrest (large)
Supplied Items 3
Supplied Items 2
Supplied Items 1
Left and Right Clearance Front and Rear Clearance
Approx. 8 inch
Approx. 12 inch
Approx. 16 inch
Shoulder Massage Unit
(left and right)
Operating Manual
(this document)
Leaflets AC Cord
Shiatsu Pad B x 2
Remote Control
120 inch
How to Raise and Fold the Seat Back
Method (1)
Method (2)
Method (3)
How to Move the Chair
Turn the main POWER switch to OFF and disconnect the plug from the wall outlet before moving the chair.
Do not move the cha ir while someone is in it .
Be sure to dis connect the power cord f rom the wall outlet bef ore moving the chair.
 →
The power cord may be damaged, r esulting in fire or elect ric shock.
Be careful not to pinch parts such as the power cord and remote control cable.
Raise up the seat back all the way until it is fully upright.
To raise the reclining seat back
Hold the top side of the reclining seat back and raise it
to its upright position until it makes a locking sound.
To fold the reclining seat back
To fold the reclining seat back:
Pull up the lever of the seat back folding clasp. ② Push the top side of the seat back toward the front and fold down the seat back.
To Carry
Moving Method (1) There are handles on the lower part of the armrests, to the front and rear. Two people should hold these handles to carry the chair.
Moving Method (2) Fully recline the seat back and carry the chair by holding the handles on the upper part of the back cover and the corners on the wheel side of the leg rests.
To Move with the Wheels
Moving Method (3) The chair is equipped with wheels to make it easy to move. Raise the reclining seat back to its upright position, hold the leg rests as illustrated, and then move the chair on the wheels by lifting and holding up the front part of the chair.
Remove the back pad, headrests (large) (small) and shoulder massage units (left and right)
Shoulder Massage Unit
Back Pad Headrest (large) (small)
How to Install and Remove the Shoulder Massage Unit
After installation, be sure to pull the unit to check that it is secure and does not come off.
The chair cannot be used while a shoulder massage unit is removed. Be sure to install before use.
Do not swing f rom, climb on or sit on the s houlder massage uni t.
 →
May result in accident or inj ury.
Before usi ng, be sure to pull the shou lder massage unit to che ck that it is secure and d oes not come off.
 →
May result in perso nal injury or damage.
How to Install the Back Pad and Headrest
Headrest (small)
(2) Install the headrest (small)
Headrest (large)
Align the velcro. Thread through the belt.
Headrest (large)
Back Pad
(1) Install the headrest (large)
Reclining Seat Back
Back Pad
Back Pad
How to Install the Shoulder Massage Unit
Insert the part of the shaft that projects from the shoulder massage unit into the hole on the side of the seat back and fully push it in. Install so that the air inlet is at the top. There are left and right shoulder massage units.
Release Button
Air Inlet (Small Projection)
Holding Part (Large Projec tion)
*The left side shoulder massage unit is shown in the figure
How to Remove the Shoulder Massage Unit
To remove the shoulder massage unit, follow the procedure below.
Push the shoulder massage unit straight against the chair.
While performing ①, press the release button.
While pressing the release button, pull out the unit.
How to Install the Back Pad
(1) Connect the back pad zipper to the zipper on the top
of the seat back.
(2) Fasten the back pad hooks to the seat hooks.
(Fasten on the left and right.)
Do not use the c hair for a massage if the ba ck pad is not installe d.
 →
May result in perso nal injury.
How to Install the Headrest
Two headrest types (small and large) are supplied with the chair. Perform (1) and then (2) to install the headrests to the chair.
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