imagistics DL200, DL270, DL370 Operating Manual
Operating Manual
For use with Imagistics and Pitney Bowes DL200/270/370 copier/printers.
DL200 DL270 DL370
Please read the next section before using this device. It contains important information related to use r safety and pre v entin g equi pm ent problems.
Make sure you observe all of the precautions listed in this manual.
*Please note that some parts of the contents of this section may not correspond with the purchased
Warning and Precaution Symbols
Ignoring this warning could cause serious injury or eve n d eath.
■■■■ Meaning of Symbols
A triangle indicates a danger against which you should take precaution.
A diagonal line indicates a prohibited course of action.
A black circle indicates an imperative course of action.
Ignoring this caution could cause injury or damage to property.
This symbol warns against cause burns.
This symbol warns against dismantling the device.
This symbol indicates you must unplug the device.
PL 02
• Do not modify this p roduct, as a fire, electrica l shock, or breakdown co uld resul t. If the product employs a laser, the laser beam source could cause blindness.
• Do not attempt to r emove the covers and panels which have been fixed to the product. Some product s have a high-v oltage part or a laser beam source inside that could cause an electrical shock or blindness.
• Only use the power cord supplied in the package. Failure to use this cord could result in a fire or electrical shock.
• Use only the specified power source voltage. Failure to do that could result in a fire or electrical shock.
• Do not use a multip le outlet adapter to connect any other appliances or machines. Use of a powe r outlet for mor e than the marked curr ent v alu e could resul t in a fire or elec trical sh oc k .
Do not unplug and plug in the power cord with a wet hand, as an electrical shock coul d result.
Plug the power cord all the way into the power outlet. Failure to do this could result in a fire or electrical shock.
• Do not scratch, abrade, place a heavy object on, heat, twist, bend, pull on, or dam­age th e pow e r cord. U s e of a damaged pow e r cord (exp os ed co re w ire, broke n wire, etc.) could result in a fire or breakdown. Should any of the se condi t ions be fou nd, immediatel y t urn OFF the po we r swi tc h, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized ser­vice representative.
• In pri ncipl e, do not use an ex tens io n cord. Use of an ex tensi on co rd co uld caus e a fire or electrical shock. Contact your authorized service representati ve if an extension cord is required.
Do not place a flo wer v a se or other cont aine r tha t con tain s water, or metal cl ips or other small metallic objects on this product. Spilled water or metallic objects dropped inside the product could result in a fire, electrical shock, or breakdown. Should a piece of metal, water, or any other similar foreign matter get inside the product, immedi atel y turn O FF the po wer swit ch, unpl ug th e po wer cor d from the power o u tlet, an d th en ca ll your authoriz ed s e rv ic e represe n ta tive.
• If this product becomes inordinately hot or emits smoke , or unusual odor or noise, immed iately turn OFF th e pow e r sw itch, u nplug the pow er cord fr om th e p owe r outlet, an d the n ca ll your author ized ser vi ce repr es entat i ve. If you keep on u sing i t as is, a fire or electrical shock could result.
• If this product has been dropped or its cover damaged, immediately turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your authorized service representative. If you keep on using it as is, a fire or electrical shock could result.
Do not throw the toner cartridge or toner into an open fl ame. Th e hot toner m a y scatter and cause burns o r other damag e.
Connect the power cord to an electrical outlet that is equipped with a grounding terminal.
• Do not use flammable sprays, liquids, or gases near this product, as a fire could result.
• Do not leave a toner unit or drum unit in a place within easy reach of children. Licking or ingesting any of these things could injure your health.
• Do not let any object plug the ventilation holes of this product. Heat could accu­mulate inside the product, resulting in a fire or malfunction.
• Do not install this product at a site th at is expo s ed to direct sunlight, or near an air conditioner or heating apparatus. The resultant temperature changes inside the product could cause a malfunction, fire, or electrical shock.
• Do not pla ce the pr oduc t in a dusty pl ac e, or a site exposed to soot or steam, near a kitchen table, bath, or a humidifier. A fire, electrical shock, or breakdown could result.
• Do not place this product on an unstable or tilted bench, or in a location subject to a lot o f vibratio n and sh o ck. It could drop or fall, caus i n g perso nal in jury or mechanical breakdown.
