ILS Presentation Systems
Better for presenters, better for the audience
Installing the new ILS pedestal.
The ILS pedestal places ILS22, ILS21, ILS15 or other VESA mountable displays on an electrically
height-adjustable foot. There are 5 parts in the pedestal that are need to be put together with the cables
that are selected by the customer for support of the specific lectern display.
Figure 1. The pedestal components for the ILS22GL
Clockwise: The top support plate, 2 cable guides, 1 floor module, 1 Powerlift pillar.
The 2 cable guides have a long steel rod on a frame with the exact appearance of the top and the bottom part of
the pillar, these will go with the pin sticking inside on the top between pillar and top support plate and the bottom
one will go with its pin past the motor in the bottom and fits between the bottom of the pillar and the floor plate.
M8 screws hold the system together.
Intelligent Lectern Systems BV Amsterdam / Westerbork / Mumbai / San Diego
write to , call +31 20 2400232 (Henk de Groot)
Product specifications are subject to change. 081001EN
To accommodate for the wide range of height adjustment, the cables are managed in an S-curve that is almost
straight when the pillar is at top height, allowing for at least 30 cm of cable margin on the top to plug into the
ILS22 I/O bay. See figure 2. The picture is for clarity, now first put all needed cables from the bottom end through
the pillar so that they appear at the top
Figure 2.
Now tie the cables together on the top rod of the cable managers, include a tie wrap through the eye, and insert
this into the top of the pillar (while still in its low position). You may loosely put screws in to hold this in place.
Once completed, temporarily apply power to the pillar. Short on the DIN socket (see figure 3) the pins 1 and 2 to
make the pillar come out all the way, this will tell you how long the cables must be inside.
Then shorten 1 and 4, to make the pillar go to its lowest point.
Now that you know the length of the cables, tie the cables to the bottom cable manager and insert this inside the
pillar. Now you can mount the pillar on the foot. And fasten the bolts tightly.