OOPPEENNIINNGG TTHHEE LLIITTEE__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Place the light face down on a flat surface.
• Slide the locking lever out and flip the lever up.
• Rotate the lever counter-clockwise 90° and the internal spring automatically pushes open
the light.
• Lift the body off of the front. The batteries remain housed in the front.
There are two ways to slide the locking lever out: grasp the sides of the lever and pull out
OR use your thumb to apply slight pressure to the top of the lever and slide it out.
Keep the o-ring and sealing surfaces clean. DO NOT stretch the o-ring when cleaning. It is not
necessary to lubricate the o-ring. Never use spray lubricant because it will crack the plastic.
Place the clean o-ring on the inner ledge of the front head assembly.
CCLLOOSSIINNGG TTHHEE LLIITTEE____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Make sure the on/off switch has been rotated to the off position.
• Place the front assembly face down on a flat surface. Check that the o-ring and sealing surfaces
are clean; make sure the o-ring is positioned properly.
• Place the locking lever in the open position (slide the lever out, flip the lever up, and rotate the
lever counterclockwise).
• Align the handle on the body with the front assembly as referenced. Lower the body on the
front. Proper alignment of the body with the front is extremely important to avoid possible
damage to the internal components.
• To seal the light, simply reverse the opening sequence. Press down slightly on the body and
rotate the lever clockwise. Flip the lever down and slide the lever in to the locked position.
OONN//OOFFFF SSWWIITTCCHH______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The large rotating switch with sliding lock is easily operated with one hand. We recommend
locking the switch when the light is not in use. Never look into the face of the lite because of its
blinding intensity.
Grasp the light in your right hand. To unlock the switch, squeeze your index finger to slide the
switch lock towards the back of the light. Rotate the switch to the right to turn on the light. Use
your thumb to slide the switch lock forward to lock the switch in the off position.
RRCCDD SSuuppeerr--88 aanndd SSuuppeerr--88RR::
Slide the center switch lock forward to unlock the switch. Rotate the switch 90° to turn on
the light.
((AAllkkaalliinnee 44--cceellll)
AAcccceeppttss ffoouurr DD--cceellll bbaatttteerriieess,,
aallkkaalliinnee oorr nnii--ccaadd..
The RCD H features the high intensity 5.0V lamp producing an incredibly bright penetrating
medium spot beam intende d primar ily for underwater use. A lkaline batteries provide 7.5-watt
initial intensity and 5-6 hours of high intensity light. Consumer ni-cads reduce the intensity and
burn time.
BBAATTTTEERRYY IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN________________________________________________
• Note the polarity markings on the front head assembly.
• The two batteries closest to the handle must be inserted
positive end DOWN; the back two batteries must be
inserted positive end UP.
• For best performance, we recommend Energizer®
alkaline batteries.
BBUULLBB RREEPPLLAACCEEMMEENNTT______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Make sure the bulb is cool. Remove the batteries to access the bulb holder. Squeeze the ends of
bulb holder and remove. Tip the front up and drop the bulb into your hand. Place the new bulb in
the front and replace the bulb holder (orient it either way).
BBUULLBB CCHHOOIICCEESS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ikelite offers two bulbs compatible with the RCD H. The standard bulb provided is the 5.0V
higher intensity halogen bulb IKE4 #00 42.55 offering a 5-6 hour burn time and 10-hour life.
It is intended primarily for undewater use.
The optional 5.2V halogen bulb #0042.52 provides a 10-hour burn time and 20-hour life.
It is offered for extended use above water or to almost double the burn time and lamp life.
In an emergency, use a common PR-size 4.8–5.2V bulb.