Chassis Monitor
12.1 "
Specificati ons
Model Name
Viewable Size Image
Active Dis pla y Area(mm)
Pixel Pitc h(m m)
Number of Pi xel s
Contrast R ati o
Display Co lor
Brightne ss( cd/ m )
Viewing Angle(CR>=10)
Synchron iza tio n Ran ge
Horizont al/ Vert ica l
Recommen ded R eso lut ion
Signal Con nec tor
Power Sour ce
Power Cons ump tio n
Power Mana gem ent
Plug & Play
Optional Video Input
Optional D VI In put
Optional Touch Screen
Remarks: R12 L60 0 ser ies = VGA in put o nly
R12L630 serie s= VG A+Video Input
R12L600- CHM 2
245.76(H )x1 84. 32( V)
0.240(H) x0. 240 (V) (ty p.)
700:1(ty p.)
262,144( 6bi t/c olo rs)
500(typ. )
-80~80(H );- 70~ 70( V)( typ .)
31.5~60. 0KH z/6 0~7 5Hz
1024x768 @60 Hz, 7 5Hz
15 pin D-Sub
AC100~24 0V, Uni ver sal, 10%
20W typica l, no rma l ope rat ion
VESA DPMS Com pli ant
S-Video, Composite
Resistiv e, Ca pac iti ve
Mechanical Dr awing
Note: this is a sim plified drawi ng and some compo nents
are not marked in d etail. Please c ontact our sale s
representat ive if you need fur ther product in formation.