Impinj IPJRS1000 User Manual

Revision 1.0
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Indy® RS1000 Hardware User’s Guide

1 Indy® RS1000 Overview

Indy RS1000 is a completely integrated surface-mount RAIN RFID reader module. The Indy RS1000 surface­mount module improves on the Indy RS500’s capabilities with a significant increase in read performance. Existing Indy RS500 users will be able to quickly offer higher performance with their existing hardware due to RS1000's drop-in compatibility. It can be easily added to an embedded system, requiring only connections to a power source, digital communication with a host, and an antenna. The package design allows it to be attached to a PCB using standard surface mount technology (SMT), with no need for additional connectors or mounting hardware. The Indy RS1000 is the easiest way to embed RAIN RFID reader capability.
This document provides hardware developers technical guidance to ensure optimal performance when using the Indy RS1000. Details on the use of the Indy RS1000 Development Kit are also included.
Air Interface Protocol
RAIN RFID (EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Gen 2 / ISO 18000-63 (formerly 18000­6C)) Supports dense reader mode (DRM)
Tx Output Power
10 to 27 dBm
Operating Frequencies
IPJ-RS1000-GX (902-928 MHz) covers all 900 MHz bands worldwide
29 mm by 32 mm by 3.8 mm
Package Type
32 pin surface mount package (SMT compatible)
Rx Sensitivity
-75 dBm (1% packet error rate). Assumes a 15 dB antenna return loss at 27 dBm output power.
DC Power Supply
3.6 to 5.25 Volts
DC Power Consumption
3.5 Watts at 27 dBm output power and 5 Volt supply
3.6 Watts at 27 dBm output power and 3.6 Volt supply
Supported Regions
FCC and all equivalent regions supported.
Certified: FCC and Canada modular operation, RoHS compliant
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Indy® RS1000 Hardware User’s Guide
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2 Table of Contents

1 INDY® RS1000 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 1
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 TABLES .............................................................................................................................................. 2
3 RS1000 HARDWARE INTERFACE....................................................................................................... 3
3.1 POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 RF CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 UART COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 RESET PIN ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 HEALTH AND STATUS PINS .................................................................................................................. 6
3.5.1 Health Pin Behavior ................................................................................................................... 6
3.5.2 Status Pin Behavior ................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 GPIO PINS ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.7 WAKEUP PIN ...................................................................................................................................... 8
4 RS1000 LAYOUT AND COMPONENTS ............................................................................................... 8
4.1 PCB LAYOUT FOR RF ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 50 Ohm Characteristic Impedance ............................................................................................ 8
4.1.2 PCB Layout for Minimizing Interference .................................................................................. 10
5 RS1000 OPERATING MODES ............................................................................................................ 11
5.1 STARTUP BEHAVIOR ......................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 LOW POWER OPERATION .................................................................................................................. 12
6 REGULATORY GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................. 13
6.1 PRODUCT LABELLING ........................................................................................................................ 14
6.2 PRODUCT MANUALS ......................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 US REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.4 CANADIAN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 15
6.5 ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 16
6.6 MAXIMUM POWER EXPOSURE (MPE) AND USAGE LIMITATIONS .......................................................... 17
7 RELATED DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................ 17
8 DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ............................................................................................................... 18
9 NOTICES .............................................................................................................................................. 18

2.1 Figures

FIGURE 1 EXAMPLE RS1000 BLOCK DIAGRAM............................................................................................... 4
FIGURE 2 RS1000 NRST PIN CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ........................................................................................... 6
FIGURE 3 PCB TRANSMISSION LINE TYPES ................................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 5 RS1000 OPERATING MODE STATE DIAGRAM ............................................................................... 12

2.2 Tables

TABLE 3-1 HEALTH PIN BEHAVIOR ................................................................................................................. 7
TABLE 3-2 STATUS PIN BEHAVIOR ................................................................................................................. 7
TABLE 7-1 RELATED DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 17
TABLE 8-1 DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ........................................................................................................... 18
Indy® RS1000 Hardware User’s Guide
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3 RS1000 Hardware Interface

An example Indy RS1000 system-level block diagram for an embedded system is shown in Figure 1. This figure shows the electrical connections that may and must be made to control the RS1000. In the figure, the required connections are illustrated with solid lines. Recommended and optional connections are illustrated with different dotted and dashed line patterns. They are also listed below.
More details for each connection are listed in the following subsections. Required connections:
VDC_IN and GND are required to power the RS1000.
RF is required to connect to the UHF RFID antenna.
UART1 Tx and Rx are required to communicate with the system host.
Recommended connections:
nRST is used to reset the RS1000 if UART communication is not available. This connection is highly recommended. This pin internally driven strong low during software resets, so it should only be driven externally by an open drain signal. It must not be driven strong high.
UART2 Tx and Rx may be used to examine debug information. Their behavior is defined in the debugging section of the ITK-C user documentation.
HEALTH indicates successful operation of the RS1000. Connection to an LED provides a visual indication of whether or not an error condition exists.
STATUS provides an indication when the RS1000 is in active mode (for example, inventorying tags). Connection to an LED provides a visual indicator of the device’s activity.
Optional connections:
GPIOs allow interaction with the RS1000 as both digital inputs and outputs. They may be used to trigger inventory, generate events based on inventory activity, or provide general-purpose user-controlled digital I/O.
WKUP provides a mechanism to wake up the RS1000 from the low power Sleep mode. WKUP is also used to force entry into the Impinj firmware bootstrap. If unused, this pin should be tied to logic low.
UC_ADC allows use of an ADC to convert an analog input voltage into a digital value.
UC_DAC allows use of a DAC to generate an analog output voltage from a digital value.
No connect:
Indy® RS1000 Hardware User’s Guide
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SWCLK and SWD connections are reserved for Impinj use only.
Figure 1 – Example RS1000 Block Diagram
3.6 - 5.25 V

