Insist on RFID Solutions Powered by Impinj
The choice of components that make up an RFID system determines the quality,
reliability and performance of an RFID implementation. Impinj customers realize
increased system data reliability, greater insight into the supply chain, safer products, improved customer experience, and more.
Impinj’s application software, including Speedway Connect,
Octane SDK, and the STP™ source tagging platform, helps
you quickly integrate RFID into existing systems and pro-
Readers & Antennas
Tag Chips
Reader Chips
Notices: Copyright © 2012, Impinj, Inc. All rights reserved.
vide flexibility for additional functionality in your solution.
Speedway® readers deliver the performance, reliability and
support that today’s applications need. The Impinj family
of reader antennas controls read zones from point of sale
to packaging lines.
Monza® tag chips set the standard in RFID performance
and features, providing the industry’s best sensitivity,
omni-directional antenna support, and innovative privacy
Indy® reader chips provide integration and supporting
software to power a full range of RFID readers and
embedded applications.
Quick Start Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Speedway Antenna Hub. This guide provides
basic installation instructions for an RFID system using a Speedway
Revolution reader and the Antenna Hub. Additional information is available
in the Speedway Revolution Installation and Operations
Guide at http://www.impinj.com/downloads
Speedway Antenna Hub Solution Checklist
Before starting, make sure that you have all the necessary items.
4 1 Speedway Antenna Hub (IPJ-A6001-000)
Required components (available separately):
4 1 Speedway Revolution R420 reader with Octane firmware v4.10 or
higher (IPJ-REV-R420)
4 1 GPIO Adapter for Antenna Hub (IPJ-A6051-000)
4 RF Cables (various)
4 Cat5 cables for control channel (not sold by Impinj)
4 Antennas (various)
4 MultiReader software version 6.6.4 or higher
4 Optional – up to 3 additional Antenna Hubs
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contained herein, nor any right to reproduce or disclose any part of the contents hereof, without
the prior written consent of Impinj and the authorized recipient hereof. Impinj reserves the right to
change its products and services at any time without notice. Impinj assumes no responsibility for
customer product design or for infringement of patents and/or the rights of third parties, which may
result from assistance provided by Impinj. No representation of warranty is given and no liability
is assumed by Impinj with respect to accuracy or use of such information. These products are not
designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction can reasonably be
expected to result in personal injury.
Setting Up a Speedway Antenna Hub System
1) Check Firmware Version on Speedway R420 Reader
a) Connect to reader WebUI using a web browser
http://<reader name or IP address>
b) Log in to the reader. Default credentials are:
user name: root
password: impinj
c) Note the “Software Version” shown on the WebUI. If it is
or later, then no additional action is required. Otherwise, ask your
authorized Impinj partner or reseller for the latest Octane firmware
Impinj, Inc. 701 N. 34th Street, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98103 www.impinj.com
rfid_info@impinj.com Tel: 206.517.5300 Fax: 206.517.5262
4 Document Version 1.1 Part Number: 900-1111-01 Document Version 1.1 Part Number: 900-1111-01© 2012, Impinj, Inc. © 2012, Impinj, Inc. 1
release and upgrade using the “Reader Upgrade” utility in the WebUI.

Speedway Antenna Hub Quick Start Guide
2) Enable the Antenna Hub Feature
a) In the WebUI, click on the “Enable” button in the Antenna Hub section to
enable the feature. You will need to manually reboot the reader (click on
the reboot button in the WebUI) for the changes to take effect.
b) The Antenna Hub environment can also be enabled from Rshell using the
command below and then rebooting the reader:
3) Connect Cables
a) All cable connections should be made with the reader powered off.
b) RF signal connections using RF cables
a. Requires cables with SMA male connectors for the Antenna Hub
connection and R-TNC female connectors for the reader connections.
b. Attach the RF cable to the appropriate reader antenna port and Antenna
Hub input port. NOTE: Antenna Hub ports are marked 1 through 8 to
show the port ordering. These port markings correspond to a different
antenna number sequence when connected to the reader and GPIO
Adapter ports 2, 3, or 4 (as referenced in the diagram)
c. Connect the appropriate RF cables between the Antenna Hub output
ports and antennas.
d. Unused ports can be left empty or terminated.
c) Digital signal connections with GPIO Adapter
a. Use the cable provided with the GPIO Adapter to connect the reader at
its GPIO port to the GPIO Adapter.
b. Use standard Cat5 cable to connect the GPIO Adapter and Antenna
Hub using the RJ-45 connectors. IMPORTANT: Check that the reader
antenna port number and GPIO Adapter output port number match at
the same Antenna Hub (e.g., reader antenna port 1 and GPIO Adapter
port 1 are connected to the same Antenna Hub). The system will not
operate correctly with mismatched wiring.
Antenna Port Numbering
3 11 19 274 12 20 285 13 21 296 14 22 30
2 10 18 267 15 23 31
1 9 17 25
R420 Reader
8 16 24 32
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
GPIO Adapter Kit with Cable
Controls up to 4 Antenna Hubs
RF Cable
Cat 5 Cable with RJ45
GPIO Adapter Cable
Speedway® Antenna Hubs
4 hubs x 8 ports = 32 ports
4) Affix Antenna Hub(s)
a) Mount using 1/4 inch mounting holes.
b) It may be necessary to temporarily disconnect RF cables
(with reader powered off) in order to access the mounting holes.
5) Next Steps
• Set up the reader following instructions in the Speedway Revolution Installation
and Operations Guide.
• Develop controlling application using the LLRP Toolkit.
• Find helpful information here: http://support.impinj.com.
d) Power the reader and look for the Antenna Hub LEDs to light in sequence
to show that it is enabled and operating.
e) Click on “Check connections” in the WebUI Antenna Hub page for help with
any connection problems.
Purchasing: orders@impinj.com
Sales: rfid_sales@impinj.com
General: rfid_info@impinj.com
Support: http://support.impinj.com
Training: http://www.impinj.com/training
Authorized Partners: http://www.impinj.com/Locate_Partners.aspx
2 Document Version 1.1 Part Number: 900-1111-01 © 2012, Impinj, Inc. 3