• After installing this product, mount it on a secure base. If the unit moves or falls, it may cause personal injury.
• Do not store t oner units and PC drum units near a floppy disk or watch that are susceptible to magnetism. They could cause these products to malfunction.
The inside of this product has areas subject to high temperature, which may cause burns. When checking the inside of the uni t for ma lf u nctions such as a pap er mis­feed, do not touc h t h e loc at io ns (ar ound t h e f usi ng unit, etc .) which are indic at ed b y a “Caution ! High Temperature !” warning label.
Do not place an y object s ar ound the p ow er plug as th e po wer plug may be dif ficult to pull out when an emergency occurs.
The socket -o ut let sha ll be inst alle d near the ma chi ne an d shall be eas il y acces si bl e as the power plug may be difficult to pull out when an emergency occurs.
• Always use this product in a well ventilated location. Operating the product in a poorly ventilated room for an extended period of time could injure your health. Ventilate the ro o m at reg u la r intervals.
• Whenever moving this product, be sure to disconnect the power cord and other cables. Fai lure to do this could damage the cord or cable, resulting in a fire, elec­trical shock, or breakdown.
• When moving this product, always hold it by the locations specified in the opera­tor’s manual or other documents. If the unit falls it may cause severe personal injury. The product may also be damaged or malfunction.
• Remove the p ow er plug f rom the ou tlet mo re than o ne time a year and c lean t he area between the plug terminals. Dust that accumulates between the plug termi­nals may cause a fire.
• When unplugging the power cord, be sure to hold onto the plug. Pulling on the power cord could damage the cord, resulting in a fire or electrical shock.
Prec autions f or Routine Use
• Do not store toner units, P C drum u nits , an d other suppl ies an d co nsu mabl es in a
place subject to direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity, as poor image quality and malfunction could result.
• Do not attempt to replace the toner unit and PC drum unit in a pl ace exposed t o
direct sunlight. If the PC drum is exposed to intense light, poor image quality could result.
• Do not unpack a t oner unit or PC drum unit until the very ti me of use. Do not
leave an unpacked unit standing. Install it immediately or poor image quality could result.
• Do not keep toner uni ts and PC drum units in an upright position or upside
down, as poor image quality could result.
• Do not thr o w o r dro p a tone r unit o r PC dru m unit as poor i mage quality could
• Do not use this product in an area where ammonia or other gases or chemicals
are present. Failure to do so may shorten the service life of the product, cause damage or decrease performance.
• Do not use this product in an environment with a temperature outside the r ang e
specified in the operator’s manual, as a breakdown or malfunction could result.
• Do not attempt to feed stapled paper, carbon paper or al u minum foil through thi s
product, as a malfunction or fire could result. Do not touch or scratch the surface of the toner unit, developing roller and the
PC drum, as poor image quality could result.
Use the supplies and consumables recommended by the dealer. Use of any sup­ply or consumable not recommended could result in poor image quality and breakdown.
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner , we have determine d that this mac hine meets the
NERGY STAR® Guidelines for energy efficiency.
What is an ENERGY STAR® Products?
An ENERGY STAR® product has a specia l fe ature that a llo ws it to auto mati cally switch to a “ lo w-po wer mode” after a period of inactivity. An money on ut ility bi lls and helps p rotect the environment.
NERGY STAR® produ c t u ses ene rgy mo r e efficie nty, saves you
This operator’s manual explai ns how to operate the ma chine and replenish its supplies. It also gives some troubleshooting tips as well as general precautions to be observed when operating the machine.
To ensure the best p erformance and effective use of your machine, read this manua l care fully until you familiarize yourself thoroughly with its operation and features. After you have read through the manual, keep it ready for reference.
Plea se use this m an ual as a quick and handy refe rence tool for immediately clarifying any questions which may arise.
For the U.S.A. Users
FCC Part 15-Radio Frequency Devices
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is opera t ed in a commer cial e n v i ro n men t. This equ ipment generates, use s , and radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and u s ed in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the use r will be required to corre ct the interferenc e at his own expense.
