Oscillators are the basic source of sound in a synthesizer, Toxic Biohazard contains 6 Oscillators (or
Operators as they are called on FM synthesizers), each with identical controls and functions.
Oscillator controls
Turning an oscillator on: To activate an oscillator, “click” your mouse pointer on the ‘window’
that appears under the waveform name. When activated, the oscillators chosen waveform and
name will be displayed in the oscillator display window.
Choosing a waveform: To bring up the waveform selection menu for each oscillator, “click” your
mouse pointer on the waveform’s title (i.e. Sine) and choose a waveform from the list. If Custom is
selected, a file browser will be opened, requiring you to select the desired waveform in .wav
PITCH: The pitch control adjusts it’s respective oscillators course tuning within a range of -99 to
+99 semitones. To increase the pitch, “click-and drag” your mouse pointer upwards, while hovering
over the Pitch window. The same action, in the opposite direction, will decrease the value into the
negative numbers.
DETUNE: This control, located underneath the Pitch Window, allows you to adjust the fine-tuning
of each oscillator within a range of -99 to 99. To increase the value, hover over the Detune
Window, then “click-and-drag” your mouse pointer upwards.
FREQ OFFSET: This knob determines the frequency offset of the chosen oscillator. To increase it’s
value, “click-and-drag” your mouse pointer upwards while hovering over the knob.
PHASE: Use to adjust the chosen oscillator’s phase, from 0 to 360 degrees. To increase its value,
“click-and-drag” your mouse pointer upwards while hovering over the knob.
FREE: This button determines whether the chosen oscillator is key-synced or free-running. In its
default OFF stage, the button will appear gray in color, and the oscillator will be key-synced. When
ON this button emits a yellow glow indicating that the oscillator is free-running.
VEL: The 'Velocity' slider determines how sensitive the specific oscillator will be to velocity cc's. To
increase its value, “click-and-drag” your mouse pointer upwards while hovering over the slider. The
opposite action is taken to decrease its value.
INIT: The 'Initial' slider determines the initial value the Attack stage of the envelope generator
starts from. Values can be increased in range from 0 to 100%. To increase its value, “click-anddrag” your mouse pointer upwards while hovering over the slider. The opposite action is taken to
decrease its value.
ADSR envelope: Each oscillator has 4 controls that affect the amplitude of the chosen oscillator.
ATK: Attack (this determines how quickly the oscillator fades in), DEC: Decay (determines how
long the oscillator to take to reach the sustain point), SUS: Sustain (determines the level the
oscillator will hold at once it reaches full decay, it will hold at this level until the note is released),
and REL: Release (the rate at which the note fades after the key release).