Impediment RS-1600-X24 User Manual

RS-1600-X24 User Guide
Part No. 43061-01A
Issue 1-0
June 23, 2003
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No part of this document may be transmitted or copied in any form, or by any means, for any purpose, without the written permission of the Authors.
Issue 1-0 June 23, 2003 Part No. 43061-01A
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
Preface .................................................................................................................................................. ix
International Standards .......................................................................................................................... ix
Potential for Radio Frequency Interference ........................................................................................... ix
European Regulations ............................................................. ..................................... ... ....................... x
Safety ...................................................................................................................................................... x
Battery Safety ....................................................................................................................................... xii
Laser Safety ..................... ..................................................................................................................... xii
Rack System Precautions ..................................................................................................................... xiii
ESD Precautions .................................................................................................................................. xiii
Data Security ....................................................................................................................................... xiv
Special Tools and Equipment .............................................................................................................. xiv
Related Documentation ....................................................................................................................... xiv
Conventions .......................................................................................................................................... xv
Revision History ................................................................................................................................... xvi
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 The RS-1600-X24 System ........................................... ... ..................................... ... .................... 1
1.2 The Enclosure Core Product ....................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Enclosure Chassis .............................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Tower Option ............................................... ... ... .................................... ............................. 3
1.3 The Plug-in Modules ................................................................................... ... ............................. 4
1.3.1 Power Supply/Cooling Module ........................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Operators Panel ................................................................................................................. 5
1.3.3 Loop Resiliency Circuit Input/Output Module (FC-AL) ....................................................... 6
1.3.4 Drive Carrier Module .......................................................................................................... 9
1.3.5 Dummy Carrier Modules .................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Visible and Audible Alarms ........................................................................................................ 10
1.5 Installing your X24 Subsystem .................................................................................................. 11
1.6 RS-1600-X24 Technical Specification ....................................................................................... 11
1.6.1 Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.6.2 Weight .............................................................................................................................. 11
1.6.3 AC Power (450W PSU) ...................................................................... ... ........................... 11
1.6.4 PSU Safety and EMC Compliance ................................................................................... 12
1.6.5 Power Cord ...................................................................................................................... 12
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
1.6.6 Environment ..................................................................................................................... 12
1.6.7 Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 13
1.6.8 Drive Carrier Module Specification ....................................... .. ......................................... 13
1.6.9 X24 FC-AL LRC I/O Module Specification ....................................................................... 14
1.6.10 RAID Card ........................................................................................................................ 14
1.6.11 Software Enclosure Services (SES) Support ................................................................... 14
2 Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Before You Begin .............................. ... .................................... ... .............................................. 15
2.2 Power On ..................................................... ... .................................... ...................................... 15
2.2.1 Power Supply/Cooling Module LEDs .................................... .. ..................................... ... . 16
2.3 Ops Panel LEDs ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.4 Starting the Drives ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.4.1 Disk Drives LEDs ............................................................................................................. 18
2.5 Power Up/Down ........................................................................................... ............................. 18
3 X24 RAID Management ............................ .. ..................................... .................................... .......... 19
3.1 Managing Arrays and Partitions Using SAM ............................................................................. 19
3.2 Managing Arrays ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Viewing Array and Drive Status Information ......................... ..................................... ... .. .......... 20
3.3.1 Viewing Array and Partition Statistics ............... ............................................................... 21
3.3.2 Verifying an Array ............................................................................................................ 22
3.3.3 Changing Array Ownership .............................................................................................. 23
3.3.4 Changing an Array Name ................................................................................................ 23
3.3.5 Trusting an Array ............................................................................................................. 23
3.3.6 Deleting an Array ......................................................... ... ................................................. 24
3.4 Managing Partitions .................................................................................................................. 25
3.4.1 Viewing Partition Status Information ................................................................. ... ............ 25
3.4.2 Changing a Partition Name .............................................................................................. 25
3.4.3 Changing a Partition LUN ............................................................................................... 26
3.4.4 Controlling Partition Access ............................................................................................. 27
3.4.5 Changing the Read-Ahead Cache Size ........................................................................... 30
3.4.6 Deleting a Partition ........................... ... .................................... ......................................... 31
4 System Status ............................................................................................................................... 33
4.1 Monitoring System Status Using SAM ...................................................................................... 33
4.2 Setting Up Remote Notification ................................................................................................. 33
