Whe n cha rgin g or dis cha rgin g, B8 has an "AU TO" fun ctio n th at se ts the fe ed ing curre nt au tomat ically. Esp ecially for Lithium ba tterie s, it ca n pre vent
th at ca n lea d to an exp los ion by use r's fa ult. Eve ry progra m in the un it is con trolled
with mut ual links an d comm unic atio n for eve ry pos sible erro r fo r ma ximum saf ety.
Th ese ca n be set at use r' s op tion.
Sp ecia l rech arge plug s por t fo r rece iver, tra nsmitt er and igni ter cha rge r. And for
frequ ent ly use d char ger po rt such as mul ti purpo se croco dile pin etc.
It pro vides most co nven ie
2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7,8 cha rge po rt, and ext ern al re verse con nect or.
nt bala nce charge port fo r Lit hium ba tt erie s, wit h separ ate d
High-p ower and high-p erfo rmance circu it
B8 PRO e mploys t he circu it th at ha s maxim um out pu t po wer o f 15 0W. A s a result it can
cha rge or di schar ge up to 27 cells o f NiCd/ NiMH an d 8 ser ies of Lit hiu m ba tt erie s with
ma ximum cur ren t of 7.0A . Furt hermore th e coo ling syste m is so efficient t hat ca n hold
such a power with out any tr ou
ble of runn ing th e CP U or t he oper ati ng pro gra m.
Individual vo lt age b alan ce for Lithium b atteries in side
B8 PRO has a n ind ividua l-cell-vol tag e ba lan cer in side . This doe s not re quire an y ext ra
ba lan cer wh en cha rgin g Lith ium ba tt erie s (Li lo/ LiP o/LiF e) f or cell vo lta ge balancing .
Balance individual cells on discharge
B8 PRO also can monitor and balance individual cells of the Lithium battery pack during
the discharge process. If the voltage of nay one cell varies abnormally, the process will
be stopped with the error message.
Su it ab le for vario u s types of Lithium b att eries
B8 PRO can accept three types of Lithium batteries-Lilo, LiPo and LiFe. They have
different characteristics by their chemistry. You can select any one of them that you are
going to process before the job. For their specifications, refer "Warnings and safety
notes" section.
Lithium b att ery "Fast" and "Storage" mode
Yo u can char ge Lit hiu m bat te ry for spe cial p urp oses. "Fast" cha rge re duce s th e
cha rgi ng tim e of Lith ium ba tt ery a nd "St ora g" mo de controls t he final volta ge of t he
ba tt ery t o be suit fo r l
on g ti me st orage .
Maximum Safety
Delt a-P eak Se nsit ivit y: The au toma tic ch arg e te rmin at ion pro gra m wor ks on the
pr incip le of th e Del ta-pea k volt age det ect ion .
Au to -cha rge cur ren t limit : Wh en charg ing NiCd or NiMH a t "AUTO" cu rren t mod e,
the ove r-charging
you can set th e up per lim it of cha rge cur ren t to avoid fro m hig h cur rent cha rgin g. Thi s is
ver y usef ul whe n cha rging the low impe dan ce an d sma ll cap acit y NiMH b at tery in
"AUTO" mo de.
pa city Lim it: The cha rgi ng capa city always calculat ed by multi ple of the charging
cur ren t an d time . If t he cha rgin g cap acit y exce eds t he limit th e pr ocess will be
ter mina te d auto mat ically wh en you set t he maximu m valu e.
Temper ature Limi t: The te mpe rat ure of t he ba tt ery on charging will rise by it s int erna l
che mica l rea cti on. I f you set th e limit of t emp era tur e th e proce ss will be exp ired f orcibly
the lim it has r each ed.
Pr ocessing Time Limit: Y ou can also re strain t he maximu m pro cess t ime to preve nt
fro m any p ossib le def ect .
Inp ut Po wer Mon itor: To protect t he car b at ter y usin g as in put p ower f rom being
da mag ed th e volt ag e of it al ways mo nit ore d. If it dro ps below t he lower lim it the pro cess
will be end ed auto mat ically.
Data Sto re/Load
For users con MMnie nce it can sto re maxi mum 10 da ta of differen t ba tt eries. Y ou ca
est ab lish th e da ta con tains prog ram set tin g of t he batt ery to ch arge or d ischa rge
con tinu ally. Th ese da ta can be cal led out at an y tim e you ne ed and the pro cess can be
exe cut ed wit hou t progr am set ti ng.
Cyclic ch arging/disch arging
Pe rf orm 1 to 5 cycles of char ge? disch arg e or discha rge ?cha rge cont inu ally fo r ba tt ery
re fre shin g an d balancing .
PC b ased an alysis usin g U SB commu n icatio n
For technical expert, B8 PRO offers PC based program can analysis the characteristic of the
battery by USB port. It shows a graph of voltage, current, capacity and temperature curves.
It also shows the individual voltage of each cell in the Lithium battery pack.
*PC an alysi s softwa re and US B Lin k wir e ar e not incl uded
Mu lti- use wires
Five kinds of wires are provided with the B8 PRO charger.You can charge and discharge
your battery easily with these wires.
