Image line software MORPHINE ADDITIVE SYNTHESIZER User Manual

Image-Line: Morphine Synthesizer
Morphine Additive Synthesizer


Morphine is an Additive Synthesizer with quite a few 'twists'. Additive synthesis creates sound entirely from sine wave harmonics and at first this may seem like a major limitation. However, Fourier Theory teaches us that any waveform can be decomposed into an infinite series of sine-waves, a harmonic series. That means Morphine can still create all your Subtractive Synthesis favorites: Square, Saw and Sine waves. It gets better, Morphine can also reproduce the complexity found in real sounds by smoothly interpolating a series of these harmonic 'snapshots', in real-time, to generate what is best described as 'synthetic samples'. In this way, programming Morphine will feel familiar to anyone who has used a Sampler, with the ability to assign sounds across the keyboard and to create crossfades, stacks or blends of any sound/s as desired; welcome to Morphine!
What can Morphine do?
Morphine is a 4 Voice (Generator) additive synthesizer with 128 harmonics per voice. The 'Morph' part of Morphine refers to an architecture that allows these 4 Voices to be mixed and morphed under user control. Sounds (Spectra) are generated by interpolating a series of spectral 'snapshots' that can be created from any input sample or manually drawn. The following is a list of Morphine’s main capabilities in more detail:
4 Independent Generators - Generators are a complete set of Keyboard Zones (independent sounds mapped across the Keyboard). Each Keyboard Zone holds a unique Spectrum (a synthesized sound of any length).
Unlimited Keyboard Zones Per-Generator - Every MIDI key can be programmed to hold a unique Spectrum.
Spectra - Similar to a 'synthetic' sample. Spectra can be resynthesized from any sample or manually programmed.
Resynthesis - Automatically transforms a sample into a Spectrum. That is, a series of harmonic snapshots (called Breakpoints) and puts these under complete user control.
Breakpoints - A Breakpoint is a harmonic 'snapshot' at a given moment in time. The Spectrum interpolates a series of Breakpoints to re/create any sound.
Noise Generator - The Noise Generator is a specialized extra voice designed primarily for injecting untuned noises into the final patch. This can improve the accuracy and realism of sounds.
Morph / Mix - The 4 Generators can be Morphed / Mixed with a user specified envelope. The Morph/Mix envelope can be time or tempo based.
Effects - Portamento, Distortion, Chorus, Stereo Delay, Reverb and 8-Band Graphic Equalization are available simultaneously.
Coffee & Tea making - You wish. Amazing Sound - No problem!
Does Additive Synthesis Hurt?
Additive Synthesizers are rare enough that they exist in an atmosphere of mystique, rumour and fear. Some say that Additive Synthesis is so complicated that it makes FM synthesis appear to have the engineering complexity of a spoon. Fortunately the reality is a lot less scary, Morphine is only slightly more complex to master than a spoon and you will be feeding yourself in no time. Probably the best analogy is to consider Morphine a multi-sampler that can generate its own 'synthetic' samples. So how does Morphine do this? Any sound can be represented by an infinite series of harmonics (sine waves) that vary constantly in amplitude and phase. Morphine captures this harmonic variation as a series of snapshots, just like the still frames in a movie and then by playing back this 'harmonic movie', in real­time, almost any sound can be re/created in synthetic form. So there you have synthesis in Morphine, not so scary. The hardest part will be learning the jargon in this manual. If Morphine is a spoon, then the jargon welds a set of spring-loaded cheek-piercing bolts to it.
The harmonic snapshots are called Breakpoints, each is composed of three unique values, Amplitude (shown above), Panning and Detune. The 'harmonic movie' is an interpolated sequence of Breakpoints and is officially called a 'Spectrum'. The envelope-style display, middle of the screenshot above, shows a Spectrum composed of 10 Breakpoints. Spectra can be manually entered and edited using the Breakpoint Editor (the top-most window in the screenshot above) OR automatically generated from samples in a process called 'Resynthesis'. Now all you have to do is work out how not to jab yourself in the eye with your new spoon and you will be Additively Synthesizing like a pro. Still scared? Load the factory patches, sit back and use a straw...tastes just as good!