4.2.1 Starting and Stopping Remote Notification ...................................................................... 34
4.2.2 Setting Up the Events to be Monitored ............................................................................ 34
4.2.3 Setting Up the E-mail Addresses ..................................................................................... 34
4.3 Saving Log Information to a File ............................................................................................... 35
4.4 Displaying Overall Statistics ...................................................................................................... 36
4.4.1 Resetting the All Statistics ...............................................................................................37
5 Configuring the X24 System ........................................................................................................ 39
5.1 Configuring the LAN-related Settings ........................................................................................ 40
5.1.1 Configuring the Telnet Timeout ........................................................................................ 40
5.1.2 Configuring the SNMP Settings ....................................................................................... 40
5.1.3 Configuring the System Information ................................................................................. 41
5.1.4 Setting Passwords ................................................................................................. .......... 41
5.1.5 Configuring the Security Options ..................................................................................... 42
5.2 Changing the Date and Time ............................................. ... .................................... ... ... .......... 43
5.3 Understanding LUNs and Viewing LUN Information ................................................................. 43
5.3.1 Viewing LUN Information .................................................................................................. 44
5.4 Changing Management LUNs ................................................................................................... 44
5.5 Changing the Alarm Mute Setting ............................................................................................. 44
5.6 Controlling Host Access to the X24’s Write-back Cache Setting .............................................. 45
5.7 Enabling and Disabling the Battery . ..........................................................................................46
5.8 Changing the Utility Priority ....................................................................................................... 46
5.9 Rescanning All Ports ................................................................................................................. 47
5.10 Pausing I/O ...... ... .. ...................................................................... ............................................... 47
5.11 Saving and Restoring a Configuration File ................................................................................ 48
5.11.1 Saving a Configuration File .............................................................................................. 48
5.11.2 Restoring a Configuration File .......................................................................................... 48
5.12 Viewing and Restoring Default Settings .................................................................................... 50
5.12.1 Viewing Default Settings ..................................................................................................50
5.12.2 Restoring Default Settings ................................................................................................50
5.13 Updating Software .................................................................................................................... 51
6 Managing Disk Drives & Enclosures ........................................................................................... 53
6.1 Managing Disk Drives ............................................................................................................... 53
6.1.1 Displaying Disk Drive Information .................................................................................... 53
6.1.2 Clearing Metadata from a Disk Drive ............................................................................... 54
6.1.3 Enabling and Disabling Write-back Cache ....................................................................... 55
6.1.4 Displaying Disk Drive Cache Status ................................................................................. 55
6.1.5 Enabling and Disabling SMART Changes ........................................................................ 55
6.1.6 Blinking a Drive LED ........................................................................................................ 56
6.1.7 Taking Down a Disk Drive ................................................................................................ 56
6.1.8 Testing a Disk Drive .......................................................... ... ..................................... ... .... 57
6.2 Managing Enclosures ................................................................................................................ 57
6.2.1 Setting the EMP LUN ........................................................ ... ..................................... ....... 57
6.2.2 Changing the Additional EMP Setting ............................................................................. 58
7 Troubleshooting and Problem Solving ....................................................................................... 59
7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 59
7.1.1 Initial Start-up Problems ................................................................................................... 59
7.2 LEDs .......................................................................................................................................... 60
7.2.1 Power Supply/Cooling Module ......................................................................................... 60
7.2.2 Ops Panel ......................................................................................................................... 60
7.3 Audible Alarm ............................................................................................................................ 61
7.3.1 Audible Alarm Mute .......................................................................................................... 61
7.4 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................... 62
7.4.1 System Faults ................................................................................................................... 63
7.4.2 Power Supply/Cooling Faults ........................................................................................... 63
7.4.3 Thermal Control .................. ... .. ....................................................................... .................. 64
7.4.4 Thermal Alarm .......................................... ..................................... ................................... 65
7.5 Drive Carrier Module Faults ...................................................................................................... 65
7.5.1 Dummy Carrier Modules ................................................................................................. 65
7.5.2 Auto Start Failure .......................... .................................... ............................................... 66
7.6 Dealing with Hardware Faults ................................................................................................... 66
7.7 Continuous Operation During Replacement .............................................................................. 66
7.8 Problems Accessing the X24 Subsystem Using the Ethernet Port ........................................... 66
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
7.9 Host Fibre Channel Problems ................................................................................................... 67
7.10 Array Problems ......................................................................................................................... 68
7.10.1 Changing the Backoff Percent Using SAM ...................................................................... 68
7.10.2 Changing the Backoff Percent Using the Disk Array Administrator ................................. 68
7.11 X24 Subsystem Problems ......................................................................................................... 69
7.12 Replacing a Module .................................................................................................................. 69
7.12.1 Power Supply/Cooling Modules ....................................................................................... 69
