Mobile Rugged Tablet PC
Intel Atom Dual Core N2800 1.86GHz
8.4”High Quality SVGA Resolution TFT-LCD Panel
Intel® Atom Dual Core N2800 1.86GHz with Intel® NM10 Chipset
1 x SODIMM, Max. 4GB DDR3-800 (Default 2GB)
4 wire Resistive Touch
Brightness up to 500 nit enhanced visibility
Alu-Mg Alloy Housing with Protective Rubber for MIL-810F Shock, Vibration and Drop Std.
Bulit-in Wireless / Bluetooth / and GPS module
Support 3G (optional)
6 cell, 5200mAh Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
Low Power consumption CPU only 3.5W
Mechanical Design Drawings
SD Card
RS232/ 422 /485
DC jack
Proce sso r
Syste m Chi pse t
Syste m Mem ory
LAN Con tro lle r
Stora ge
WLAN& Blu eto oth
Mechanical and Environment
Dimen sio ns (W x L x H)
Wei ght
Opera tio n Temperat ure
Opera tio n Hum idi ty
IP Pr oof
Mount ing
Vib ration
Certi tic ati ons
System Specification
Intel ® Dual Co re N2 800 1 .86 GHz
AMI Sys tem B IOS
Intel ® NM1 0 Chi pse t
1 x SO-DI MM, M ax 4G B DDR 3-800 (Defaul t 2GB )
10/10 0/1 000 M bps L AN
Defau lt 32 G SATA SSD(by mini P CIe i nte rfa ce, max.
up to 128 GB)
1 x Micro pho ne in , 1 x Lin e out
Wireless Communication
802.11b/g/n + 1T 1R cl ass Bluet oot h com bo ca rd
(Defa ult )
802.11b/g/n + 1T 1R cl ass Bluet oot h com bo ca rd
(Opti ona l)
Built -in 3 G mod ule
Based o n AEC -Q1 00 qu alified GP S chi pse t
• 50-ch ann els G PS
• Built -in L NA an d SAW filter
222 x 264 x 4 9.2 m m
2.0 Kg( w/o a cce sso ries)
-20 deg .C to 6 0 deg .C
10% to 90 % (no n con den sing)
VESA mou nt, Ve hic le mo unt
MIL-S TD- 810 F M51 6.5
MIL-S TD- 810 F M51 4.5
MIL-S TD- 810 F M51 6.5, 4 ft, Free to con cre te
CE, FCC C las sB, U L, MI L810F for Vibratio n /Sh ock
/ Drop / Temp.
(Opti ona l)
Note: this is a simplified drawi ng and so me comp onent s are not m arked i n detai l.
Please contact our sales repre senta tive if y ou need f urthe r produ ct info rmati on.
Display Specification
Pixel N umb er
Brigh tne ss
Touch (De fau lt)
: 800 x 600
: 500cd /m
: 4 Wire Re sis tiv e
I/O Connectors
Left I/ O Por t
Right I /O Po rt
Downs ide D ock ing
: 1 x SIM car d slo t
1 x LAN por t
1 x optio nal b arc ode r eader
: 1 x COM, 1x S D Car d
1 x Audio ou t, Mi c-i n Jac k
1 x Power I npu t Jac k
2 x USB
: 1 x docki ng co nne cto r
In front Control
Contr ol Bu tto n
LED ind ica tor
: 1x Menu K ey co ntr ol Br ightness ,
Volume a nd Ba tte ry St atus
: Power O n/ Off , Batter y , HDD Ac ces s , Wifi On / Off
Power Management
Power i nput
Power c onsumpti on
Batte ry
Batte ry Mark Ver.4. 0.1
Adapt er
: 19V DC
: 11W typ.
: Li-Io n battery 52 00mAh, 11.1V
: 5 hrs 30 mi ns
: 100-2 40V, 50-6 0Hz, 19V DC
Rea sons
Spe c chang e
Spe c chang e
Spe c chang e
Rev ised Da te
Agu -03-0 8
Nov -22-1 2
Jan -07-1 3
Note: All Specifications are subject to change without prior notice!
Revised Date:01/07/2013