WARNING: The design and production of this unit conform to FCC Regulations, and any changes or modifications must be registered w ith the FCC and ar e subject to FC C contr ol. Any c h anges made by purchaser or user without first contacting the manufacturer will be subject to penalty under FCC regulations.
This de vice must be used with shi elded interface cabl es . The use of non-shield cables is likely to result in interference with radio communicati on s and is pro hibite d under FC C rules .
For Canada Users
Interference-Causing Equipment Standard (ICES-003 Issue 3)
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numéri que de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Safet y I nfo r mation.. ......... .......... .......... .. .......... .......... .. .......... ......... ... .......... ......... .. v
Terms and Symbols for the Type of Originals and Copy Paper ....... .................. viii
Chapter 1 Safety Notes
1. Installing the Copier
Installation S it e ................... ......... ................. .......... ................. .......... ......... .... 1-2
Power Source .............. ................. .......... ................. ................. ................. ...... 1- 2
Space Requirements........................................................................................ 1-2
2. Precaut ions for Use
Opera ting Enviro nment....... ......... .......... ................. .......... ......... ................. .... 1-3
Acoustic noise................................................................................................. 1-3
Using the Machine Properly ........................................................................... 1-3
Movin g the Machine............... .......... .......... ................. .......... ................. ........ 1-3
Care of Machine Supplies.............................. ...................... ...................... ..... 1-4
Legal Restrictions on Copying....................................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2 Getting to Know Your Copier
1. Typical Copies You Can Make with Your Copier
Typical copies you can make with your copier.............................................. 2-2
2. System Overview
System Overview............................................................................................ 2-6
DL200/DL270/DL370 and Options................................................................ 2-6
Option ........................................................................................................... 2-12
Outside the Machine ..................................................................................... 2-16
Inside the Machine........................................................................................ 2-17
3. Control Panel Keys and Touch Panel
Contr ol Panel K eys and I ndicator s .................... .......... .......... ......... .......... .... 2-18
What is the Touch Panel? ............................................................................. 2-19
Opera ting the Tou ch Panel .......... .......... ................. .......... ......... ................. .. 2-19
How t he Basic Screen is Orga ni zed..... ................. ......... ................. .......... .... 2-19
4. Turning ON and OFF and Initial Mode
Turnin g ON and OFF.. ................. .......... .......... ................. ......... .......... ......... 2-21
When M achine is Tur n ed ON........... ................. .......... .......... ................. ...... 2-21
Initia l M o de............... .......... ......... ... ......... .......... ... ......... .......... .. .......... ......... 2-21
5. Placing th e Original
Using the Document Feeder ................ ................. ......... ................. .......... .... 2-22
Loading the Or i ginals in D oc ument Feeder...................... ......... .......... ......... 2-23
Placin g the Ori ginal on th e Glass ........ ......... .......... .......... ................. ......... .. 2-26
Mixed Orig. D etectio n .......... .......... ................. ......... ................. .......... ......... 2-28
6. Auxil iary Functions
Auxil ia r y Fu n ct io n s ......... .......... .. .......... .......... .. .......... .......... .. .......... ......... .. 2-29
Icons.............................................................................................................. 2-32
Chapter 3 Making Copies
1. Basic Copying Overview
Basic C opying Overview......... ....................................................................... 3-2
2. Sele cting the Paper
Paper Size .. ................. ................. ................. .......... ................. ................. ...... 3- 4
Manual Bypass Copyi ng....... .......... ......... ................. .......... .......... .......... ........ 3-7
3. Sele cting the Zoom
Zoom Ratio................................................................................................... 3-12
4. Selecting the Finishing Function
Finish i n g Fu n c t ion s ........ .. .. .......... ... ......... .......... .......... .. .......... .......... .. ........ 3-18
Sele ct ing the Fin i s h ing Func tion............ ................. .......... ................. ......... . 3-20
Hints for Stapling Position ........................................................................... 3-26
Hints for Stapling ......................................................................................... 3-30
Hints for Hole-Punching Position ................................................................ 3-30
5. Selecting the Original Copy Type
Origi n al Copy Ty pe...... .......... ......... ................. .......... .......... ................. ... 3-31
Selecting the Original Copy Type . ........................................................... 3-34