7.12.2 Ops Panel ........................................................................................................................ 72
7.12.3 Storage Manager Module ................................................................................................ 72
7.12.4 Insertion/Removal of SFP Modules ................................................................................. 74
7.12.5 Battery Replacement .......................................................................................................74
7.12.6 Drive Carrier Module ......................................... ... .................................... ........................ 75
7.13 Problems During Startup (When Using the Disk Array Administrator) ...................................... 75
7.14 Terminal Emulator and COM Port Problems ............................................................................. 76
7.15 Warning and Error Events ......................................................................................................... 77
7.15.1 Warnings .......................................................................................................................... 78
7.15.2 Errors ............................................................................................................................... 80
7.16 Setting Up and Viewing the Debug Log .................................................................................... 81
7.16.1 Summary of Debug Log Capabilities ............................................................................... 81
7.16.2 Collecting Debug Logs ................................................. ... ..................................... .. ..........81
7.16.3 Configuring Debug Logs .................................................................................................. 82
7.16.4 Using SAM to Set Up and View the Debug Log ............................................................... 83
7.16.5 Using the Disk Array Administrator to Set Up Debug Logging ......................................... 83
7.17 Using the Loader Diagnostics Menu ......................................................................................... 83
7.18 Using the Loader Utility Menu ................................................................................................... 84
7.19 Understanding Disk-related Errors ............................................................................................ 84
7.19.1 Disk Errors ....................................................................................................................... 84
7.19.2 Disk Channel Errors ......................................................................................................... 85
7.19.3 Voltage and Temperature Errors and Warnings .............................................................. 86
7.20 Slow Write Performance ........................................................................................................... 86
7.21 Spare Parts and Ancillary Items ............................................................................................... 87
7.22 Upgrading Your LRC I/O Modules ............................................................................................ 87
A Array Basics .................................................................................................................................. 89
A.1 Array Types ............................................................................................................................... 90
A.1.1 RAID 0 (Striped Disks) .....................................................................................................90
A.1.2 RAID 1, RAID 10 (Mirrored Disks) ................................................................................... 90
A.1.3 RAID 3 ............................................................................................................................. 90
A.1.4 RAID 4 ............................................................................................................................. 91
A.1.5 RAID 5 ............................................................................................................................. 91
A.1.6 RAID 50 ........................................................................................................................... 91
A.1.7 Volume Sets ..................................................................................................................... 91
A.2 Comparing RAID Levels ................................................ ............................................................ 92
A.3 Mixing Disks from Different Manufacturers or with Different Capacities ................................... 93
B Accessing Disk Array Administrator Software .......................................................................... 95
B.1 Accessing the Disk Array Administrator Using the RS-232 Serial Port ..................................... 96
B.2 Accessing the Disk Array Administrator Using the Ethernet Port .............................................. 98
B.2.1 Using the Ethernet Port for the First Time ....................................................................... 98
B.2.2 Accessing the Disk Array Software Using the Ethernet Port ........................................... 99
B.3 Navigating the Disk Array Administrator Software .................................................................. 101
B.3.1 Changing the Screen Display ......................................................................................... 102
B.3.2 Disk Array Administrator Menu Tree .............................................................................. 103
C Creating and Managing Arrays & Partitions ............................................ ................................. 105
C.1 Creating Arrays .................................................................. ..................................... ................ 105
C.1.1 Creating a Single-Partition Array .................................................................................... 106
C.1.2 Creating a Multiple-Partition Array ................................................................................. 111
C.2 Managing Arrays ..................................................................................................................... 116
C.2.1 Viewing Array and Drive Status Information ................................................................... 117
C.2.2 Stopping the Array Initialization Process ........................................................................ 120
C.2.3 Adding a Partition .......................................................................... ................................. 121
C.2.4 Verifying an Array ........................................................................................................... 123
C.2.5 Reconstructing an Array ................................................................................................. 126
C.2.6 Expanding Array Capacity .............................................................................................. 126
C.2.7 Changing an Array Name ............................................................................................... 129
C.2.8 Changing Array Ownership ............................................................................................ 130
C.2.9 Trusting an Array ............................................................. .. ... ..................................... ..... 130
C.2.10 Deleting an Array ............................................................................................................ 131
C.3 Managing Partitions ................................................................................................................. 133
C.3.1 Understanding Partitions ................................................................................................ 133
C.3.2 Viewing Partition Status Information .............................................................................. 134
C.3.3 Expanding a Partition ..................................................................................................... 139
C.3.4 Changing a Partition Name ............................................................................................ 140
C.3.5 Changing a Partition LUN .............................................................................................. 141
C.3.6 Changing the Read-Ahead Cache Size ......................................................................... 142
C.3.7 Enabling or Disabling Write-back Cache ........................................................................ 143
C.3.8 Controlling Partition Access ........................................................................................... 144
C.3.9 Deleting a Partition ......................................................................................................... 151
