Sunlight Readable LCD
Speci fications
Model Na me
Viewable Size Im ag e
Active D is pl ay Ar ea (mm)
Pixel Pi tc h( mm )
Number o f Pi xe ls
Contra st R at io
Displa y Co lo r
Bright ne ss (c d/ m )
Viewing Angle(C R> =1 0)
R10L60 0- OF P3 TR
211.2(H)x158. 4( V)
0.33 (H ) x 0. 33 (V )
640x48 0
700:1 ( ty p. )
16.2M ( 8b it s/ co lor)
540 (ty p. )
-80~80 (H ); -6 0~ 80 (V)
Synchr on iz at io n Range
Horizo nt al /Ve rt ical
Recomm en de d Re so lution
Signal C on ne ct or
Power So ur ce
Power Co ns um pt io n
Power Ma na ge me nt
Plug & Pla y
Option al Video I np ut
Option al D VI I np ut
Option al Touch Scr ee n
Outdoor readability **
Ambient light(nit)
Brightness gain(BL off)(nit)
Remarks:R10L600 series= VGA Input only
R10L630 series= VGA+Vid eo I np ut
Spe cific ation s are sub ject to c hange w ithou t notic e.
Ref lecta nce rat e will ch ange by L CD pane l ITO gla ss de sign an d coati ng rati o.
* :Ave rag e brigh tness m easur ed at cen ter poi nt unde r brigh t after e nhanc ement .
Actu al numb er may de viate f rom thi s numbe r due to or ignal p anel' s brigh tness d eviat ion.
**:Ex pecte d brigh tness u nder di ffere nt am bient e nviro nment .
Sim ulate d brigh tness n umber f or refe rence .
31.5~3 7. 5K Hz / 6 0~75Hz
640x48 0@ 60 Hz , 7 5Hz
15 pin D -S ub
AC100~ 24 0V, Universa l, 10%
15 W typ ic al , n or mal operatio n
VESA DPM S C om pl ia nt
S-Video, Comp os it e
Resist iv e, SAW, IR
Bri ghtne ss meas ure
Ang le
15, 000 30, 000 80, 000
1.0 0% 0. 90%
500 620
0.8 0%
Mecha nical Drawin g
Note : th is is a simpl ified dra wi ng and some c om ponen ts a re not mark ed i n detail.
Plea se c ontact ou r sales rep re sentati ve i f you need fu rther pro du ct inform at ion.
Reasons Revised Date
First release
Spec change
Spec change