Impulse R12L600-CHM2-TR User Manual

Sunlight Readable LCD
Model N ame
Viewable S ize Image
Activ e Display Are a(mm)
Numbe r of Pixels
Contr ast Ratio
Displ ay Color
Brigh tness(cd /m )
Viewing Ang le(CR>=1 0)
Synch ronizati on Range
Horiz ontal/Ver tical
Recom mended Res olution
Signa l Connecto r
Power S ource
Power C onsumpti on
Power M anagemen t
Plug & Pl ay
Optio nal Video Input
Optio nal DVI Inpu t
Optio nal Touch Sc reen
Optio nal protec tion glass
ectio n rate < 0.5%)
Opera tion Temperatur e
Ambie nt li ght (nit) Brigh tne ss ga in(nit) Refle cta nce (net)(%)
Remar ks: R12 L600 serie s= VG A Inpu t only
R12L6 30 se rie s= VGA+Video Input
Spe cific ation s are sub ject to c hange w ithou t notic e. Ref lecta nce rat e will ch ange by L CD pane l ITO gla ss des ign and c oatin g ratio .
* Ave rage b right ness me asure d at cent er poin t under b right a fter en hance ment. Actu al numb er may de viate f rom thi s numbe r due to or ignal p anel' s brigh tness d eviat ion. **Ex pecte d brigh tness u nder di ffere nt amb ient en viron ment. Sim ulate d brigh tness n umber f or refe rence .
Outdo or re ada bility **
Mechanical Drawing
R12L6 00-CHM2T R
245.7 6(H) x 184 .32(V)
0.240 (H) x 0.24 0(V)(typ .)
1024 x 768
500:1 (typ.)
26214 4(6bit/c olors)
500(t yp.)
120(H ); 100(V)
31.5~ 60.0KHz/ 60~75Hz
1024 x 768@60Hz , 75Hz
15 pin D-Sub
AC100 ~240V, U niversal , 10%
20W ty pical, no rmal oper ation
VESA DP MS Compli ant
S-Video, Composit e
Resis tive, Cap acitive, SAW, IR
Optio nal
0 C ~50 C
Bri ghtne ss meas ure
Ang le
0 0
15, 000 30, 000 80, 000
1.0 % 0.9 %
500 620
0.8 %
Note: this is a simplified drawing and some components
are not marked in detail. Please contact our sales representative if you need further product information.