D Monitoring System Status .......................................................................................................... 153
D.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 153
D.2 Displaying the Event Log ......................................................................................................... 154
D.2.1 Viewing the Most Recent Event ..................................................................................... 154
D.2.2 Viewing One Event at a Time ......................................................................................... 155
D.2.3 Viewing a Whole Screen of Events ................................................................................ 156
D.2.4 Capturing the Event Log ................................................................................................ 157
D.3 Displaying Module Status Information ..................................................................................... 158
D.4 Displaying Hardware and Configuration Information ............................................................... 159
D.5 Capturing the Event Log, Hardware, and Configuration Information ....................................... 164
D.6 Displaying Drive Errors and Resetting Error Statistics ............................................................ 164
D.7 Displaying Overall Statistics .................................................................................................... 165
D.7.1 Resetting Overall Statistics ............................................................................................ 166
E Managing Spares ........................................................................................................................ 167
E.1 Managing Dedicated Spares ................................................................................................... 168
E.1.1 Adding a Dedicated Spare ............................................................ .. ............................... 168
E.1.2 Deleting a Dedicated Spare ........................................................................................... 168
E.2 Enabling Dynamic Spares ....................................................................................................... 169
E.3 Managing the Spare Pool ........................................................................................................ 170
E.3.1 Adding a Spare to the Spare Pool .................................................................................. 171
E.3.2 Deleting a Spare from the Spare Pool ............................................................................ 171
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
E.3.3 Displaying the Spare Pool .............................................................................................. 171
F Managing Disk Drives and Enclosures ..................................................................................... 173
F.1 Managing Disk Drives ............................................................................................................. 173
F.1.1 Displaying Drive Information .......................................................................................... 173
F.1.2 Clearing Metadata from a Drive ..................................................................................... 177
F.1.3 Enabling and Disabling Write-back Cache ..................................................................... 177
F.1.4 Displaying Disk Cache Status ........................................................................................ 179
F.1.5 Ena bling and Disabling SMART Changes ..................................................................... 181
F.1.6 Blinking a Drive LED ....................................................... ... ............................................ 182
F.1.7 Taking Down a Drive ...................................................................................................... 182
F.1.8 Testing a Drive ............................................................................................................... 183
F.2 Managing Enclosures .............................................................................................................. 183
F.2.1 Setting the EMP LUN ............................................................................ ... ...................... 184
F.2.2 Changing the Additional EMP Setting ........................................................................... 187
G Configuring the X24 Subsystem ............................................................................................... 189
G.1 Shutting Down and Restarting the Storage Manager Module ................................................. 190
G.1.1 Shutting Down and Restarting the Current SM Module ................................................. 190
G.1.2 Shutting Down the Other SM Module ............................................................................ 191
G.1.3 Shutting Down Both SM Modules .................................................................................. 192
G.1.4 Other Controller Menu ................................................................................................... 192
G.2 Changing the Date and Time .................................................................................................. 192
G.3 Configuring the Host Channels ............................................................................................... 195
G.4 Understanding LUNs and Viewing LUN Information ............................................................... 196
G.4.1 Viewing LUN Information ................................................................. .............................. 197
G.5 Configuring the FC Disk Channels .......................................................................................... 198
G.6 Changing the Alarm Mute Setting ........................................................................................... 200
G.7 Locking the Cache Setting ...................................................................................................... 203
G.8 Enabling and Disabling the Battery ......................................................................................... 204
G.9 Changing the Utility Priority ..................................................................................................... 205
G.10Rescanning All Channels ........................................................................................................ 206
G.11Pausing I/O ............................................................................................................................. 207
G.12Restoring Default Settings ...................................................................................................... 208
G.13Updating Firmware .................................................................. ............................................... 209
G.13.1 Updating the SM, SM Loader and Memory Controller Firmware .................................. 209
G.13.2 Updating LAN Firmware .............................. ................................................................... 210
H LAN Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 213
H.1 Configuring the SM for TCP/IP ................................................................................................ 213
H.2 Configuring the LAN Settings .................................................................................................. 214
H.2.1 Configuring the IP Settings ............................................................................................ 214
H.2.2 Configuring the FTP Settings ......................................................................................... 215
H.2.3 Configuring the Telnet Settings ...................................................................................... 215
H.2.4 Configuring the SNMP Settings ..................................................................................... 216
H.2.5 Configuring the Contact Settings ................................................................................... 217
H.2.6 Configuring the HTTP Settings ...................................................................................... 218
H.2.7 Configuring the Security Options ................................................................................... 218
H.2.8 Resetting the LAN Subsystem ...................................................................................... 219
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 221
Index .................................................................................................................................................. 229
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
What is in this guide
This user guide gives you step-by-step instructions on how to install, configure and connect the RS-1600­X24 storage Subsystem to your host computer system, and how to use and maintain the system.