Some Precautions for Making Copies.......................................................... 3-41
Handy Feature Available from Initial Mode Setting.................................... 3-41
6. Selecting the Density
Image Density .............................................................................................. 3-42
7. Auxili ary Functions
Cover ............................................................................................................ 3-44
Page Insertion............................................................................................... 3-46
OHP Interleaving......................................... ................................................. 3-50
File Margin ................................................................................................... 3-54
Edge/Frame Erase ........................................................................................ 3-56
Image Repeat................................................................................................ 3-58
Distribution................................................................................................... 3-60
Separate Scan ............................................................................................... 3-61
8. Selecting Job List
Job L is t .............. .......... .......... ................. .......... ................. ......... .......... ........ 3-62
Selecting J ob List ........ ................. .......... ................. .......... ......... ................. . 3- 62
9. Using Memory Recall
Memo r y R ec al l..... .......... ......... ... ......... .......... ... ......... .......... .......... .. .......... ... 3-63
Chapter 4 Typical Function Combinations
1. Making Different Types of Copy
Read in g the Table........... ................. ......... .......... ................. .......... ................. 4 -2
Using 1-Sided Originals................................................................................. 4-3
Using 2-Sided Originals with Filing Margin along Left Edges..................... 4-9
Using 2-Sided Originals with Filing Margin along Top Edges................... 4-15
2. Using Large-S ize Originals
Precautions When Making Copies on 11×17 L or Legal L.................... ...... 4-21
Chapter 5 Setting the Utility Mode
1. Using the Utility Mode
Prog r amming a nd Sett ing Scr eens .. ......... .......... ................. .......... ................. 5-2
2. Making the User’s Choice Settings
User’s Cho ice Functions ................................................................................ 5-4
Making the User’s Cho ice Setting s ........ .......... ................. ......... ................. ... 5-9
3. Meter Count
Usin g Meter Cou nt...... .......... ................. .......... ................. ......... .......... ........ 5- 10
4. Job Memory Input and Job Recall
Job M emory I nput...................... ......... ................. .......... .......... ................. ... 5-12
Recal ling a Jo b f r om Memory. ................. .......... .......... ................. ......... ...... 5-15
5. Sett ings in User Management
Settin g the Conf ir mation Beep a n d A larm Volu m e............... ................. ...... 5-16
Using the Dehumidify Function ............ .......... ......... ................. .......... ......... 5-17
Using the Tone r Replenisher Fu nction ................. ................. ......... .............. 5-18
Panel Cl eaning ....... .......... ... ......... .......... .......... .. .......... .......... ......... ... ......... .. 5-19
Data Send...................................................................................................... 5-19
6. Sett ings in Admin. Management
Admi n. M a nagemen t M ode......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ...... 5-2 0
Settin g Admin. Managem ent .. .......... .......... ................. .......... ......... .............. 5-20
Functions of Admin. Management ............................................................... 5-21
Admi nis t r at o r Se t... .......... .......... .. .......... .......... .. .......... .......... ......... ... ......... .. 5-22
Copy Track ................. .......... .......... ................. ......... ................. .......... ......... 5-24
Chapter 6 When a Message Appears
1. When the Message “Replenish paper.” Appears
Addin g paper ........ .......... ......... ................. .......... ................. .......... .......... ........ 6- 2
Memorize Paper Size...................................................................................... 6-8
2. When the Message “Please add toner.” Appears
Repla cing the Toner B ottle............. ......... ................. ................. .......... ......... 6-10
3. When the Message “Stapler empty.” Appears
Reloa d ing the Sta p le Cartridge.... .......... .......... ................. ......... ................. .. 6-12
4. When the Messa ge “Please change Imaging Unit.” Appears
Changing th e Imaging U nit.......... .......... ................. .......... ......... ................. .. 6-16
5. When the Message “Misfeed detected.” Appears
Misfe ed Location Displays .................. ......... ................. .......... .......... ........... 6-18
Misfe ed Clearing Proced u r es............... ......... ................. .......... ................. .... 6-19
6. When the Message “Cannot staple.” Appears
Clearing the St aple Misfeed....... .......... ................. ......... ................. .......... .... 6-34
7. When a Size Error Message Appears
Clearing a Size Error..................................................................................... 6-38
8. When the Messa g e “A malfunction was detected.” Ap pears
When th e message “A malfuncti o n was detected .” appears.............. ......... .. 6-40