Plugin Credits:
Morphine was created by Maxx Claster exclusively for ­Image Line Software BVBA
Image-Line: Morphine Synthesizer

General Settings & Controls

This page is dedicated to the General Settings panel and tips for using the main interface controls.
General Settings
Many of the name fields or data fields also function as the interface to change the value. For example clicking in the TRANSP field (shows -24 in the screen-shot above) and dragging the mouse up/down will change the value of the field.
BANK - Click to select a new Bank. Selecting a Bank opens a list showing installed Banks. PROGRAM - This a single patch (sound). Selecting this field will open a list of all the patches in
the Bank. POLY - Change the polyphony (number of simultaneous notes). 'Mono' to 32 note Polyphony is
TRANSP - Transpose the sound in semi-tones (+/- 24). FINE - Fine tune in Cents (1/100th of a semitone). G-MODE - Glide Mode. This works in conjunction with the GLIDE knob.
Bend VT - All notes will glide at a fixed rate so that larger jumps take longer (Variable Time). Held VT - Overlapping notes will glide at a fixed rate so that larger jumps take longer (Variable
Time). Bend ST - All notes will glide at a variable rate so that glide-time is independent of the jump
size (Static Time). Held ST - Overlapping notes will glide at a variable rate so that glide-time is independent of
the jump size (Static Time).
Control Types
If it looks like a control, or even if it doesn't, try left-clicking it, right-clicking (or Alt + Left-click) and generally fiddling around. It's a great way to learn the interface!
Data & Name Fields - Many of the Data/Name fields in Morphine also function as the interface to change the value. For example, clicking in the TRANSP field (shows -24 in the screen-shot above) and dragging the mouse up/down will change the value.
Partials - Click the AMPLITUDE, PANNING, DETUNE, VELOCITY or WINDOW switches to change the target.
Change value: Left-click and drag up/down. Reset: Right-click (or Alt + Left-click). Note: There is also a TOOL menu with options for adjusting partials in groups.
Knobs & Sliders -
Change value: Left-click and drag the mouse up/down. Reset: Right-click (or Alt + Left-click). Fine changes: Holding the Shift key while adjusting knobs and sliders will allow more precise
Markers - Can be left-clicked and dragged in any direction (up/down and or left/right).
Create/Delete: Right-click (or Alt + Left-click) at the location where you want a Marker to
appear OR on the Marker you want to delete. Select: To select a Marker click in the space between markers and the leading Marker will be
Slide Reposition: Left-click and drag the Marker, any following markers will slide in sympathy. Independent Reposition: To move a Marker without disturbing others, hold Shift + Left-click
and drag the Marker.
Switches - Left-click to turn on/off or select. Menus - Left-click to open the drop-down menu. Note that some menus appear static menu fields
while others change to show the selected option. Look for the down arrow symbols.
Image-Line: Morphine Synthesizer
Generator Panel
An Overview of Synthesis in Morphine
The Generator Page contains the Additive Synthesis controls for Morphine. As has been discussed in the introduction , Additive synthesis builds more complex waveforms from a harmonic sequence of sine­waves. Better yet, Morphine can interpolate a series of these harmonic 'snapshots', that may be manually programmed or derived from samples, to re/create infinitely complex sounds. In other words, Morphine can generate synthetic 'samples'. There are four main features of the Morphine architecture -
Harmonics: Each note consist of a fundamental (or root) sine wave and, optionally, a series of harmonics (higher frequency sine waves linked to the root) to create almost any waveform. The architecture allows harmonic amplitude, tuning and panning to be modulated creating infinitely complex and rich tones. Each set of 128 harmonic properties and associated modifiers is termed a 'Breakpoint'.
Harmonic Morphing & Modulation: Breakpoint properties such as harmonic amplitude, tuning and panning can be interpolated to produce a continuous evolving sound, known as a 'Spectrum'.
Keyboard Zones: Zones add the ability to spread unique Spectra across the keyboard. If desired each note from C0 to C11 can play a unique Spectrum!