Who should use this guide
This user guide assumes that you have a working knowledge of the Fibre Channel environment into which you are installing the RS-1600-X24 system. If you do not have these skills, or are not confident with the instructions in this guide, do not proceed with the installation.
International St andards
The RS-1600-X24 storage system complies with the requirements of the following agencie s and standards:
• CE to IEC 950/EN60950
• UL 60950
Potential for Radio Frequency Interference
USA Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Note This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order to meet FCC emission limits. The supplier is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to ope rate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note FCC approval only applies when using the supplied screened Ethernet cable.
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
European Regulations
This equipment complies with European Regulations EN 55022 Class A: Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology Equipments and EN50082-1: Generic Immunity.
All plug-in modules are part of the fire enclosure and must only be removed when a replacement can be immediately added. The system must not be run without all units in place.
Permanently unplug the unit if you think that it has become damaged in any way and before you move it.
• An RS-1600-X24 enclosure can weigh up to 37kg (81lb). Do not try to lift it by yourself.
• Do not attempt to lift the enclosure by means of the extended LRC module or by the handles on the PSU/Cooling module as they are not designed to support the weight of the populated enclosure.
• In order to comply with applicable safety, emission and thermal requirements no covers should be removed and all bays must be fitted with plug-in modules.
Drive Carrier Module Caution Label:
• Do not operate with modules missing
• Spin down time 30 seconds
Chassis Warning Label:
Weight Hazard
• The RS-1600-X24 unit must only be operated from a power supply input voltage range of 100 ­120VAC or 200-240 VAC.
• The plug on the power supply cord is used as the main disconnect device. Ensure that the socket outlets are located near the equipment and are easily accessible.
• This equipment is intended to operate with two working PSUs.
• If powered by multiple AC sources, disconnect all supply power for complete isolation
• The power connection must always be disconnected prior to removal of the Power Supply/Cooling module from the enclosure.
• A safe electrical earth connection must be provided to the power cord. Check the grounding of the enclosure before applying power.
LRC Module Caution Label:
Do not operate with modules missing
PSU/Cooling Module Caution Label:
Do not operate with modules missing
PSU Warning Label:
Power Hazards
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
• Provide a suitable power source with electrical overload protection to meet th e requirements laid down in the technical specification.
• A faulty power supply/cooling module must be replaced with a fully operational module within 24 hours.
Warning Do not remove covers from the power supply unit. Danger of electric shock inside. Return the PSU
to your supplier for repair.
Caution Caution: If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided
by the equipment may be impaired.
Battery Safety
The battery is user replaceable, please refer to the Battery Replacement Procedure.
Warning There is a danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced.
• Dispose of used batteries in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and National regulations.
Laser Safety
Class 1 Laser Product
When the X24 Subsystem is supplied with optical modules they contain a laser that complies with Laser Class 1, US 21 CFR (J) and EN 60825-1.
If optical modules are to be provided and fitted by the end user, lasers must comply with the standards listed above.
PSU Safety Label:
Electric Shock Hazard Inside
Rack System Precautions
The following safety requirements must be considered when the unit is mounted in a rack.
• The rack design should incorporate stabilizing features suitable to prevent the rack from tipping or being pushed over during installation or in normal use.
• When loading a rack with the units, fill the rack from the bottom up and empty from the top down.
• The rack should comply with the airflow requirements detailed in the technical specification.
• The rack design should take into consideration the maximum operating ambient temperature for the unit, which is 40°C when dual cooling modules are fitted.
• The rack should have a safe electrical distribution system. it must provide overcurrent protection for the unit and must not be overloaded by the total number of units installed in the rack. Consideration of the electrical power consumption rating shown on the nameplate should be used when addressing these concerns.
• The electrical distribution system must provide a reliable earth for each unit and the rack.
• Each power supply in each unit has an earth leakage current of 0.65mA. The design of the electrical distribution system must take into consideration the total earth leakage current from all the power supplies in all the units. The rack will require labelling with "HIGH LEAKAGE CURRENT. Earth connection essential before connecting supply".
• The rack when configured with the units must meet the safety requirements of UL1950 and IEC
ESD Precautions
Caution It is recommended that you fit and check a suitable anti-static wrist or ankle strap and observe all
conventional ESD precautions when handling RS-1600-X24 plug-in modules and components. Avoid contact with backplane components and module connectors, etc.
