No DMA.................................................................................................................................................5
Single Channel DMA (Half Duplex Only).............................................................................................5
Full Duplex............................................................................................................................................. 5
FEATURES .................................................................................................................................................. 8
The Sealevel Systems ACB-104 provides the PC with one high-speed RS-232/530/422/485
synchronous/asynchronous port. The ACB-104 can be used in a variety of sophisticated communications
applications such as SDLC, HDLC, X.25, Bi-Sync, Mono-Sync, and high-speed asynchronous.
What’s Included
The ACB-104 is shipped with the following items. If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the
• (1) ACB-104 Adapter
• (1) DB-25 Cable Assembly
• (1) Nylon Hardware Kit
• Sealevel Software
Factory Default Settings
The ACB-104 factory default settings are as follows:
Base Address DMA Selection IRQ Electrical Specification
238 TX: 1 / RX: 3 5 RS-530/422
To install the ACB-104 using factory default settings, refer to the section on Installation.
For your reference, record installed ACB-104 settings below:
Base Address DMA Selection IRQ Electrical Specification
Sealevel Systems ACB-104 Page 1
Card Setup
Card Setup
The ACB-104 contains several jumper straps for each port, which must be set for proper operation.
Port Enable Disable
The ACB-104 can be enabled or disabled with switch position 8 on the DIP-switch. The port is enabled with the
switch ‘On’ or ‘Closed’ and disabled when ‘Off’ or ‘Open’.
Address Selection
The ACB-104 occupies 8 consecutive I/O locations. A DIP-switch (SW1) is used to set the base address for these
locations. The ACB-104 can reside in any I/O location between 100 and 3F8 Hex. Be careful when selecting the
base address as some selections conflict with existing PC ports. The following table shows several examples that
usually do not cause a conflict.
Address Binary Switch Settings
A9----------A0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
238-23F 1000111XXX Off On On On Off Off Off
280-287 1010000XXX Off On Off On On On On
2A0-2A7 1010100XXX Off On Off On Off On On
2E8-2EF 1011101XXX Off On Off Off Off On Off
300-307 1100000XXX Off Off On On On On On
328-32F 1100101XXX Off Off On On Off On Off
3E8-3EF 1111101XXX Off Off Off Off Off On Off
Figure 1 - Address Selection Table
The following illustration shows the correlation between the DIP-switch setting and the address bits used to
determine the base address. In the example below, the address 300 Hex through 307 Hex is selected. 300 Hex = 11
0000 0XXX in binary representation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 2 - DIP-switch Illustration
Note: Setting the switch ‘On’ or ‘Closed’ corresponds to a ‘0’ in the address, while leaving it ‘Off’ or ‘Open’
corresponds to a ‘1’.
The relative I/O address of the ACB-104 registers are as follows:
• Base+0 Channel A Data Port
• Base+1 Channel A Control Port
• Base+2 Channel B Data Port
• Base+3 Channel B Control Port
• Base+4 Board Control / Status Port
• Base+5 Reset TCIRQ
Sealevel Systems ACB-104 Page 2
Card Setup
Transmit Clock Header E5
Header E5 sets the input/output clock modes for the transmit clock (TXC). If the transmit clock is to be an input,
place the jumper to cover both pins. This board does not support transmit clock as an output.
RS-485 Mode Enable Header E4
E4 position ‘TE’ determines whether the RS-485 transmit driver is enabled by the Enhanced Serial
Communications Controller (ESCC) signal Request To Send (RTS) or always enabled. With the jumper installed ,
RTS enables the driver. Removing the jumper enables the driver regardless of RTS. This jumper should only be
installed if you are running the board in a multi-drop polled environment such as RS-485, and you have software
that knows how to ‘talk’ on the RS-485 bus. For normal point-to-point RS-530 and RS-422, remove this jumper.
E4 position ‘ED’ is used to control the RS-485 enable/disable functions for the receiver circuit and determine the
state of the RS-422/485 driver. The RS-485 ‘Echo’ is the result of connecting the receiver inputs to the transmitter
outputs. Every time a character is transmitted; it is also received. This can be beneficial if the software can handle
echoing (i.e. using received characters to throttle the transmitter) or it can confuse the system if the software does
not. To select the ‘No Echo’ mode select silk-screen position ‘ED’.
Electrical Interface Selection Headers E8 &E9
The ACB-104 has the ability to be used in either RS-232 or RS-530/422/485. This is selectable via two 24 pin DIPshunts at E8 & E9. Please use the following illustration to aid in the configuration of your electrical interface.
Headers E2 & E3 select Direct Memory Access (DMA) mode of operation. Each channel of the Enhanced Serial
Communications Controller (ESCC) will function in half duplex or full duplex DMA modes. Full duplex means
that DMA can be used for simultaneous transmit and receive. Half-duplex DMA means that you can either transmit,
or receive with DMA, but not simultaneously. The 85230 has two signals that correspond to DMA request signals,
WAIT/REQ and DTR/REQ. E2 corresponds to the SCC signal WAIT/REQ and E3 corresponds to DTR/REQ.
WAIT/REQ and DTR/REQ can be programmed to serve as DMA request lines (DRQ) by setting the appropriate
bits in Write Register 1 and Write Register 14 in the 85230. WAIT/REQ (E2) can be programmed for Transmit or
Receive DMA transfers and DTR/REQ (E3) can be programmed for Transmit Only
. For additional information on
the programming of the 85230 please refer to the Zilog ESCC Users Manual. Please note that each DMA channel is
selected by two jumpers. Only one DMA channel may be selected for each header block.
Note: If DMA is not used, remove all of the jumpers on E2 & E2 and remove jumper at E1
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
Figure 4 - DMA Selection Headers E2 & E3
Note: DMA Channel 2 can only be used if the floppy disk DMA drivers are turned off. Please refer to the toolkit
disk for software examples.
Sealevel Systems ACB-104 Page 4
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