9. What Does Each Me ssage Mean?
What d o es each me s sage mean ? .. .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. .......... .... 6-41
10. When This Type of Copy is Produced
When this type of copy is produced.............................................................. 6-42
11. The Machine is not Functioning as Designed
The machine is not fu nctioning as designed................................................. 6-4 4
Chapter 7 Miscellaneous
1. Specification s
Specifications.................................................................................................. 7-2
2. Care of the Copier
Cleaning........................................................................................................ 7-10
3. Function Combination Matrix
Funct io n Comb i nation Matrix .......... ................. .......... ................. .......... ...... 7-12
Conditions for Combined Functions............................................................. 7-14
4. Descrip tion of Paper Size and Zoom Ratio T able
List o f Paper S izes and Zoom Ratios................. .......... ................. .......... ...... 7-15
Safety Information
Laser Safety
This is a digital machine which operates by means of a laser. There is no possibility of danger from the laser, provided the machine is operated according to the instructions in this manual.
Since radiation emitted by the laser is completely confined within protective housing, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user operation.
This machine is certified as a Class 1 laser product. This means the machine does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
Internal Laser Radiation
Maximum A ve ra ge Radian t Power: 19.5 µW (DL200/DL270) / 27.8 µW (DL370) at the laser aperture of the print head unit.
Wavelength: 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270)
775-795 nm (DL370)
This produc t employs a Class 3b laser diode that emits an invisible las er beam. The laser diode and the scanning polygon mirror are incorporated in the print head unit. The print head unit is NOT A FIELD SERVICE ITEM. Therefore, the print head unit should not be opened under any circumstances.
Laser Aperture of the Print H e ad U n it
Print H ea d
This figu re s hows the view inside the Right Door with the Imaging Unit removed.
CDRH regulation
This machine is certified as a Class 1 Laser product under Radiation Performance Standard according to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1990. Compliance is mandatory for Laser products marketed in the United States and i s repor ted to the Cent er for De vic es and Ra dio logica l Heal th ( CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Ad mi nistration of t he U. S. Depar tment of Health and Human Services ( DHHS ) . This means that the device does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
The label shown to page vii indicates compliance with the CDRH regulations and must be attached to laser products marketed in the United States.
CAUTION Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
This is a semiconductor la ser. The maximum power of the lase r diode is 5 mW (DL200/DL270) / 15 mW (DL370) and the wavelength is 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270) / 775-795 nm (DL370).
Safe ty Information
For European Users
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
This is a semiconductor laser. The maximum power of the laser diode is 5 mW (DL200/DL270) / 15 mW (DL370) and the wavelength is 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270) / 775-795 nm (DL370).
For Denmark Users
Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning, når sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude af funktion. Undgå udsættelse for stråling. Klasse 1 laser produkt der opfylder IEC60825 sikkerheds kravene.
Dansk: Dette er en halvlederlaser. Lase rdiodens højeste styrke er 5 mW (DL200/DL270) / 15 mW (DL370) og bølgelængden er 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270) / 775-795 nm (DL370).
For Finland, Sweden Users
Laitteen Käyttäminen muulla kuin tässä kä yttöohjeessa mainitulla tavalla saattaa altistaa käyttäjän turvallisuusluokan 1 ylittävälle näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle.
Tämä on puolijohdelaser. Laserdiodin suurin teho on 5 mW (DL200/DL270) / 15 mW (DL370) ja aallonpituus on 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270) / 775-795 nm (DL370).
Om apparaten används på annat sätt än i denna bruksanvisning specificerats, kan användaren utsättas för osynlig laserstrålning, som överskrider gränsen för laserklass 1.
Det här är en halvledarlaser. Den maximala effekten för laserdioden är 5 mW (DL200/DL270) / 15 mW (DL370) och våglängden är 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270) / 775-795 nm (DL370).
Avattaessa j a s uojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle. Älä katso säteeseen.
