Product Introduction
Thank you for purchasing iMaxRC B6 Compact Easy balance
charger. This charger is compact and light, which can only charge
2s,3s,4s,5s,and 6s Lipo battery pack, especially there port separated corresponding balance port for each battery pack. Before
using it, please read the user manual carefully.
Main Output
Balance Ports
DC Input
Operating voltage range: DC11.0~18.0Volt
Charge power: 50W
Charge current range: Charging process will estimate battery
capacity continually and charge current is set to maxim but less
than 5 A
balancing current: 200mA/cell
Lipo cell count: 2~6 series
Dimensions: 115x75x28 mm
Charging Operating
Insert the power supply, the buzzer rings half a second, all the

lights are green color show that the charger boot normally,
waiting for the battery inserted.
After the rechargeable battery inserted correctly, the corresponding light become red color and start charging.
After charging period of time, if all lights change to orange
color, it shows the battery capacity has reached to 90%
above, when if all lights change to green color, it explains
that the battery has already full. And the buzzer rings every
minute, until the battery is took off.
DC Power Slot
LEDs show the state
- +
Main Output
Separated corresponding
balance port
Connect the proper Lipo battery( 2~6 cells) with charger as

When the battery and charger are connected as above, the
charger will get into the charging program automatically,
the charging current is automatically set by charger. Please
Note: if the battery and charger are connected incorrectly,
Insert wrong (against the right direction), the charger will
not begin to charger and send an alert (buzzer rings, light
6 indicator lights correspond to the cells inserted separately.
The indicator light corresponding to the port no cell being
charged turns green, while the indicator light corresponding
to the port with cell being charged turns red. When one cell
is fully charged, the corresponding indicator light will turn
1. New technology, automatic detection of battery capacity,
regardless of the size of the capacity of the battery, take the most
appropriate current to charge the battery faster until the battery
is fully charged.