iLuv Creative Technology FITACTAIR User Manual

1, Power On Press and Hold Multifunction button 1 Second , promotes " Power On" , LED lights up , unit goes into Discovering mode, Blue LED switch to fast flashing ( 2times /s)
2, Pairing Pres s a nd H old Multif u nction butt o n 3 S ec o n ds c o mes f rom S peaker t he n promo t es " r e a dy to pai r ", u ni t g oe s i nto " Pairi n g" mo d e, B lue LE D s wi tch t o B lue/ Red flashi n g a l t erna t ely ( 2 times / s ) . A voice prompt when pairing success (pairing complete)
4, Playing Music
1). If Music player app opened, after paired with speaker , Music start play directly
2). On pai red mode, O pe n apps , Pre ss mu lti fun cti on but to n on hea ds et t o sta rt pl ay, Press aga in, Paus e pl a yb ack.
3). Pr es s and Hold“ VOL+” b ut to n, ski p t o ne x t son g, Pres s and H ol d“VO L-”butt o n g o b ack to l a s t song.
4). Press “VOL+/VOL-”button repeatedly to adjust volume ,Volume will go to maximum or minimum ,and a voice prompt"minimum volume/maximum volume"
5, Incoming call, hand free
1). When incoming call received ,he phone ringing or voice prompt"incoming call " , LED switch to fast flashing 2 times/second
2). When incoming call received , Press and Multifunction button to pick up ,Speaker then promotes "call ended" Blue LED switch to slow flashing ( 1time /s), Press the same button again to han g u p.
3). During hand free conversation , During hand free conversation , Press and Hold “VOL-”butt on to mute the soun ds , Pr ess and H old “ VOL-” butto n to ca ncel mut e and go bac k conversation
4). During hand free conversation Press VOL+/VOL- button repeatedly to adjust volume ,Volume will go to maximum or minimum ,and a voice prompt"minimum vol u me /max imu m volume
5). Double click multifunction button , Redial the last dialed number, voice prompt:(last number redial
6, Refused to call When inco ming call recei ved, Pres s and H old mult ifuncti on button 1 s econd Drip hi nt sound comes from speaker and voice prompt"calling rejected"
7, Three-party conference(This function only applies to the current paired device and Communication operators support ) In case conference is on, another call is incoming :
1).Double click multifuncti o n b ut ton to ha n g up curr ent call a nd pick up ne w i nc o ming cal l ;
2). Short press multifunction button to pick up new call also keep current conference
3). Short press multifunction button to Switch new and current conference call
8, Cal l co nf e r e nc e tr ansf er ring between mobi l e p h o ne a nd bluet o ot h h e a ds e t On call conference, press and Hold multifunction button 1 second , switch between mobile phone and blue tooth headset , "Di" tone prompt every time .
9, Voice Control On Sta ndby an d playi ng musi c mode, Pr ess an d Hold M ultif unctio n button 1 Seco nd , unit goes into Voice control mode ,"Di" tone prompt
10, Power Off Pres s and H old Mul tif uncti on but ton 5 Se cond , Speak er pr omotes " Di " tone th en sa y " Power Off" , Red LED flashing 3 times then goes off
11, Low battery promotes When battery level is below preset value ( 70% of rating ), Red LED start to flashi ng slowly (one time in every 2 s e conds) , Spea ke r pr o mo tes " D i " t o ne the n s a y " B a t t ery l ow " i n e ve ry on e minitue.
12, Battery Charging indication Duri ng chargi ng ba ttery, Red LED kee ps soli d ON, a nd Blue LED li ghs up once bat tery is full charged .,
13, Auto reconnection
1).When H eads et i s di sco nne cted wit h Bl ueto oth devi ce i n cas e th ey ar e out o f effe cti ve r ange, it will go into " Discovering " mode and Blue LED switch to fa st flashing (2times /s), they will reco nne ct aut o mat ica ll y w it hi n 3 min ut es w he n th e y go b a ck t o e ffec ti ve ra nge , " Di " to ne fr om Speaker then promotes " Your headset connected" , once re-connected successfully .
2).When headset disconnected over 3 seconds, the blue LED switched to fast flashing(2times/s), unit goes into standby mode, keep standby over 5 minutes, shutdown automatically with "Di" tone pormotes then say
3).When Headset is Power on from Off mode , LED lights up and switch to fast flashing (2times/s), it will search the device paired last time, If found the device and reconnected successf ully , LED will turn t o slow fl ashing ( one time/4s) , meanwhile , a short " Di " tone comes from Speaker then promotes " device connected"
14, FCC Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
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