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
Data Security
• Power down your host computer and all attached peripheral devices before beginning installation.
• Each enclosure contains up to 16 removable disk drive modules. Disk units are fragile. Handle them with care, and keep them away from strong magnetic fields.
All the supplied plug-in modu les and blanking plates must be in place for the air to flow correctly around the enclosure and also to complete the internal circuitry.
• If the Subsystem is used with modules or blanking plates missing for more than a few minutes, the enclosure can overheat, causing power failure and data loss. Such use may also invalidate the warranty.
• If you remove any drive module, you may lose data.
– If you remove a drive module, replace it immediately. If it is faulty, replace it with a drive module
of the same type and capacity
• Ensure that all disk drives are removed from the enclosure before attempting to manhandle or move the rack installation.
• Do not abandon your backup routines. No system is completely foolproof.
Special Tools and Equipment
There are no special tools required but in order to complete the assembly of some configurations you may need the following (not supplied):
• Security keys (one of these should be included with yo ur RS-1600-X24 enclosure for use with the drive locks).
Related Documentation
• RS-1600-X24 Getting Started Manual (P/N 44521-01A), Issue 1.0
• RS-1600-X24 Quick Installation Guide (P/N 43062-01A), Issue 1.0
• RS-Salient Series Rack Installation Guide (P/N 43638-01A), Issue 1.0
This Getting Started guide uses several conventions to help explain how to use the X24.
Convention Definition Bold Words in bold indicate items to select such as menu items or command
CTRL-R Keys you press simultaneously. In this example, hold down the Ctrl key and
press the r key.
MB The abbreviation MB is used for megabytes in all situations. However, the
amount of data represented by MB differs as follows:
For disk drives, arrays, partitions, and data rate statistics, 1 MB equals 1,000,000 using the International System of Units (SI) standard.
For memory, 1 MB equals 1,048,576 using the memory industry standard.
Note Notes give you information that can help you improve the performance of your
Important Important gives you important information that may affect how you decide to
set up your system.
Caution Cautions warn you about actions that may permanently delete data or cause
damage to your system.
Warning Warnings warn you about actions that may be hazardous to personnel,
resulting in injury or death
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
Revision History
Version Date Description of Change
Issue 1.0 June, 2003 Initial (Beta) Release
Chapter 1
1.1 The RS-1600-X24 System
Figure 1–1 The RS-1600-X24 (FC-AL) System
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
1.2 The Enclosure Core Product
The RS-1600-X24 design concept is based on a Subsystem together with a set of plug-in modules. The RS-1600-X24 Subsystem as supplied comprises:
• Chassis and Backplane with integral Operators Panel.
• Power Supply/Cooling plug-in modules, auto-ranging, 475W, AC (see Figure 1–5)
• FC-AL Drive Carrier Modules and associated dummy carrier modules (See Figure 1–10).
• FC-AL LRC 2Gb/s Input/Output Modules with integrated Xyratex X24 RAID controllers, known as Storage Managers.(See Figure 1–8).
1.2.1 Enclosure Chassis
The chassis consists of a sheet metal enclosure assembly containing a Backplane PCB and module runner system. This chassis assembly also includes an integral Operators (Ops) Panel mounted at the rear.
The chassis assembly contains 16 drive bays at the front, each of which accommodates a plug-in drive carrier module. The 16 drive bays are arranged in 4 rows of 4 drives. At the rear, the chassis assembly contains 5 module bays to house two Power Supply/Cooling modules, two LRC I/O modules and the integral Ops panel.
The Backplane PCB provides logic level signal and low voltage power distribution paths. Figure 1–2 and
Figure 1–3 show front and rear views of an RS-1600 chassis respectively.
The 4 x 4 chassis is fitted with 19 inch Rack mounting features which enables it to be fitted to standard 19 inch racks and uses 3EIA units of rack space.
• A Bay is defined as the space required to house a single 1.0" high 3.5 inch disk drive in its carrier module. e.g. a 1 x 4 bay module would take the space of 1 drive width by 4 drive bays high (in rack mount configuration).
Figure 1–2 X24 Enclosure Chassis (Front)
1.2.2 Tower Option
An optional tower kit is available, which can be fitted to the rack chassis described here.
Figure 1–3 X24 Enclosure Chassis (Rear)
Figure 1–4 RS-1600-X24 Tower Option
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
1.3 The Plug-in Modules
An RS-1600-X24 Enclosure requires one or more of the following modules for normal operation:
1.3.1 Power Supply/Cooling Module
Two Power Supply/Cooling modules (Figure 1–5) are supplied mounted in the rear of the enclosure as part of the Subsystem core product.