Osynlig laserstrålning när denna del är öppnad och spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
For Norway Users
Dersom apparatet brukes på anne n måte enn spesifisert i denne bruksanvisning, kan brukeren utsettes for unsynlig laserstråling som overskrider grensen for laser klass 1.
Dette en halvleder laser. Maksimal effekt till laserdiode er 5 mW (DL200/DL270) / 15 mW (DL370) og
bølgelengde er 770-795 nm (DL200/DL270) / 775-795 nm (DL370).
Laser Safety Label
A laser safety label is attached to the ou t side of the machine as shown below.
Manufacturer’s Name Plate
Laser safety label
For Europe
Safety Information
For Uni ted States
Imagistics International Inc.
100 Oakview Drive Trumbull, Connecticut 06611
The Manufacturer ’s Name Pl ate is affixed at th e p o sition illustrated above. Please write down the Model Name and Serial No. of your copier here.
Model: Serial No.
Ozone Release
= Locate the Machine in a Well Ventilated Room = A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of this machine. An unpleasant odor may, however, b e created in poorly ventilated rooms during extensive machine operations. For a comfortable, healthy, and safe operating environ ment, it is re commended that the room well vent ilated.
= Placer l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée = Une quantité d'ozone négligable es t dégagée pendant le fonc tionnement de l’appareil quand c el u i -c i est utilisé nor malement. Cependant, une odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans le s pièces dont l'aéra tion est insuf fisante et lorsque une utilisation prolongée de l’appareil est effectuée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un environnement réunissant des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est préférable de bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve l’appareil.
Acoustic N oise
For European Users
Machine Noise Regulation 3 GSGV, 18.01.1991 : The sound pressure level at the operator position according to EN 27779 is equal to or less than 70dB(A).
Terms and Symbols for the Type of Originals and Copy Paper
A few speci al te r m s a nd s ym bol s ar e use d in this manual to desi g n a te t yp e s o f ori gin als and copy paper. This page explains about these t e r m s and symbols.
Feeding Direction (copy paper path)
In this copi er syste m, copy pape r is ta ken up from the ri ght-han d side of th e copie r, fed throu gh the c opier toward the left-ha nd side, and ejec ted face down onto th e Copy Tray. In th e figure bel ow, the direct ion in which the copy paper is fed, as indicated by the arrow, is called the “feeding direction.”
“Width” and “Length”
Terms and Symbo ls U sed
When we talk about the size of the original or copy, we call side A “width” and side B “length.”
A: Width B: Length
<Lengthwise >
When the origin al o r copy ha s a “le ngt h” longe r than its “width,” we call it “lengthwise” and use symbol “L” or “ .”
<Crosswise >
When the original or copy has a “length” shorter than it s “width,” we call it “cro sswise” and use symbol “C” or “ .”
Chapter 1
Safe ty Not es
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
1. Install in g the Cop ier
Installat ion Site
To ensure utmost safety and prevent possible malfunctions of the copier , install it in a location which
Chapter 1Safety Notes
meets the following requirements.
A place away from a curtain or the like that may catch fire and burn easily.
An area wher e there is n o possibility of being splashed with water or oth er types of liquid.
An area free from direct sunlight.
A place out of the direct air stream of an air conditioner, heater, or ventilator.
A well-ventilated place.
A dry place.
A dust-free location.
An area not subject to undue vibration.
A stab le an d level locat ion.
A place where ammonia o r ot her organic gas is not generated.
A place which does not put the operator in the direct stream of exhaust from the copier.
A place which is not near any kind of heating device.
Power Source
The power source voltage requirements are as follows :
Use a pow er source with little voltage fluctuation.
Voltage Fluctuation : Within ± 10% (127V: +6%, –10%) Fre q uency Fl uctuation : Withi n ± 3Hz
Space Requirements
To ensure easy copier operation, supply replacements, and service maintenance, adhere to the recommended space require ments de tail ed below . Allo w a cle arance of 12 -1/4 i nch or more a t the b ack of the copier for a ventilation duct and replacement of the toner bottle.
