Ilsco Copper Split Bolts Catalog Page

Copper Split Bolts
Catalog Range For Equal With One Number Main & Tap Max. Main Str Type A 6 or 8 AWG Diameter A B C D Torque (IN-LB)
IK-10 10str - 16str 16str - - N/A .057 - .125 .125 0.344 0.500 0.719 80
Manufactured from high strength copper alloy
Precision tooled threads
UL 467 Listed for Grounding and Bonding 500kcmil thru 8
CSA Certified for Grounding and Bonding 250kcmil thru 8
RUS Accepted 8 thru 1/0 AWG
For use with copper conductor types: Solid, Compact,
Compressed, Concentric Suitable for use in circuits rated 35KV or less, proper high
voltage spacing and insulation techniques must be used Rated to 90˚ C
Min. Tap
Max. Cond Dimensions
Provides maximum conductivity and high breakage
resistance Allows maximum torque to be applied
Suitable for direct burial in earth and concrete
Application versatility
IK-8 8str - 16str 16str - - N/A .057 - .145 .145 0.375 0.500 0.844 80
IK-6 6sol - 10sol 16sol - - N/A .102 - .162 .165 0.500 0.625 1.047 165
IK-4 4sol - 8sol 16sol 3 No. 12 8A N/A .128 - .204 .215 0.562 0.688 1.047 165
IK-3 2sol - 6sol 12sol 3 No. 9 5A N/A .162 - .258 .328 0.688 0.812 1.312 275
IK-2 2str - 6sol 14str 3 No. 7 3A N/A .162 - .292 .328 0.688 0.812 1.312 275
IK-1/0 1/0str - 4sol 14sol 3 No. 6 2A N/A .204 - .375 .377 0.750 0.875 1.641 385
IK-2/0 2/0str - 2sol 14str 3 No. 5 - #3 (3/8) .258 - .418 .420 0.812 1.000 1.812 385
IK-3/0 3/0str - 2sol 12sol 7 No. 7 - N/A .258 - .470 0.466 0.875 1.125 2.000 500
IK-250 250kcmil - 1/0sol 10sol 7 No. 5 - #4 (1/2) .325 - .575 0.579 1.000 1.312 2.078 650
IK-350 350kcmil - 4/0str 8sol 19 No. 7 - #5 (5/8) .528 - .682 0.746 1.500 1.625 2.625 650
IK-500 500kcmil - 250kcmil 8sol 19 No. 6 - #6 (3/4) .575 - .815 0.834 1.625 1.812 3.000 825
IK-750 750kcmil - 350kcmil 8sol 19 No. 5 - N/A .682 - .999 1.030 1.938 2.125 3.750 1000
IK-1000 1000kcmil - 500kcmil 8sol - - N/A .815 - 1.153 1.222 2.250 2.500 4.000 1100
All wire sizes, unless noted otherwise, are American Wire Gauge (AWG) UL File E6207
4730 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227-1426 Phone 513 533-6200 Fax 513 871-4084 Web site
Canada 1050 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5E1E4 Phone 905 274-2341 Fax 905 274-8763