Generator Mixing: The 4 Generators can be dynamically cross-faded using the Morph/Mix control panel. Given that each Generator can contain a set of morphing Breakpoints, the possibilities are limitless.
The aim was to provide the sound designer with a rich pallet of evolving sounds that can be mixed, real-time, in response to modulation parameters time or tempo. By now the Morph in Morphine should be clear.
This section describes the synthesis controls and their operation.
The 4 GENERATORS in Morphine have the same set of properties that modify the response of 128 harmonics per voice. Further, in combination with Keyboard Zones , Generators can contain multiple, independent, 'sub-voices ' assigned to play over unique keyboard ranges. The components of the Generators are described, starting from the bottom of the Generator Page (as shown above) working upwards:
KEYBOARD ZONE LAYOUT - Each Generator can include multiple Keyboard Zones controlled by the KEYBOARD ZONE LAYOUT control. The control defines both the keyboard range (as shown by the horizontal line), for each voice, and the playback level (height). At least one Keyboard Zone must exist for each GENERATOR, the default covers notes C0 to C11. Note: Each zone represents a completely independent SPECTRUM (a set of interpolated BREAKPOINTS). This allows different sounds to be spread across the keyboard for each Generator. The most common use of Keyboard Zones is to balance the tonal properties of imported Spectra (see the Resynthesis section) across the keyboard, similar to a multi-sampled sound in a sampler. However, you can also use Zones to make a set of completely unrelated sounds on every key if desired.
Select Zone - Left click between Zone Markers (small squares). This will change the harmonic partial editor and spectrum editor to show the values of the currently selected zone.
Create Zone - Right-click (or Alt + left-click) at the point where the zone should start. Note: New Zones open with a default Spectrum (i.e silent).
Delete Zone - Right-click (or Alt + left-click) the zone Marker (square) at start of the zone. Change Zone Range - Left-click the Marker at the start of the zone and drag horizontally. Change Zone Volume - Left-click the Marker at the start of the zone and drag vertically. Select Zone - Click anywhere inside the zone range. This will change the harmonic editor to show
Spectrum Breakpoint & Spectrum values.
KEYBOARD ZONE LAYOUT (Drop-down menu) :
Import Kbd Zone Layout – Loads a zone layout from disk. Please note, this loads a set of zones saved for the current GENERATOR. Drag-n-drop is supported.
Export Kbd Zone Layout – Saves zone layout to the disk. Copy - Copies all zones for the current Generator so that they can be pasted into another
Paste - Pastes zone layout. Reset - Initializes the layout, setting it to the default state. Note: this will reset all zones for
the current GENERATOR. The initial zone will have no harmonics set so won't produce sound (tabula raza!).
SPECTRUM EDITOR - The Spectrum Envelope holds a series of harmonic snapshots (BREAKPOINTS), represented by the points along the envelope (height is level, horizontal distance is time). The harmonic properties of each Breakpoint are set using the BREAKPOINT EDITOR described in the next section. The envelope 'plays' the sequence of Breakpoints morphing from one to the next creating what is termed the SPECTRUM for the KEYBOARD ZONE. The SPECTRUM can include an unlimited number of BREAKPOINTS including LEVEL, PAN and DETUNE for the 128 harmonics. The two additional harmonic properties, WINDOW (a filter curve) and VELOCITY (velocity
responsiveness) apply to all Breakpoints in the Spectrum and so remain constant.
Each Keyboard Zone contains one Spectrum. The Spectrum Editor allows you to edit the Spectrum of the currently selected (highlighted) Keyboard Zone, as follows:
Select Breakpoint - Left-click in the space between Breakpoint Markers and the Breakpoint to the left will be selected (You can click directly on the Breakpoint Markers however it is easy to accidentally move them using this technique).
Add Breakpoint - Right-click (or Alt + Left-click) at the place where the Breakpoint should appear. Both the level and time are selected on the basis of the cursor position.