<With 9729 , 9749, 9867, 9753 and 9752 mounted>
Unit: Inch
2. Precautions for Use
Operating Environment
The operating environmental requirements of the m achine are as follows :
Temperat ure : 10°C to 32°C (50°F t o 90 °F) wit h a fluctuat ion of 10°C (18°F) per hour. Humidity : 15% to 85% with a fluctuation of 10% per hour.
Acoustic noise
<For European Users Only> Machine Noise Regulation 3 GSGV, 18.01.1991 : The sound pressure level at the operator position according to EN 27779 is equal to or less than 70dB(A).
Using the Machine Properly
To ensure optimum performance of the machine, follow the precautions listed below.
NEVER place a heavy object on the machine or subject the machine to shocks.
NEVER open any doors, or turn OFF the machine while the machine is making copies.
NEVER bring any magnetized object or use flammable sprays near the machine.
NEVER remodel the machine, as a fire or electrical shock could result.
ALWAYS in s ert the pow er plug all the way into the outlet.
ALWAYS make sure that the outlet is visible, clear of the machine or machine cabinet.
ALWAYS provide good ventilation when making a large number of continuous copies.
Chapter 1Safety Notes
= Locate the Machine in a Well Ventilated Room = A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation of this machine. An unpleasant odor may, however, be created in poor ly ventilated rooms during extensive machine operations. For a comfortable, healthy, and safe operating environment, i t is recomme nded that the room well ventilated.
= Placer l’appareil dans une pièce largement ventilée = Une quantité d'ozone négligable es t dégagée pendant le fonc tionnement de l’appareil quand c el u i -c i est utilisé nor malement. Cependant, une odeur désagréable peut être ressentie dans le s pièces dont l'aéra tion est insuf fisante et lorsque une utilisation prolongée de l’appareil est effectuée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un environnement réunissant des conditions de confort, santé et de sécurité, il est préférable de bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve l’appareil.
Moving the Machine
If you need to transport the machine over a long distance, consult your Technical Representative.
2. Precaut ions for Use
Care of Machine Supplies
Use the following precautions when handling the machine supplies (toner, paper, etc.).
Chapter 1
Store the paper, toner , and othe r suppli es in a pla ce free from direct sunlig ht an d awa y from any hea ting
appara tu s. Ke ep them in a dry, cool, clean environment. Store paper , which has bee n rem ove d from i ts wrap per b ut no t l oaded i nto the dra wer , in a seal ed pla stic
bag in a cool, dark place. Keep supplies o ut of the reach of children.
Safety Notes
If your hands become soiled with toner, wash them with soap and water immediately.
Legal Restrictions on Copying
Certain types of documents must never be copied by the machine for the purpose or with the intent to pass copies of such documents off as the original. The following is not a complete list but is meant to be used as a guide to responsible copying.
Financial Instruments
• Personal Checks
• Travelers Checks
• Money Orders
• Certificates of Deposit
• Bonds or other Certificates of Indebtedness
• Stock Ce r tificates
Legal Documents
• Food Stamps
• Postage Stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
• Checks or Drafts drawn by Government Agencie s
• Internal Revenue Stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
• Passports
• Immigration Papers
• Motor Vehicle Licenses and Titles
• House and Property Titles and Deeds
• Identification Cards, Badges, or Insignias
• Copyrighted Works without permission of the copyright owner
In addition, it is prohibited under any circumstances Art without permission of the copyright owner.
When in doubt about the nature of a document, consult with legal counsel.
to copy d omestic or foreign c u rrencies or Works of
Chapter 2
Getti n g to Kn ow Your C o pi er
Chapter 2
Getting to Know Your Copier
1. Typical Copies You Can Make with Your Copier
Typical copies you can make with your copier
Here’s a sample of the features th e machine is equipped with to turn out differ ent types of copies. For specific operations, see the rel evant page s in dicated by p.
