Immersive Media Spaces - MIDIcreator Total Music Kit
2. About MIDIcreator
MIDIcreator takes electrical signals from switches and sensors and
converts them to MIDI data. Very simply, MIDI allows electronic musical
instruments to talk to each other.
2.1 Switches & sensors
MIDIcreator takes two different types of sensors – switched &
proportional. A switch is just like a light switch; it has two states, on and
off. Proportional sensors are like dimmer controls for lights with lots of
positions between on and off.
2.2 What can it do?
There are two rows of eight sockets on the front panel of MIDIcreator.
The top row can only produce switched output responses, whilst the
bottom can produce both switched and proportional outputs i.e. you
can’t play a series of notes with a sensor plugged into the top row.
Switched sockets can play: Proportional sockets can play:
Single notes
Chords – on one or several
Trigger samples
Single notes
Chords – on one or several
Trigger samples
Scales – different types in
different keys
Series of notes – notes played
in any order
Multiple chords – up to four
Effects controls – change
volume, reverb (echo) and
other effects