Ikelite W300, W-120, W170, W-130, W150 User Manual

Ikelite Digital Housing
Front View
Shutter Button
Back View
W/T Zoom Buttons
Power Button
Made in USA
Mode Dial
Tray Mount
Tray Mount
Lens Port
[1] Menu [2] Display [3] HOME
[4] Macro [5] Center Control [6] Flash
[7] Playback [8] Self-Timer
s u p p l e m e n t a l i n s t r u c t i o n s
CCaammeerraa SSeettuupp
((SSoonnyy WW112200,, WW113300,, WW115500,, WW117700,, WW330000))
1. Set ISO to “80”
2. Use “P” Exposure Mode. Use “M” mode for the W300.
3. For W300, set higher F-stop number which ranges from F8-F16.
Camera will focus far away even if Macro Mode is on. You can back away from the subject and zoom in to avoid over-exposure if necessary.
#6210.12 Sony W120/130 ULTRAcompact Digital Housing
#6210.15 Sony W150/170 ULTRAcompact Digital Housing
#6210.30 Sony W300 ULTRAcompact Digital Housing
IIkkeelliittee WW--2200 WWiiddee--AAnnggllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn LLeennss ##66442200
An external wide angle conversion lens increases angle of coverage so you can get much closer to your subject while still fitting
everything in the frame. Add an Ikelite W-20 or other wide-angle
lens with an Ikelite accessory port adapter (if needed). Use for
ncreased color and clarity in any conditions. Slight vignetting may
i occur at widest angle camera lens setting when using the W-20 or other wide-angle conversion lenses . Zoom in slightly to eliminate, or crop the image in post-processing. NNOOTTEE::
67mm thread conversion lenses can be attached directly to
the W150/W170 housing lens port. No adaptor is needed. Bayonet mount lenses will not attach to the larger W150/W170 lens port.
##99330066..8811 6677mmmm TThhrreeaaddeedd AAddaappttoorr
Allows attaching Ikelite W-20, Epoque, and Type II Inon screw-on lenses with 67mm threads. Includes larger size removable flash deflector. Needed for W120, W130, and W300 housings.
##99330066..8800 BBaayyoonneett MMoouunntt AAddaappttoorr
Allows attaching of the Inon UWL-105AD bayonet style lenses. Includes larger size removable flash deflector. Needed for W120, W130, and W300 housings.
HHoouussiinngg LLeennss PPoorrtt
Your new Ikelite housing features a 46mm threaded port for attachment of external 46mm accessory wet lenses.
(except W150/170)
(except W150/W170)
(except W150/W170)
HHoouussiinngg CCoonnttrroollss
AAFF3355 SSttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggee ##44003355
The AutoFlash AF35 kit is a great compliment, and an effortless, affordable way to add a flash to your new Ikelite point-and-shoot camera system. Everything you need to get started is in the box. Just attach it to the bottom of your housing and start taking pictures!
AAFF3355 AAuuttooFFllaasshh kkiitt iinncclluuddeess::
AF35 strobe Flex arm AutoFlash sensor Handle with rubber grip Tray (single or dual) Mounting hardware
SSttrroobbee CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy NNoottee::
The DS-200 Substrobe is NOT compatible with this camera system. Compatible strobes include the AF35, DS-51, DS-125, and DS-160.
Go to
WWhheenn rreettuurrnniinngg pprroodduuccttss sseennddaattttnn.. RReeppaaiirr DDeepptt..
ggeenneerraall qquueessttiioonnss ee--mmaaiill:: iikkeelliittee@@iikkeelliittee..ccoomm
UULLTTRRAAccoommppaacctt SSuupppplleemmeennttaall 66221100..1122,,1155,,3300--0022--00880088
for complete strobe and accessory info.
5500 WW 3333rrdd SSttrreeeett
IInnddiiaannaappoolliiss,, IINN 4466220088 UUSSAA