Top 5 Reasons IMSI/Design is # 1
Discover the reasons why IMSI/Design has been in the lead in the
development of design software solutions for over a quarter century!
DoubleCAD™ XT and XT Pro
Bringing CAD users a choice! Discover XT Pro and its advanced drafting
& detailing. You can try out our XT version for free!
TurboCAD® 16 Designer, Deluxe & Pro
See the entire TurboCAD family of CAD design products for our exciting
new version 16 release!
TurboCAD® Mac v4 Designer, Deluxe & Pro
For performing CAD design on the Mac - no body else oers a family of
performance design products like our v4 series!
TurboFloorPlan® 3D Deluxe & Pro v14
Designing your dreamhome is easy using our full range of home design
& landscaping solutions. Available in Deluxe and Pro versions.
DesignCAD™ 3D Max & 2D v19
The perfect 2D or 3D CAD solution! Unleash your imagination and
creativity. Our intuitive interface will have you creating in minutes.
IDX® Renditioner
Powerful plug-in for Google™ SketchUp™ that provides high-quality
photorealistic rendering. It’s fast and easily!
© 2009 IMSI Design. All rights reserved. TurboCAD and the IMSI Design logos are trademarks of IMSI/Design LLC. All other brands, product names, logos, marks, copyrights and/or trademarks are the property
of their respective holders. All rights reserved. IMSI/Design and its agents reserve the right to change any detail of our product as well as correct any errors, inaccuracy, or omissions at the any time without
prior notice. We thank the following for providing some of the images used in developing TurboCAD’s packaging: Richard Brehm (members.shaw.ca/richardbrehm), H. J. Bayer (www.turbocad.de), Kai Sannes
(www.kaisannes.com), Milan Spinar (www.spinar.cz), Donald B. Cheke (www.textualcreations.ca), Stefaan Van der Donck, David Mullins, Arie Van Bracht.
#1 Best Selling CAD Software
Our trusted design solutions are available worldwide - now in over 30
countries and growing!
Twenty Five Years of Expertise in CAD
Nothing counts like experience when developing award-winning software
solutions and IMSI/Design has over a quarter century of success!
Outstanding Customer Service & Support
Our highly qualied technical support teams are dedicated to providing
customers with superior service via phone, email, or web!
Best Value in Design Software
Our wide range of design solutions bring you more advanced features
at better prices!
Guaranteed Satisfaction
There are no worries with our “no questions asked” return policy.
We’re not satised until you are!