SensorLex 8B Isolated Analog Signal Conditioning Products
Linearized Thermocouple Input Modules
8B modules are an optimal solution for monitoring real-world process signals
and providing high level signals to a data acquisition system. Each 8B47
module isolates, filters, amplifies, and linearizes a single channel of temperature
input from a thermocouple and provides an analog voltage output.
Linearization is accomplished using a four breakpoint piecewise linear
The 8B47 can interface to industry standard thermocouple types:
J, K, and T and has an output signal of 0 to +5V. Each module is cold-junction
compensated to correct for parasitic thermocouples formed by the
thermocouple wire and screw terminals on the mounting backpanel. Upscale
open thermocouple detect is provided by an internal pull-up resistor.
Signal filtering is accomplished with a three-pole filter optimized for time and
frequency response which provides 70dB of normal-mode-rejection at 60Hz.
One pole of this filter is on the field side of the isolation barrier for anti-aliasing,
and the other two are on the system side.
A special input circuit on the 8B47 modules provides protection against
accidental connection of power-line voltages up to 240VAC. Clamp circuits on
the I/O and power terminals protect against harmful transients.
The modules are designed for installation in Class I, Division 2 hazardous
locations and have a high level of immunity to environmental noise.
Interfaces to Types J, K, and T Thermocouples
Linearizes Thermocouple Signal
High Level Voltage Outputs
1500Vrms Isolation
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Transient Protection
Input Protected to 240VAC Continuous
120dB CMR
70dB NMR at 60Hz
Low Drift with Ambient Temperature
Accurate CJC -40°C to +85°C
UL Listing Pending
Mix and Match Module Types on Backpanel
Figure 1: 8B47 Block Diagram
For information call 800-444-7644

SensorLex 8B Isolated Analog Signal Conditioning Products
Input Range 0.1V to +0.5V
Input Bias Current 25nA
Input Resistance
Normal 50MΩ
Power Off 200kΩ
Overload 200kΩ
Input Protection
CMV, Input to Output 1500Vrms max
Transient, Input to Output
CMR (50Hz or 60Hz) 120dB
NMR 70dB at 60Hz
Accuracy See Ordering Information
Offset ±20ppm/°C
Gain ±75ppm/°C
Output, 100kHz 250µVrms
Bandwidth, 3dB 3Hz
Response Time, 90% Span 150ms
Output Range 0V to +5V
Output Protection Continuous Short to Ground
Transient ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
Cold Junction Compensation
Accuracy, 25°C ±0.5°C
Accuracy, -40°C to +85°C ±1.5°C
Power Supply Voltage +5VDC ±5%
Power Supply Current 30mA
Power Supply Sensitivity ±100ppm/%
Mechanical Dimensions 1.11" x 1.65" x 0.40"
(h)(w)(d) (28.1mm x 41.9mm x 10.2mm)
Operating Temp. Range -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temp. Range -40°C to +85°C
Relative Humidity 0 to 95% Noncondensing
Emissions EN61000-6-4 ISM, Group 1
Radiated, Conducted Class A
Immunity EN61000-6-2 ISM, Group 1
R F Performance A ±0.5% Span Error
ESD, EFT, Surge, Voltage Dips Performance B
(1) 240VAC between + and / +EXC / EXC terminals. 120VAC between and +EXC / EXC terminals
and between +EXC and EXC terminals.
(2) Includes conformity, hysteresis and repeatability. Does not include CJC accuracy.
Typical at TA=+25°C and +5V power
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
Ordering Information
Input Range
8B47J-01 J 0°C to +760°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±1.82°C
(+32°F to +1400°F)
8B47J-02 J 100°C to +300°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±0.96°C
(148°F to +572°F)
8B47J-03 J 0°C to +500°C 0V to +5V ±0.21% ±1.05°C
(+32°F to 932°F)
8B47J-12 J 100°C to +760°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±2.10°C
(148°F to +1400°F)
8B47K-04 K 0°C to +1000°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±2.40°C
(+32°F to +1832°F)
8B47K-05 K 0°C to +500°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±1.05°C
(+32°F to +932°F)
8B47K-13 K 100°C to +1350°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±3.60°C
(148°F to +2462°F)
8B47K-14 K 0°C to +1200°C 0V to +5V ±0.24% ±2.88°C
(+32°F to +2192°F)
8B47T-06 T 100°C to +400°C 0V to +5V ±0.48% ±2.40°C
(148°F to +752°F)
8B47T-07 T 0°C to +200°C 0V to +5V ±0.39% ±0.75°C
(+32°F to +392°F)
Thermocouple Alloy Combinations
Standards: DIN IEC 584, ANSI MC96-1-82, JIS C 1602-1981
Type Material
J Iron vs. Copper-Nickel
K Nickel-Chromium vs. Nickel-Aluminum
T Copper vs. Copper-Nickel
Range Type
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