3.1 Power Supply

RS1000 is powered by a voltage applied to the VDC_IN pin (pin 11) relative to the GND pins. The supply voltage operating range is 3.6 V to 5.25 V. Current consumption varies from about 1000 mA (3.6 W) to about 80 uA (0.4 mW) depending on the operating mode. The power supply is internally bypassed and regulated, and no external bypass or bulk storage capacitance is required, as long as the input voltage is stable.
If RS1000 activity is not required at all times, and power reduction is desired, the VDC_IN supply voltage may be externally gated to remove power to the device.

3.2 RF Connection

The RS1000 has a single RF pin (pin 1) which should be connected to a 50 antenna via 50 Ω controlled impedance connection. This connection could simply be a microstrip transmission line to a PCB antenna or SMT antenna, or it could include a connector and coaxial cable. The RF connection is single ended, referenced to ground.
For more information about impedance matching, see section 4.1 - PCB Layout for RF.

3.3 UART Communication

The RS1000 has two full-duplex UART interfaces at the pins, accessible using pins UART1-RX, UART1-TX, UART2-RX, and UART2-TX. UART1 implements the host communication interface via IRI, and UART2 implements the debug interface. The Tx
Indy® RS1000 Hardware User’s Guide
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pins are outputs from the RS1000, and the Rx pins are inputs to the RS1000. Both UART interfaces are 115,200 baud, with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity bit (8-n-1 configuration).
Each of the UART interfaces signals at 3.3 V relative to GND. The specific VIH, VIL, VOH and VOL specifications may be found in the device datasheet. The TX pins are driven strong high and low with a sink/source current of about 8 mA. If the load on a pin draws more than the 8 mA sink and source current, the pin is not guaranteed to meet the VOH and VOL specs listed in the datasheet. Excessive current sunk or sourced on the GPIO pins can also cause electrical damage to the device.
Voltages outside of the maximum IO operating voltage range of -0.3 to 4.0 V should not be applied to the UART pins. This can cause permanent damage to the device.

3.4 Reset Pin

The RS1000 may be reset by a logic low voltage on the NRST pin (pin 9). Usage of this pin is recommended in all designs. It may be used to reset the part if an unexpected operating state is entered. The RS1000 does have an internal watchdog circuit that will reset it if abnormal operation occurs, but the NRST pin provides a further level of reliability.
The NRST pin is pulled high (3.3 V) by an internal 100 nominal resistor. To reset the part, drive the pin strong low for at least the minimum reset pulse width as specified in the datasheet (approximately 25 µs). This pin may be driven active low to reset the part, but should not be driven strong high. Driving the pin strong high prevents the RS1000 from resetting itself in case of a watchdog reset or user requested software reset. This
pin should be driven using an “open drain drives low” drive mode, which creates either a
strong low voltage or a floating voltage output. If the host device has a pull-up drive mode, or a series resistor is used with a strong drive mode, the resistor value should be selected such that the NRST voltage is above 2 V. This arrangement is shown in Figure 2, and the resistor size requirement is shown in Equation 3-1.
Note Using a series resistor or resistive pull-up drive mode allows the same circuit to be used to drive the RS1000 NRST pin and the RS2000 ENABLE pin.
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Figure 2 – RS1000 NRST Pin Circuit Diagram
100 kΩ
Host Device
Equation 3-1 – NRST Pin Pull-Up Resistor Size
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Voltages outside of the maximum IO operating voltage range of -0.3 to 4.0 V should not be applied to the NRST pin. This can cause permanent damage to the device.

3.5 Health and Status Pins

The RS1000 has two pins that indicate the state of the device through their voltages: HEALTH (pin 22) and STATUS (pin 21). Their behavior is further defined in the
debugging section of the ITK-C user documentation.
Both pins are outputs operating at a logical voltage level of 3.3 V, and can sink and source 8 mA each. If the load on one of these pins draws more than the 8 mA sink and source current, the pin is not guaranteed to meet the VOH and VOL specs listed in the datasheet. Excessive current sunk or sourced on the pins can also cause electrical damage to the device.

3.5.1 Health Pin Behavior

The HEALTH pin indicates whether the RS1000 is operating in its normal mode, or if some other condition exists. The pin is cycled high and low in specific patterns to indicate the state of the RS1000. Those patterns are as follows:
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