Welcome to take the QHYCCD product.
Before using the camera please read this manual carefully.
IMG0H is designed for industrial test, biographical test, laboratory image and so on, it is high sensitive. The sample
depth is 14 bit(monochrome) / 42 bit(color version), the light range of one pixel is 0-16383.
IMG0H’s CCD is the SONY Exview 1/4 inch frame. It is progressive, the QE is 68%. Exview technology improves the
shape of microlens on the CCD, to increase the sensitivity under the near infrared band (700-1000nm). IMG0H builds
in the TEC, to decrease the hot noise. It also possess the low speed read out mode, this mode increase the SNR of the
image, so IMG0H is also suit for using in dark environment.
IMG0H possesses the high-speed USB2.0 port to transfer the data between CCD camera and computer. It can export
the 14bit no compressive RAW images.
IMG0H’s capture FPS is very high, the expose time of single frame is very short, so it could capture a lot of frames in a
short time. IMG0H is suit for planet or moon photography.
IMG0H possesses the guide port, the protocol is ST-4, using a RJ11 6pin guide cable to connect it with equatorial
1. The CCD chip and cooling system are more fragile than a small or medium sized CCD. Take extra care when
transporting and storing the device. Any significant impacts may damage your equipment.
2. Keep clear with the radiator.
3. Connection Sequence:
(1) Connect USB cable from camera to PC
(2) Connect 9-pin cable from camera to DC201
(3) Connect 12V power to DC201.
4. Internal diameter of connection to DC201 is 2.1mm. The inner of the plug is positive, the outer of the plug is
cathode. If the polarity is wrong, the DC201 may be damaged.
5. Note the computer and the AC/DC adapter is earth grounding well. The computer’s grounding and the AC/DC
adapter’s must be the same. Otherwise, if the computer or the AC/DC adapter get creepage, the USB port will be
easily damaged. If the grounding couldn’t be assured, the computer’s shell and the cathode of the AC/DC
adapter’s must be connect with a wire.