In-Vehicle Embedded Controller Solutions
Railway Box PC With Onboard Intel® Core™ i5/ Celeron® M Processor
Front View
USB3.0 x 2
Audio Ou t
Antenna Hole
Intel® Core™ i7-3517UE or Celeron® 847E Onboard
EN50155 Certification
Isolation 1 x RS-422/485/ Power (OVP/ LVP/ SCP)
Isolation 6x Digital Input + 2x Digital Output
Wireless Solution: WiFi / 3G / GPS
Rugged M12 Connector for LAN/ Serial/ USB/ Power
COM x 2
Rear View
USB x 2
Power But ton
Processor Intel® C ore™ i7-3 517 UE up to 2.8 GHz, Int el® Celero n® 827E ,1.4 GHz
Chipset Intel® Q M77
System M emory DDR3 S ODIMM x 1, Ma x.8GB
Display I nterfa ce
Stora ge Device CFas t™ x 1, SATA 3 x 2 (Suppor t RAID 0,1)
Front I /O connector
Rear I/ O connector
Digita l Input
Digita l Output
Serial I nterface RS-4 85: isolation 3 000VDC ( Rear I/O )
Expan sion Slot PCIe M ini card x 2 ( WiFi / 3G / GPS) ( Option)
Indicator System L ED x 1
OS Suppo rt
Mounting Wall / Din-rail
Dimension —
Gross We ight —
Net Weigh t —
Power Supply
DC Input
DB-15 x 1 for VG A
DVI- I x 1
USB 2.0 x 2 ( M12), RS-232/42 2/485 x 1 (M12), G iga LA N x 2 (M12), VGA x 1
(DB-15), DV I-I x 1, Power butt on, CFast slot x 1, SI M slot x 1
Digita l Input x 6, Dig ital Out put x 2, USB 3 .0 x 2 (Type A), RS-2 32 x 2 (DB- 9),
RS-23 2/422 /485 x 1 (DB-9, I solation), Line -out x 1, Mic x 1, Power input
(18~75VD C) (M12)
Digita l Input x 6
Digita l Output x 2
USB 3.0 x 2 ( Type A)
RS-23 2 x 2 (DB-9 )
RS-23 2/422 /485 x 1 (DB-9, I solation)
Line- out x 1
Power inpu t (18 ~75VDC) ( M12)
Output C hannels: 2, sink ty pe
Output C urrent: Max. 2 00 mA per channel
On-st ate Volta ge: 24 VDC nom inal, open co llector to 3 0 VDC
Connec tor Type: 10-pin screw te rminal bloc k (6 DI point s, 2 DO points, DI
Source , GND)
Isolat ion: 3 KV o ptical isolation
WinCE 6 .0, Window ® XP Embedded,
Window X P, Windo w® 7, Window® Emb edded St andard 7, Linux F edora
DC 18~75V (M 12)
Over-volt age protec tion
Low-vol tage prot ection
Short c ircuit pro tection
Environment Test
Operat ion Temperature -40° C to 70°C
Altitude <2500meters
Salt Mis t Confo rms to EN5 015 5
Insulat ion Resis tance Confo rms to EN5 015 5
Voltage w ithstand
Mechani cal Ear th
Pollution Compl iant with : E N60721-3-5 st andard
EMC Complia nt with EN 50121 standard
ESD Confo rms to EN 50 155
Expan sion Slot PCIe M ini Card x 2
Radiate d Electromagnetic
Immunit y To Fast
Transient s Bursts
Surges Immunity
Conduc ted Disturbanc es
Induced B y RadioFrequen cy Fields
Emissio n Measure ment
Protec tion Against
Electr ical Hazards
Fire And Smoke confor ms to NF F 16101 for c ables and N F F 16102 for equipme nt
Shocks A nd Vibrations
Confo rms to EN 50 155/EN 50125-1, Tes t method EN 600 68-2-30 (vari ant 1):
Yearly aver age at 75 % HR , 30 days at 95 % H R, Occasiona lly at 100 % HR
Tropicalis ation and mist constraint s
-Con forms to EN 50155,
-Power s upply volt age range co nforms to Italian standa rd ST306158 0,6< U/
Un< 1,5
-Power s upply varia tion conforms to I talian SCMT 0 ,6<U/ Un<1,67 during 0,1sec
-Power s upply volt age switch ing (EN 5 0155 § 3.1.3) Class C 1: 100 ms (0.6 Un
during 100 ms of the bat tery at Un)
Confo rms to Sta ndard ST M-E-001
Accept ance criteria = R< 100 mΩ
Every me tallic par t accessible to th e user must be connecte d to the mecha nical
earth ( NF F 60100)
Radiate d immunity Test m ethod EN 6 1000- 4-3: The frequency r ange for the
tests s hall be done un til 2.4 GHz , and an att enuation o f 20 V/m.
Confo rms to Sta ndard ref erence : EN 5 015 5 (§ 10.2.7) / E N 50121-3-2
Fast tr ansient burst immu nity, Test meth od EN 6100 0-4- 4, ± 2,6 kV- re petitio n
frequen cy: 5 kHz, p orts re ferenced t o the batt ery: dire ct inject ion, other s ignals:
capacit ive coupling.
Stand ard refer ence : EN 50 155 (§ 10.2.6. 2) / EN 50121-3 -2
Surge immun ity, Test method EN 50155 (§ ), Waveform A :±1.8 kV ( 550µs , 5ohm) on the b atter y reference por ts, Wavefo rm B: ± 8.4 kV ( 0,05 µs -0 ,1
µs, 100 ohm) o n the batt ery refe rence por ts.
Test method E N 61000-4- 6, 150kHz-80 MHz 1kHz, 8 0%AM , 10 Vr ms
Conduc ted emissions St andard re ference : E N 50155 (§ 10.2 .8.2) / EN 501213-2
Radiate d emission, Test method E N 55011, Class A , 30MHz-230 MHz 40dBµV,
230M Hz-2.4GHz 47dBµV.
PD2 envi ronment as d efined in EN 50124
Over-Volt age degree (O V2)Rationa le : It is not acc eptable t o always expo rt the
constr aints on rolling st ock as othe r signalling s uppliers pr opose a solutio n into
a box.
Test method E N 61373 (random vibra tion), Operatin g test (dura tion > 10 min),
Frequen cy range = 5-150 Hz , 0,7 m/s2 (lo ngitudinal & transve rsal ax is), 1 m/s2
Test method E N 61373 (random vibra tion), Frequency r ange = 5-150 Hz, Test
with equi pment power ed down for 5 hr, 5,5 m/s2 (lo ngitudina l & transve rsal
Test method E N 61373 (random vibra tion), 50 m/s2 for 3 0 ms (longitudina l &
transv ersal ax is), 30 m/s 2 for 30 ms (vertical a xis), 3 shocks x 2 direc tions x 3
axes = 18 shoc ks