Exterior of the unit
Exterior of the unit
Charging lead connector
(4mm banana female)
LCD screen(16chr.x2lines)
Input power
USB port
Individual cell connector
Warning and Satety Notes
Warning and Satety Notes
Never leave the charger un supervise d whe n it is con nected to its p owe r supply. If a ny
ma lfu nct ion is ob serve d imm ediat ely t erm ina te th e proce ss and re fe r to the op era tio n
ma nua l.
Ke ep th e un it awa y fro m dust, d amp , rain, heat , direct su nshine an d vib rat ion . Do not
dr op it.
The circuit of t he unit is de sign ed to be powered by a 11 -18 DC on ly.
This un it and th e batt ery to ch arge or d ischa rge sho uld be
no n infla mma ble an d non- cond uct ive surf ace. Neve r pla ce the m on a car seat , carp et or
simila r. Keep al l the infl amm able vola tile ma te rial s we ll awa y fro m op era tin g are a.
Cooling vent o f cha rge r can no t be covered or clo sed in ord er t o kee p go od ventila tio n.
Ma ke sure to complet ely u nde rst and the fea tu re of b att eries to be char ged or
discha rge d. If th e pro gra m is set u p inco
Espe ciall y for Lit hiu m bat te ry, it may cau se fir e or e xplo de if charg ed inco rrectl y or
ove rcha rge d.
rrect ly, th e ba tt ery may b e seve rely da mag ed.
set u p on a hea t-r esist ant,
Vo lta ge level: 1. 2V /cell
Allowab le fa st charge current : 1C~2C depend s on the
pe rfo rman ce of cellDischa rge volt age cut off level:
0. 85V /ce ll(NiCd ), 1.0V /cell(NiMH)
Volt age leve l: 3.6 V/ce ll
Max charge volta ge: 4. 1V/cell
Allowab le fa st char ge current : 1C or less
Min . disch arge volt age cut off level: 2. 5V/ce ll or higher
Volt age leve l: 3.7 V/ce ll
sensor port
This diagram shows the correct way to connect your battery to the B8 PRO charger while
charging in the balance charge program mode only.
To select sub program
/To alter the value
To select sub program
/To alter the value
To resume or start the
Fail ure to connect will dama ge thi s cha rger. The right approach is as follows:
Max charge volta ge: 4. 2V/cell
Allowab le fa st char ge current
: 1C or less
Disch arge volta ge cut off leve l: 3. 0V/ce ll or high er
Vo lta ge level: 3. 3V /cell
Max charge volta ge: 3. 6V /cell
Allowab le fa st charge current : 4C or less(e.g . A1 23M1)
Disch arge volta ge cut off leve l: 2. 0V/ cell or high er
*The main battery leads must be connected along with the balance lead connector as shown before
charging your battery .
If us ing c rocodi le cl ips as shown i n abov e diagra m, mak e sure the y are una ble to
touch Toget her!
Vo lta ge level: 2. 0V /cell
Max charge volta
ge : 2. 46V /cell
Allowab le fa st charge current : 0. 4C or less
Disch arge volta ge cut off leve l: 1. 75V /cell or hig her
Warning and Satety Notes
Warning and Satety Notes
To avo id sho rt-cir cuit s bet ween the cha rge le ad, a lways co nnect t he charg e cable to
the un it first an d only t hen to the bat te r to be char ged or dischar ged . Rever se th e
seq uence wh en disco nne cting .
Very Importan t!
Do no t con nec t mo re than on e ba tte ry pa ck to the charge le a d at any one time .
The charg er is not su it able fo r t h e fo llowing b attery typ es
Ba tt ery pa ck, which con sists of di fferent t ypes of cell (i nclu ding diff ere nt manu factures)
Ba tt ery which is alr ead y fu lly cha rge d or just slight ly discha rge d
Non- rech arg eab le bat te ries (E xplosion hazard) .
rie s th at req uir e a diffe ren t char ge te chniqu e fr om NiCd, NiMH, Lilo, LiP o, LiFe or
Ba tt e
Pb .
Faulty or da mag ed ba tt ery
Ba tt ery fit te d wit h an integ ral ch arg e circu it or a pr otect ion cir cuit .
Ba tt eri es installed in a device, or which are elect rica lly lin ked to oth er co mpo nen ts.
Ba tt eri es th at ar e not exp ressly sta te d by t he man uf actur e to be sui table for t he
cur ren ts t he charger de livers during the char ge pro
Please bear in min d of ch ecking the follo wing point before
ch arge op eration:
Did you sele ct th e ap pro priat e pr ogram , which are suit abl e fo r th e typ e of bat te ry?
Did you set up ad equ at e current f or ch arg ing or discha rgin g?
Lithium ba tt ery pack ca n be com posed wit h pa rallel an d ser ies cir cuit s mixed. Y ou have
to check th e com position of th e ba tt ery p ack car efully be fo re char ging
Ar e all con nections fi rm and saf e, or is t here an inte rmit te nt con ta ct at any po int in th e
Ch arging
A spe cific q uan tit y of el ectrica l en erg y is fe d int o the ba tt ery d uring cha rge process.
