Embedded & Industrial Motherboards
Micro-ATX Industrial Motherboard with Intel® 2nd/3rd Generation Core™ i7/ i5/ i3 Processor
Intel® Socket 1155 for 2nd/3rd Generation Core™ Processor
Intel® H61 Express Chipset
DDR3 1066/1333 MHz DIMM x 2, Max. 16GB
VGA x 2, LVDS Dual Independent Displays
Realtek RTL8111F x 2, Gigabit Ethernet x 2
COM x 13, USB 2.0 x 8
Launching in Q1
PCI-E [x16] x 1, PCI x 2, Mini Card x 1
Form Fa ctor Micro AT X
System M emory
Chipset Intel® H 61 Express Chi pset
I/O Chi pset Fintek 818 66D (5 C OM) + Fin tech 81216HD ( 8 COM) x 2
Ethernet Realte k RTL8 111F x 2, Gigabit Ether net, RJ -45 x 2
BIOS 64Mbi t Flash ROM, AM I BIOS
Wake On L AN Yes (WO L / PXE )
Watchdo g Timer 1~255 steps by s oftw are progr am
H/ W Statu s Monitoring
Expan sion Interface PCIe 2 .0 [x16] x 1, PCI x 2 , Mini Car d x 1
Battery L ithium batter y
Power Req uirement 24 -pin ATX c onnecto r x 1, 4-pin ATX 12V P ower connector x 1
Power Co nsumptio n
(Ty pica l)
Board S ize 9. 6" x 9.6" (24 4 mm x 244 mm)
Gross We ight 1.55 lb (0.7 Kg)
Operat ion Temperat ure 32°F ~ 140 °F (0°C ~ 6 0°C)
Stora ge Temperatur e -40° F ~ 185°F (-4 0 °C ~ 85°C)
Operat ion Humidi ty 0% ~ 90% R H, non-conden sing
MTB F (Hour s) 87,000
Chipset Intel® G raphics Media Acc elerato r
Graphi c Engine Intel® H D Graphic Suppor t, Dual independent Display
Output I nterface VGA x 2 , LV DS
Storage SATA 3.0G b/s x 3, CFast™ soc ket x 1
Serial P ort
Digita l I/O 8-bit Di gital I /O inter face (4-in /4-ou t)
Univers al Serial Bus USB 2.0 x 8, 4 por ts on mid-b oard, 4 ports on b ack panel )
PS/ 2 Port PS/ 2 Port ( Keyboard & Mouse) x 2
Audio Line-in, Mic-in, L ine-out
LGA1155 socke t for Intel® 2nd/3 rd Generation C ore™ i7/ i5/ i3/ P entium® /
Celero n® Proce ssors
DIMM x 2 , max. 16G B, DDR3 10 66/133 3 MHz, non-EC C
un-buf fered memory, Dual channel mem ory arch itectu re
Temperatur e Monito r on CPU /Syst em Voltag e Monitor o n Vcore/ 5V/V BAT/12V
Fan Moni tor on CP U/ Chassis
Intel® C ore™ i5-2390T, DDR 3 1333 8G B
Up to 1920 x 120 0 @75 Hz for VGA
Up to 1920 x 120 0 @60 Hz for LVDS
RS-23 2 on back pane l (COM1&C OM2) x 2,
RS-23 2/422 /485 with onbo ard box header x 2
RS-23 2 with onbo ard box hea der x 9
Packing List
COM Port Cable•
SATA Cable x 2•
I/O Shield•
Product CD •

Unit: mm
Ordering Information
Part Nu mber CPU RAM Fan/F anless Display Stora ge LVDS LAN USB RS-23 2 RS-232 /422/485 Expansion Slot Power Tem p.
IMBM-H61B-A10 S ocket DIMM Fan VGA x 2
SATA2 x 3
CFast™ x 1
18/2 4-bit GbE x 2 USB 2.0 x 8 11 2
PCIe [x 16] x 1
PCI x 2
Mini Card x 1
ATX 0°C ~ 60°C
Optional Accessories
USB 2.0 Cable•
LPT Cable•
CPU Cooler •
SATA Cable
COM Port Cabl e