Impulse R15L600-MRM2 User Manual

Marine Bridge System Display
Marine Bridge System Display
Model # R15L600-MRM2
Hyper Dimming
High Quality Panel
Anti-Corrosion & IP Proof
Wide Voltage Range Input
Touchscreen/ Protection Glass
Mult isc an Fu nct ion
IP65 OSD Fornt Panel Design
Anti-Shock and Vibration
Mechanical Design Drawings
Fron t View
IP66 Proof
Dimm ing k nob c ont rol b ack lig ht br igh tness from n ear ly 0% t o 100 %
High r eso lut ion 1 024 x 7 68 pa nel
IP66 a lum inu m hou sin g wit h pow der c oating design ( IP5 4 rea r)
24 V DC to D C pow er in put a cce pta ble ( Isolatio n Res ist anc e)
High q ual ity t ouc hsc ree n / AR pro tec tion glass for op tio n
PIP( pic tur e in pi ctu re) f unc tion and multi- vid eo in put s
Ease o f use f ron t pan el OS D con tro l
Enha nce d sho ck an d vib rat ion r esi stance
Fro nt Pane l
Touch / G lass
Fro nt Beze l
Side Vi ew
(Op tiona l)
Type App roved Prod uct
Wid e Voltag e Range P ower Mo dule
Inv erter B oard
Sca ling Bo ard
Pan el
(Op tiona l)
Modularized Construction
Touch C ontro ller
Met al Fram e
Rear Vi ew
TFT Characteristics:
Pixel Pitch(RGB)
Contrast Ratio
Light Intensity
Viewable Angles
Active Display Area
Max Colors
1024 x 7 68
0.29 7 (H ) x 0.297 ( V) m m
350: 1( typ.)
400 cd /m (typ .)
-75~ 75 (H);- 60 ~50 (V )
304. 1 (H ) x 228.1 ( V) m m
16.7 M (8 bit/c ol ors )
Input Signals:
RGB Signal
Composite Video
S-Video Signal
DVI-D Signal
DC Power Signal
AC Power Signal (Optional)
Touch Screen (Optional)
Remote via RS-232 (Optional)
C ertifica tio n an d A p p rovals : IE C 60 9 4 5 , DV N 2 .4, IA C S -E 10
D-SU B 15 P co nnect or (fe ma le )
RCA pho no p lug
S-Vide o (S VHS) pl ug
DVI- D in put 24p in c onn ec to r
Scre w te rmina l bl ock
Std IE C In let
D-SU B 9P c on necto r (f emale )
D-SU B 9P c on necto r (f emale )
DN V Typ e A pp ro v a l, CE , FC C
Cuto ut
Com posit e
S-Vi deo
24V DC
Terminal Block
for Touch
Remote Control
Bott om View
Note : thi s is a si mpl ifi ed dr awi ng an d som e com pon ent s are n ot ma rke d in de tai l.
Plea se co nta ct ou r sal es re pre sen tat ive i f you n eed f urt her product informati on.
User Controls:
Power On/Off via front button VR Brightness Knob Control Power Mode Status LED On Screen Display control(OSD) OSD Remote Control via RS-232
Power Specifications:
Power Supply Options
Power Consumption
24 V DC power supply with Terminal block (Default, Isolation Resistance),90 to 265V AC power supply 40 W typical, normal operation
Mechanical and Environmental:
Mechanical Mounting Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Anti-Vibration Anti-Shock * SAW touch for IP54
Available Options:
Touch Screen Options AR Safety Glass Options AC power Options Bracket Mounting Options
Panel (Flush) mount with IP66*, VES A, Bracke t mountin g
-10 to 55 deg.C (-20 to 60 deg.C for option al heatin g) 5% to 95% (non condensing)
5Hz~500Hz / 1Grms/3 Axis
15G, 11ms d uraiton
SAW, 5 W ir e Res is ti ve
3mm Ant i- refle ct ive p ro te cti on g lass
Yes (9 0 to 2 65 V AC po we r in put )
Yes (O ne r obu st b ra cke t ca n adjus t fr om -1 0 to 3 0 de g.)
Note: All Specifications are subject to change without prior notice!
Revised Date : 03/02/2011
Marine Bridge System Display
Marine Bridge System Display
Mechanical Design with Robust Bracket (optional)
Model # R15L600-MRM2
Note : th is is a sim pl ifi ed d ra win g an d some co mp one nt s are not m ar ked in de ta il. P le ase con ta ct our sa le s rep re se nta ti ve if you n ee d fur th er p rod uc t infor ma tion.
C ertifica tion an d A p p rova ls
D N V Ty p e A pp ro v a l, C E , F C C
Note: All Specifications are subject to change without prior notice!
IEC 60 9 4 5 , D V N 2.4, IAC S -E10
Type Appro ved Produc t
Add h oles fo r brack ets on ba ck cove r
Spe c chang e
1.2 Spec Change Jun-06-13
Extr a ch arge is r eq uir ed f or b ack c ov ers wit h br ack et
hole s fo r produ ct s pur ch ased be fo re en d of N ov. 0 8'
All Di me ns io ns a re 0.5 mm
Rea sons
Revised Date : 07/23/2011
Rev ised Da te
Nov -17-0 8
Mar -02-11