Ikelite S610, S710 User Manual

Ikelite Digital Housing
Front View
Shutter Button
Back View
Zooms Buttons
Power Switch
Made in USA
Tray Mount
Tray Mount
Lens Port
[1] Mode Button [2] Flash Mode [3] Playback Button
[4] Self-Timer [5] OK/Apply Button [6] +/-
[7] Menu Button [8] Macro [9] Delete Button
s u p p l e m e n t a l i n s t r u c t i o n s
CCaammeerraa SSeettuupp
(Nikon S610 and S710)
1 Set the S610 camera to Shooting Mode (camera icon). Set the
S710 to “A” Aperture Priority mode.
2. Set ISO to 100
3. Set flash to forced “ON” (lightning bolt).
4. Set metering to “Center-Weighted”.
5. Set Autofocus mode to “Single AF”.
If over-exposure occurs, back away from the subject and then zoom in as necessary. This will also cause an increase in shutter speed and a smaller aperture setting.
#6281.61 Nikon S610 ULTRAcompact Digital Housing
#6281.71 Nikon S710 ULTRAcompact Digital Housing
HHoouussiinngg LLeennss PPoorrtt
Your new Ikelite housing features a 46mm threaded port for attachment of external 46mm accessory wet lenses.
HHoouussiinngg CCoonnttrroollss
IIkkeelliittee WW--2200 WWiiddee--AAnnggllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn LLeennss ##66442200
An external wide angle conversion lens increases angle of coverage so you can get much closer to your subject while still fitting everything in the frame. Add an Ikelite W-20 or other wide-angle lens with an Ikelite accessory port adapter. Use for increased color and clarity in any conditions.
Slight vignetting may occur at widest angle camera lens
setting. Zoom in slightly to eliminate, or crop the image in post-processing.
##99330066..8811 6677mmmm TThhrreeaaddeedd AAddaappttoorr
Allows attaching Ikelite W-20, Epoque, and Type II Inon screw-on lenses with 67mm threads. Includes larger size removable flash deflector.
##99330066..8800 BBaayyoonneett MMoouunntt AAddaappttoorr
Allows attaching of the Inon UWL-105AD bayonet style lenses. Includes larger size removable flash deflector. Vignetting will occur at wide angle settings with these lenses. Zoom in or crop the image to eliminate vignetting.
AAFF3355 SSttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggee ##44003355
The AutoFlash AF35 kit is a great compliment, and an effortless, affordable way to add a flash to your new Ikelite point-and-shoot camera system. Everything you need to get started is in the box. Just attach it to the bottom of your housing and start taking pictures!
AAFF3355 AAuuttooFFllaasshh kkiitt iinncclluuddeess::
AF35 strobe Flex arm AutoFlash sensor Handle with rubber grip Tray (single or dual) Mounting hardware
SSttrroobbee CCoommppaattiibbiilliittyy NNoottee::
The DS-200 Substrobe is NOT compatible with this camera system. Compatible strobes include the AF35, DS-51, DS-125, and DS-160.
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WWhheenn rreettuurrnniinngg pprroodduuccttss sseennddaattttnn.. RReeppaaiirr DDeepptt..
ggeenneerraall qquueessttiioonnss ee--mmaaiill:: iikkeelliittee@@iikkeelliittee..ccoomm
UULLTTRRAAccoommppaacctt SSuupppplleemmeennttaall 66228811..6611__66228811..7711--0011--11000088
for complete strobe and accessory info.
IIkkeelliittee UUnnddeerrwwaatteerr SSyysstteemmss
5500 WW 3333rrdd SSttrreeeett
IInnddiiaannaappoolliiss,, IINN 4466220088 UUSSAA