Your business runs on documents that exist in paper
or electronic form. The new Imagistics im3511 and
im4511 are advanced MFPs that provide the critical
bridge between these worlds. An easy to use
solution that helps you effectively manage, share
and secure your document workflow. The im3511
and im4511 are efficient, cost-effective and deliv-
er tomorrow’s technology today.
Is your office equipment leaking
confidential information? Document
security is on everyone’s mind in the
business environment. At Imagistics, it’s
our business to take your documents
seriously. That’s why we’ve
addressed these issues with the
im3511 and im4511 for security-
conscious professionals.
The im3511 and im4511 offer a full suite of
security solutions. Whether it’s as simple as prevent-
ing documents from being seen by others or more
high-level protection from unauthorized network
access, we’ve got your back. The im3511 and im4511
deliver the productivity, versatility and flexibility
you’ve come to expect for your everyday use. And
now, it’s more simple and secure than ever before.
Multifunction made simple
…We made document management simple and secure