The following instructions should be used for installation of the CO2, Water, and Syrup plumbing for a
Pinnacle or V-Series 2 Flavor FCB unit at a maximum distance of 50 feet from the unit. Prior knowledge
of the FCB Installation/Service Manual is necessary before attempting the installation.
Parts List
Item Description Quantity
1 1/2" - 3/4" Hose Barb to MPT 1
2 1/4" Flow Washer 2
3 1/4" Female Flare Swivel Nut 2
4 1/4" Stem Barb 2
5 1/4" Tee Barb 1
6 1/4" - 1/4" Hose Barb Splice 1
7 1/4" - 3/8" Hose Barb Splice 2
8 3/8" - 1/2" Hose Barb Splice 1
9 17.0 Oetiker .669 O - .571 C 10
10 12.3 Oetiker .490 O - .386 C 15
11 21.0 Oetiker .826 O - .700 C 3
12 11” Cable Tie 10
13 1/4" ID Braided Tubing 100 Ft
14 3/8" ID Braided Tubing 100 Ft
15 1/2" ID Braided Tubing 50 Ft
16 3/8” ID Flexible Tygon Tubing 12 Ft
FCB 2 Flavor Plumbing Installation Instructions
Tools Required
• Adjustable Wrench
• Oetiker Pliers
• Tube Cutters for Beverage Tubing
Additional Items Required
• BIB Disconnects
• BIB Pumps
• BIB Rack
• CO
• Water Filter
Refer to TP01068 for IMI Cornelius part numbers of Additional Items in list above.
Release Date: October 7, 2003 www.cornelius.com Revision: A
© 2003, IMI Cornelius Inc. - 1 - Publication Number: 629088357INS

FCB 2 Flavor Plumbing Installation Instructions
Water 25 psi minimum flowing pressure at the unit with 1.67 gallons per minute flow rate
Syrup 60 psi minimum static at the unit and 45 psi minimum flowing pressure with 0.35 ounces
Clearances Refer to Installation/Service Manual
CO2 80 psi minimum at the unit
Water 16 psi minimum flowing pressure at the unit with 1.67 gallons per minute flow rate
Syrup 80 psi minimum static at the unit and 65 psi minimum flowing pressure with 0.35 ounces
Clearances Refer to Installation/Service Manual
60 psi minimum at the unit
(100gph) per 2 barrels. If the flowing pressure and flow rate are less than specified, a
water pressure booster is required. See note below.
per second flow rate (0.17gpm)
(100gph) per 2 barrels. If the flowing pressure and flow rate are less than specified, a
water pressure booster is required. See note below
per second flow rate (0.17gpm)
Water Requirement Note: When testing the water supply to the FCB machine the installer must
take into consideration the total potential water demand that may be placed on the store water supply
by all equipment within the store.
Equipment such as fountain dispensers, icemakers, coffee brewers, and juice dispensers typically
draws water from a common source/filter system. The FCB machine must be supplied with water to
the specification above at all times, even when any of the other equipment is drawing water. If the
operation of the other appliances reduces the flow rate of water to this FCB unit below 1.67gpm
(100gph), add the required water booster.
WARNING – Secure the CO
cylinder in an upright position with a safety chain to prevent it from
falling over and causing personal injury and property damage.
ence tremors, followed by loss of consciousness and death. It is very important to prevent CO
leaks, especially in small, unventilated areas. If a CO
displaces oxygen. Persons exposed to high concentrations of CO2 will experi-
leak occurs ventilate the area before fixing
the leak.
NOTE: Tubing, hoses, and cabling may be routed from beneath or in back of the Pinnacle FCB
unit and ONLY from beneath the V-Series unit. It may be necessary to make a penetration in the
counter or wall to accommodate the desired installation.
NOTE: If the syrup lines will be routed in an area that will see temperatures less than 55°F the
lines must be insulated.
Publication Number: 629088357INS - 2 - © 2003, IMI Cornelius Inc.