Delete Breakpoint - Right-click (or Alt + Left-click) the Breakpoint Marker. Breakpoint Level (Volume) - Left-click and drag the Breakpoint Marker up or down. Temporal position (timing) - Left-click and drag the Breakpoint Marker horizontally. The time-
line below shows the time in seconds. The level (%) and time is also displayed in the info-bar above partial editor (near Partials label). Timing is in seconds unless the TEMPO SYNC button is enabled, then timing is in beats (related to the host sequencer tempo).
SPECTRUM (Drop-down menu):
Import/Export spectrum - Opens a dialog to load/save a Spectrum to/from disk. Drag-n- drop is supported.
Copy Spectrum - Copies the current spectrum. This can be pasted in another spectrum at
another keyboard zone, generator or even another Morphine instance.
Paste spectrum - Paste the spectrum copied above. Paste Velocity - Paste only Velocity response coefficients (see in Breakpoint Editor section). Paste Window - Paste only Window data (see in Breakpoint Editor section). Reset Spectrum/Velocity/Window - Resets the spectrum, or portion of it, to default
(empty) state. Normalize Level - Will normalize the general level of Breakpoints, so the level of spectrum
sounding will be maximized. Delete Breakpoints Before/Within/After loop - Deletes the Breakpoints in the region
specified. Before the loop refers to the loop start Marker, Within the loop refers to the points bounded by the loop Markers and After the loop refers to points after the loop end Marker.
Import Charged Sample - See the Resynthesis section.
LOOP MODE - The spectrum envelope can be looped by dragging the loop start and end Markers
(shown set to the last two points in the envelope above) to the desired points in the envelope. When the loop start is reached the Spectrum timer loops the region bounded by the start and end points according to the LOOP MODE setting. Left-click on the LOOP MODE menu, text after the label, to set the loop type. Note: Loop start/end markers can be placed anywhere and don't need to fall on Breakpoint Markers. 4 loop modes are possible:
Ping-Pong - The loop will bounce back and forth between the start and end positions. Forward - The loop will jump back to the loop start each time it reaches the loop end. Backward - The envelope will play to the loop end then play backward to the loop start, jump
to the loop end again and repeat this process.
Off - No looping. The envelope plays through to the last point and holds that value.
Pausing a Breakpoint - To stop at a given place in the envelope, make the loop start and end
positions the same. If RELEASE LOOP mode is on, the envelope will continue past this point when you release the note.
RELEASE LOOP - This button controls timer behaviour when a note is released. When release loop button is enabled, after you release the note the loop will jump out of loop-mode and jump to the next Breakpoint after the loop end point.
TEMPO SYNC - Changes the envelope to play back in sync with the host tempo. The time display will change to beats.
RATE - Changes the envelope playback speed, right = faster, left = slower. The default value =
0.0, no change. Note: The time-base changes so the breakpoints are displayed against their correct time values in ruler below.
K-TRK (Keyboard Tracking) - Acts as an envelope playback speed modifier in response to keyboard/note position. When positive values are set the higher keys will progress through the spectrum envelope faster. Negative values will cause lower notes to progress through the spectrum envelope slower.
V-TRK (Velocity Tracking) - Acts as an envelope playback speed modifier in response to note velocity. Positive values will speed the envelope with higher velocities, negative values will slow the envelope with increasing velocity.
Spectrum Editor Tips and Tricks
Selecting Breakpoints - To select a Breakpoint Marker to edit its values, it’s not necessary to click on the point on the envelope, click somewhere between the desired Breakpoint and next one.
Scroll the envelope window - Click and hold the time/beat display ruler below the envelope and drag left/right to access time beyond those displayed in the window.
Zoom - To Zoom the spectrum envelope roll the mouse wheel. Alternatively Click + Shift on the ruler below the envelope and drag the mouse up and down.
Reposition a Breakpoint - To shift the relative position of a Breakpoint without disturbing others hold Shift and move the Breakpoint Marker.
BREAKPOINT EDITOR - Each BREAKPOINT has level , panning and detune properties for each of 128 harmonics that creates the waveform for that Breakpoint. The Breakpoint is just one moment in time as defined by the SPECTRUM ENVELOPE, as described in the preceding section. There are two additional harmonic properties, Velocity and Window , these are global settings that apply to all Breakpoints on the Spectrum and so do not change with time.
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