Marine Bridge System Display
Marine Bridge System Display
Model # R20L100-MRA2
Hyper Dimming
Sunlight Readable
Anti-Corrosion & IP Proof
Wide Voltage Range Input
Touchscreen/ Protection Glass
Mult iscan F un ction
IP65 OSD Fornt Panel Design
Anti-Shock and Vibration
Mechanical Design Drawings
Front Vie w
Dimm ing kno b co ntrol b ackli gh t brigh tness fro m nearl y 0% to 100%
Tra nsfle ct ive fil m techn ol ogy enh ance vi si bilit y
IP65 a lumin um h ousin g with po wd er coat ing des ig n (IP54 r ear)
9 to 36V D C to DC pow er i nput ac cepta bl e
High q ualit y to uchsc reen / AR pr ot ectio n glass for o ption
PIP( pictu re i n pictu re) funct ion and m ulti-vi deo inp ut s
Ease o f use fro nt p anel OS D control
Enha nced sh oc k and vib ratio n re sista nce
Fro nt Pane l
Touch / G lass
Fro nt Beze l
Side Vi ew
(Op tiona l)
Wid e Voltag e Range P ower Mo dule
Inv erter B oard
Sca ling Bo ard
Pan el
(Op tiona l)
Modularized Construction
Touch C ontro ller
Met al Fram e
Rear Vi ew
TFT Characteristics:
Pixel Number
Pixel Pitch(RGB)
Contrast Ratio
Light Intensity
Viewable Angles
Active Display Area
Max Colors
1600 x 120 0
0.255 (H ) x 0. 25 5( V) m m
700:1( ty p. )
300 cd/m (typ.)
-89~89 (H ); -8 9~ 89 (V )
408.0 (H ) x 30 6. 0( V) m m
16.7M (8bi t/ co lo rs )
Input Signals:
RGB Signal
Composite Video
S-Video Signal
DVI-D Signal
DC Power Signal
AC Power Signal (Optional)
Touch Screen (Optional)
Remote via RS-232 (Optional)
Certification and Approvals : CE, FCC
D-SUB 15P connector(fema le )
RCA phono p lu g
S-Video (SVHS) plug
DVI-D inpu t 24 pi n co nn ec to r
Screw term in al b lo ck
Std IEC Inle t
D-SUB 9P connector (female )
D-SUB 9P connector (female )
Remote Control
9to36V DC
Terminal Block
for Touch
Bottom Vi ew
S-Vi deo
Com posit e
Note : this is a s im plifi ed draw ing and s om e compo nents a re not ma rk ed in det ail.
Plea se cont ac t our sal es repr esent at ive if yo u need fu rther p ro duct in forma tion.
User Controls:
Power On/Off via front button
VR Brightness Knob Control
Power Mode Status LED
On Screen Display control(OSD)
OSD Remote Control via RS-232
Power Specifications:
Power Supply Options
Power Consumption
9 to 36 V DC power supply with Terminal block (Default)
70 W typical, normal operation
Mechanical and Environmental:
Mechanical Mounting
Operating Temperature
Operating Humidity
* SAW touch for IP54
Available Options:
Touch Screen Options
AR Safety Glass Options
Transflective Options
AC power Options
Bracket Mounting Options
Panel (Flush) mount wi th IP65*, VESA, Bracket mounting
-10 to 55 deg.C (-20 to 60 deg .C for o ptional heating)
5% to 95% (non conde nsin g)
5Hz~500Hz / 1Grms/3 Axis
15G, 11ms d uraiton
SAW, 5 W ir e Re si st iv e
3mm Anti-re fl ec ti ve p ro te ct io n gl as s
Yes (E nh an ce V is ib il it y)
Yes (9 0 to 2 65 V AC p ow er i np ut )
Yes (O ne r ob us t br ac ke t ca n adjust from -10 to 30 deg .)
Note: All Specifications are subject to change without prior notice!
Revised Date : 03/15/2012
Marine Bridge System Display
Marine Bridge System Display
Mechanical Design with Robust Bracket (options)
Model # R20L100-MRA2
All Dimen si on s ar e 0. 5 mm
Note: this i s a si mp li fi ed d ra wi ng a nd s ome components are not ma rk ed i n de ta il . Pl ea se c on ta ct our sales represen ta ti ve i f yo u ne ed f ur th er p ro duct information.
Certification and Approvals : CE, FCC
Note: All Specifications are subject to change without prior notice!
Add h oles fo r brack ets on ba ck cove r
Spe c chang e
Extra char ge i s re qu ir ed f or b ac k co ve rs w ith bracket
holes for pr od uc ts p ur ch as ed b ef or e end of Nov. 08'
Spe c chang e
Rea sons
Revised Date : 03/02/2011
Rev ised Da te
Nov -17-0 8
Aug -06-1 0
Mar -02-11