Impulse R19L300-FHM1 User Manual

FLAT Chassis Monitor
Model Name
Viewable Size Image
Active Dis pla y Area(mm)
Pixel Pitc h(m m)
Number of Pi xel s
Display Co lor
Brightne ss( cd/ m )
Viewing Angle(CR>=10)
Synchron iza tio n Ran ge
Horizont al/ Vert ica l
Recommen ded R eso lut ion
Signal Con nec tor
Power Sour ce
Power Cons ump tio n
Power Mana gem ent
Plug & Play
Optional Video Input
Optional D VI In put
Optional Touch Screen
Remarks: R19 L30 0 ser ies = VGA In put only
R19L340 se rie s= VG A+Video Inp ut
R19L300- FHM 1
376.32(H ) x 3 01. 06( V)
0.294(H) x 0. 294 (V)
1280 x 102 4
1000:1(t yp. )
16.7M (8 b its /co lor s)
400(typ. )
-85~85(H );- 80~ 80( V)
31.5~80. 0KH z/6 0~7 5Hz
1280 x 102 4@6 0Hz , 75 Hz
15 pin D-S ub
AC100~24 0V, Un iversal, 10%
41W typic al, nor mal ope rat ion
VESA DPMS C omp lia nt
S-Video, Composite
Resistiv e,C apa cit ive
Mechanical Drawing
216 1±
189 1±
363 1±
52 1±
432 1±
200 1±
342 1±
432 1±
216 1± 189 1±
52 1±
100 1±
75 1±
181,5 1±
151,5 1±
151,5 1±
181,5 1±
52 1±
181,5 1±181,5 1±
140,5 1±
130,6 1±
125,5 1±
135,5 1±
26 1±
26 1±
37,5 1±
62,5 1±
37,5 1±
Note: t his is a simplifi ed drawing and so me compone nts a re not marke d in de tail.
Pleas e contact our sal es representa tive if you ne ed fu rther prod uct i nformati on.