Original Copy
Single-sided Single-sided
Chapter 2
Double-sided Single-sided
Orig. Copy
Getting to Know Your Copier
2-in-1 4-in-1
Single-sided Double-sided
Book Single-sided
Orig. Copy
1. Typical Copies You Can Make with Your Copier
Mixed Original Detection
Mixed Orig. Detection
Sort Staple
Chapter 2
Getting to Know Your Copier
Group Hole Punch
Zoom Ratio
Reduce, Full size, Enlarge, X/Y Zoom
1. Typical Copies You Can Make with Your Copier
Auxiliary Functions
Cover p.3-44 Page Inserti on p.3-46
Orig. Copy
Chapter 2
OHP Interleaving p.3- 50 File Margin ☞p.3-54
Getting to Know Your Copier
Orig. Copy
Erase p.3-56 Image Repeat p.3-58
1. Typical Copies You Can Make with Your Copier
Distributionp.3-60 Separate Scanp.3-61
Chapter 2
Getting to Know Your Copier
2. System Overview
System O v er v i ew
The followi ng ov erview presents the machine an d the availa ble o ptions along with a brief explanation of the function of each. Refer to “Control Panel Ke ys and Indicators” (p.2-18) for use of the Touch Panel and control panel.
DL200/DL270/DL370 and Options
Chapter 2
Getting to Know Your Copier
Original Cover Kit 4011015302 <Option>
Holds the original in position on the Original Glass.
Duplex ing Docum ent Feeder 9729 <O p t io n >
Automatically feeds originals one page after another for scanning. It is also capable of automatically turning over 2-sided originals for scanning data on both sides.
Automatic Document Feeder 9721 <Option>
Performs automatic feeding of multiple originals.
Shift Tray 9750 <Option>
Permits sorting or grouping of copies.
Job Tray 9751 <Option>
Performs sorting and grouping of copies. You can select the bins for output according to the application in User’s Choice.
2. System Overview
Duplex Unit 9752 <Option>
Automatically turns over 1-sided copies to print data on both sides.
Chapter 2
Paper Feed Unit 9867 <Option>
Holds up to 550 sheets of paper and easily adjusts to different paper sizes.
Paper Feed Unit 9753 <Option>
Holds up to 550 sheets of paper.
Getting to Know Your Copier
Copy Table 9916 <Option>
Adjusts the height of the machine.
Copy Desk 9917 <Option>
Adjusts the height of the machine.
8MB Memory, 16MB Memory, 32MB Memory <Option>
To expand the mem o r y c ap acity of the ma ch i n e.
Printer Controller 9754 <Option>
When installed on the machine, enables the machine to perform printing functions.
2. System Over view
Original Cover Kit 4011015302 <Option>
Holds the original in position on the Original Glass.
Duplexing Document Feeder 9729 <Option>
Automatically feeds originals one page after
Chapter 2
another for scanning. It is also capable of automatically turning over 2-sided originals for scanning data on both sides.
Automatic Document Feeder 9721 <Option>
Perform s automatic feeding of multiple originals.
Finisher 9747 <Option>
Permits sorting, grouping, punching or sort-
Getting to Know Your Copier
stapling of copies.
Finisher 9748 <Option>
Permits sorting, grouping or sort-stapling of copies.
Option Tray DL3700030 <Option>
Mounted on a Finisher 9747 or Finisher 9748 when the machine is equipped with a Printer Controller and serves as an exit tray for the exclusive use for the printer.
Mailbin Finisher 9749 <Option>
In additi on to the fu nctions of the Fi nishe r , it can sort or group output into 5 bins. Bin assignment is available from the PC.
Shif t Tray 9750 <Opt ion>
Permits sorting or grouping of copies.
2. System Overview
Job Tray 9751 <Option>
Performs sorting and grouping of copies. You can select the bins for output according to the application in User’s Choice.
Duplex Unit 9752 <Option>
Automatically turns over 1-sided copies to print data on bo th sides.
Paper Feed Unit 9753 <Option>
Holds up to 550 sheets of paper.
Paper Feed Unit 9867 <Option>
Holds up to 550 sheets of paper and easily adjusts to different paper sizes.
Copy Table 9916 <Option>
Adjusts the height of the machine.
Copy Desk 9917 <Option>
Adjusts the height of the machine.
Chapter 2
Getting to Know Your Copier
Large Capacity Cabinet 9866 <Option>
Holds up to 2,700 sheets of paper.
8MB Memory, 16MB Memory, 32MB Memory <Option>
To expand the memory capacity of the machine.
Printer Con t roller 9754 <Option >
When installed on the machine, enables the machine to perform printing functions.
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