PSU voltage operating ranges are nominally 115V or 230V AC, selected automatically.
Four LEDs mounted on the front panel of the Power Supply/Cooling Module indicate the status of the PSU and the fans.
Warning The Power Supply/Cooling module is not an operator removable part. It should only be remo ved
by a technician who has knowledge of the hazard s present within the module.
Figure 1–5 AC Power Supply/Cooling Module
5 Multiple Power Supply/Cooling Modules
The RS-1600-X24 system must always be operated with two Power Supply/Cooling modules fitted. The two Power Supply/Cooling modules operate together so that if one fails the other maintains the power supply and cooling while you replace the faulty unit.
Module replacement should only take a few minutes to perform but must be completed within 5 minutes from removal of the failed module.
1.3.2 Operators Panel
Supplied as an integral part of the Enclosure core product, a typical Operators (Ops) Panel is shown in
Figure 1–6.
The Ops Panel provides the enclosure with a micro controller which is used to monitor and control all elements of the Enclosure. Ops Panel Indicators and Switches
The Ops Panel includes Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) which show the status for all modules, an Audible Alarm which indicates when a fault state is present, a push-button Alarm Mute switch and a thumb wheel SEL_ID address Range selector switch.
The Ops Panel switch functions are shown in Table 1–1.
Important Switch settings are only read at Power On.
The X24 enclosure ID must always be set to select ID1.
Figure 1–6 Operators (Ops) Panel
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
Caution All mandatory settings must be observed in order for the RS-1600-X24 system to function correctly.
Note To set Host 1Gb use the Ethernet connected configurator.
1.3.3 Loop Resiliency Circuit Input/Output Module (FC-AL)
The RS-1600-X24 storage Subsystem includes an enclosure with rear facing bays which house two Loop Resiliency Circuit (LRC) I/O modules with integrated Xyratex
X24 RAID controller, known as Storage
Managers (SM) modules. (see Figure 1–3)
The FC-AL Backplane incorporates two independent loops formed by Port Bypass Circuits within the LRC I/O modules.
The plug-in SM modules have been designed for integration into a RS-1600-X24 storage Subsystem, utilizing FCAL interfacing with the host computer system.
Processors housed on the LRC modules provide enclosure management and interface to devices on the Backplane, PSU, LRC and Ops Panel, to monitor internal functions. These processors operate in a master slave configuration to allow failover.
The module incorporates the following LED indicators, shown in Figure 1–7:
• Host Port 0 Signal Good (Green)
• Host Port 1 Signal Good (Green)
• Expansion Port 0 Rx Good (Green)
Table 1–1 Ops Panel Switch Functions (Default settings for RS-1600-X24 LRC usage at 2Gb/s)
Function Recommended
1 Loop Select,
Dual (2x8)
Off LRC operates on two loops of 8 drives
Mandatory 2 Not Used Note: on RS-1600-FC2 enclosures this must be set On. 3 Not Used 4 Not Used
5 & 6 Not Used 7 & 8 Drive Loop Speed
Sw7 Sw8
On Off Force 2Gb/s Off Off Force 1Gb/s
9 & 10 Drive Addressing
Mode Selection
Sw9 Sw10
On Off Mode 2, 2x8 mode. Mandatory
11 SOFT SELECT On Select Functions using the hardware
12 Not Used
• Expansion Port 1 Rx Good (Green)
• ESI/LRC module fault LED (Amber)
• Cache Active (Green)
• RAID Controller Activity
Ready (Green)Host Activity of either host channels (Flash off)
• Battery Fault (Amber)
Important Fitting of a RAID controller to the LRC module is a factory only operation.
Figure 1–7 LRC Panel Layout
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
Warning Do not attempt to lift the enclosure by means of the extended SM module
Figure 1–8 X24 LRC (Storage Manager) I/O Module
Figure 1–9 RS-1600-X24 Enclosure with Storage Manager Modules and PSUs Installed
The Storage Manager module operates at 1 or 2 Gb.
• Two external ports for expansion to further enclosures are provided by SFP connectors
• Two external ports to the host controllers are provided from SM module all Form Factor (SFP) GBIC modules, auto-bypass at the output ports is provided.
• An RJ45 10/100 Base T Ethernet controller management port is provided on the LRC board, interfacing to the controller through 2 RS232 serial and GPIO lines.
Caution The RJ45 Ethernet connector on the LRC module must not be connecte d to telecommunications
• The SM module also incorporates a standby Li-ion ba ttery pack, 72 hours cache ho ld up time (512Mb). The battery cell has thermal protection and is connected to the RAID con troller by flying lead.