The char ge qu an tit y is cal cula ted by mult iplyi ng char ge cu
ma ximum pe rmissible cha rge curre nt varies acco rding to the bat te ry type s or it s
pe rforma nce, a nd can be fo und in the in for mat ion pr ovid ed by the ba tt ery m anu fa cture.
It is on ly allowed to char ge batt eries at ra te s highe r th en th e sta ndard charge curren t if
the y are exp ressl y stated to be capab le of q uick-cha rge .
Conn ect the ba tt ery t o cha rge t o outp ut ter mina l of the charg
rren t by ch arg e ti me. The
er usi ng suit able cha rge
lead . They are re d, po siti ve (+) an d bla ck, neg at ive (-). Since the char ger cann ot de tect
the di ffer ence bet wee n th e interna l resi stance s of th e ba tt ery p ack, cab le resista nce
an d con necto r transf er resist ance , the first req uiremen t if the ch arger to work pro perly
is t hat t he cha rge lea d sho uld be of a deq uate co ndu cto r cross-se ctio n. An d also highqu ality co nnect ors (norma ll
Refer to t he inf orm ati on pro vide d by t he batt ery manu fa cture rega rdin g cha
me thod s, an d ver ify t he recomme nde d cha rge cur ren t an d cha rge ti me. Espe ciall y for
Lithium ba tt erie s, you have to fo llow the cha rge in struct ion pr ovid ed by the
ma nuf act ure r strict ly.
Do no t at te mpt t o disa ssemble t he batt ery pa ck arb itr arily.
Yo u ha ve to pay a tt ent ion to ve
pa ck. It ma y be comp osed of pa rallel an d seri es con necti on mixed. I n pa rallel lin k the
cap acit y of t he bat te ry pa ck is mul tip lied by th e nu mbe r of cel ls but th e voltag e rema ins
the sam e. Tha t kind of volt age imba lance causes a fire or exp losio n du ring char ge
y go ld-con ta ct type ) must be fit te d to bot h en ds.
rif y th e cap acit y and the volt age of th e Lit hium ba tt ery
proce ss. We recomme nd you compo se the Lith ium bat ter pa ck in serie s on ly.
Discharg e
The typica l pur pose of disch arg e is t o dete rmine the re sidu al cap acit y of t he bat te ry, or
to lowe r th e voltag e of ba tt ery t o a defin ed level. W hen you disch arg e th e batte ry you
also have to pa y att en tio n on the pr ocess same as cha rging . To avo id the ba tt ery
be comi ng dee p-ch arg ed, set the fina l disch arg e voltag e correctly. Li thium b
sho uld no t be dee p-ch arg ed to lo wer t han th e minimu m volt ag e, as t his le
loss of ca paci ty or a to tal failure . Gener ally, yo u do no t ne ed to discha rge Li thi um
ba tt ery vo lun tarily.
So me rech arg eable bat te ries are said to have a mem ory e ffect. If t hey a re par tly u sed
an d recha rge d be fore th e whole char ge is drawn out , they rememb er th is an d ne xt
time wil l onl y use that p art of t heir ca paci ty. This is a mem ory effect NiCd an d NiMH
ba tt eries a re said to suffer fr
cha rge t hen use unt il empty, do no t recha rge be fo re stora ge- allo w th em to self discha rge during sto rag e. NiMH ba tt erie s have less memor y eff ect t han NiC d.
The Lit hiu m bat te ry pr efe rs a par tia l rat he r th an a full di schar ge. Fr equ ent f ull
discha rge s should be avoided if po ssibl e. In ste ad, ch arge th e batt ery more of te n or use
a large r ba tt ery.
d- new NiCd bat te ry pa ck is part iall y use fu l wit h its cap acit y unti l it has be en
The bra n
sub ject ed to 10 or mo re charg e cyc les in an y case. Th e cyclic p roce ss of cha rge an d
discha rge will le ad to op tim ize the capa city of bat te ry pa ck.
om me mory e ffe ct. The y pre fer comp let e cycles; fu lly
Those warning and safely notes are particularly important. Please follow the
instructions for a maximum safely; otherwise the charger and the battery can be
damaged violently. And also it can cause a fire to injure a human body or to lose the
Warning and Satety Notes
at te ries
ad s to a rap id
Program flow chat
Program flow chat
Program flow chat
Lithium battery
Batt typ e stop
NiMH battery
Batt typ e stop
NiCD battery
Batt typ e stop
Pb battery
Batt typ e stop
Batt typ e stop
Batt typ e stop
En ter
En ter
En ter
En ter
En ter
Capacity Cut-off
Safety Time
Key Beep Buzzer
Trickle Charge
Input Power
Low Cut-off
Waste Time
En ter
LiXX V.Type
CHK Time
NiMH D.Peak
NiCD D.Peak
Temp Cut-off
+ 11 hidden pages
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