Note The RS-1600 product range is available in 1Gb, 2Gb, JBOD or RAID variants, by changing the LRC
modules. Please contact your supplier for details.
1.3.4 Drive Carrier Module
The Drive Carrier module comprises a hard disk mounted in a carrier. Each drive bay will house a single
1.0 inch high, 3.5 inch disk drive in its carrier.
Each disk drive is enclosed in a die-cast aluminum carrier which provides excellent thermal conduction, radio frequency and electro-magnetic induction protection and affords the drive maximum physical protection.
The front cap also supports an ergonomic handle which provides the following functions:
• Camming of carrier into and out of drive bays.
• Positive 'spring loading' of the drive/backplane connector.
• An anti-tamper lock operated by a torx socket type key.
Figure 1–10 Drive Carrier Module
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
10 Drive Status Indicators
Each drive carrier incorporates two indicators, an upper (Green) and lower (Amber). In normal operation the green indicator will be ON and will flicker as the drive operates. Anti-tamper Locks
Anti-tamper locks are fitted in the drive carrier handles (Figure 1–11) and are provided to disable the normal ‘pinch' latch action of the carrier handle.
1.3.5 Dummy Carrier Modules
Dummy carrier modules are provided for fitting in all unused drive bays. They are designed as integral drive module front caps with handles and must be fitted to all unused drive bays to maintain a balanced airflow.
Warning Operation of the Enclosure with ANY modu les missing will disrupt th e airflow and th e drives will
not receive sufficient cooling. It is ESSENTIAL that all apertures are filled before operating the unit. Dummy Carriers are available for this purpose.
1.4 Visible and Audible Alarms
The functional modules have associated status LEDs. The Ops Panel shows a consolidated status for all modules.
LEDs show constant green for good or positive indication. Constant Amber LEDs indicate there is a fault present within that module.
The Ops Panel also incorporates an Audible Alarm to indicate when a fault state is present and also an Alarm Mute push-button.
Warning The Ops Panel is an integral part of the enclosure chassis assembly and can only be replaced by
trained personnel.
Figure 1–11 Anti-tamper Lock
1.5 Installing your X24 Subsystem
Please refer to the RS-1600-X24 Getting Started Manual (P/N 44521-01A) for information on how to install your RS-1600-X24 Enclosure and plug-in modules into an industry standard 19 inch rack cabinet.
1.6 RS-1600-X24 Technical Specification
1.6.1 Dimensions
Rack Enclosure
Height 134mm, Width 446mm, Depth 511mm
Tower Enclosure
Height 501mm, Width 230mm (including mounting feet), Depth 511mm
Note It is recommended that a rack with a depth of no less than 700mm is used with this product.
1.6.2 Weight
1.6.3 AC Power (450W PSU)
Maximum Configuration Rack mount:
37kg (81lb) 40kg (88lb)
Empty Enclosure (Rack) 9kg (19.8lb) PSU/Cooling Module 4kg (8.8lb) LRC I/O Module 1.5kg (3.11lb.) Tower Conversion Kit 3kg (6.6lb)
Voltage Range 100-120 / 200-240 VAC Rated Voltage Range Selection Automatic Frequency 50/60 Hz Inrush Current 50A @ 260VAC Power Factor >0.98 Harmonics Meets EN61000-3-2
RS-1600-X24 User Guide
1.6.4 PSU Safety and EMC Compliance
1.6.5 Power Cord
(minimum requirements)
1.6.6 Environment
Safety Compliance
UL 60950 IEC 60950 EN 60950
EMC Compliance CFR47 Part 15B Class A
EN55022 EN55024
Cord Type SV 0r SVT, 18 AWG minimum, 3 conductor Plug 250V, 10A Socket IEC 320 C-14, 250V, 15A
Table 1–2 Ambient Temperature and Humidity
Temperature Range Relative Humidity Max. Wet Bulb
Operational 5°C to 40°C 20% to 80%
Non-Operational 0°C to +50°C 8% to 80%
Storage 1°C to +60°C 8% to 80%
Shipping -40°C to +60°C 5% to 100%
Altitude, Operational 0 to 3047 m (0 to 10,000ft) Altitude, Non-Operational -305 to 12,192m (-1000 to 40,000ft)
Shock, Operational Vertical axis 5g peak 1/2 sine, 10ms Shock, Non-Operational 30g 10ms 1/2 sine
Vibration, Operational 0.21grms 5-500 Hz Random Vibration, Non-Operational 1.04grms 2-200 Hz Random Vibration, Relocation 0.3g 2-200 Hz sine
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