LLEEDD BBuullbbss
Due to the extended life expectancy of LED bulbs, the light head assembly has been factory
sealed. If bulb failure does occur, the light should be returned to Ikelite.
LLEEDD''ss FFlliicckkeerr
When the batteries are nearly depleted the light will flicker, if left on for a few minutes the
flickering will stop, but each time the light is turned off and on the light will flicker. This is a good
indication that the batteries should be replaced.
FFlleexx AArrmm PPoopp--BBeeaaddss
Your Pro-V8 Flex Arm utilizes a pop-bead system which allows easy repositioning of the Pro-V8 Lite
while underwater. The pop-beads are designed to allow nearly effortless lite repositioning during a
dive. On land, the pop-beads may not support the full weight of the Pro-V8 lite with batteries
installed. Also, after extended use, the pop-beads will loosen slightly. This should not be a problem
underwater, however replacement pop-beads are avialable for purchase: #9350.44 (4 pop-bead
OOnn//OO ffff SSwwiittcchh
FFlleexx AArrmm
OOPPEENNIINNGG TTHHEE PPrroo--VV88 LLIITTEE_________________________________________________________________________________________________
The unique flip-lock lever makes opening and closing
incredibly easy and dependable.
Simply extend the locking lever, flip it up, and rotate.
The internal spring automatically pushes open the light for
easy battery replacement. Flip the locking lever down and
the Pro-V8 seals with ease and confidence.
• Place light face down on flat surface.
• Pull out on the locking lever.
• Flip the lever up.
• Rotate the lever counter-clockwise 90° and the internal
spring automatically pushes the light Open.
• Lift the body off of the front. The batteries remain
housed in the holder.
Keep the o-ring and sealing surfaces clean. DO NOT stretch the o-ring when cleaning. It is not
necessary to lubricate the o-ring. Never use spray lubricant because it will crack the plastic.
Place the clean o-ring on the inner recess of the front head assembly.
Do not dent or damage the front edge of the lite body as the o-ring seals against this surface.
CCLLOOSSIINNGG TTHHEE PPrroo--VV88 LLIITTEE______________________________________________________________________________________________________
• Make sure the on/off switch has been rotated left to the off position.
• Place the front lens face down on a flat surface. Check that the o-ring and sealing surfaces are
clean and undamaged; make sure the o-ring is positioned properly on the inner recess of the front.
• Place locking lever in the open position (pull out, flip up, and rotate lever).
• Align the handle on the body with the handle reference on the battery holder. Lower the body
over the batteries. Proper alignment of the body with the front is extremely important to avoid
possible damage to the internal components.
• To seal the light, simply reverse the opening sequence. Press down
slightly on the body and rotate the lever clockwise. Push the lever down
and slide the lever in to the locked position.
OONN//OOFFFF SSWWIITTCCHH________________________________________________________________________________
The large rotating switch with sliding lock is easily operated with one
hand. Unlock the switch by sliding the white-colored lock down. Rotate
the switch fully to the right to turn the light ON.
Rotate the switch to the left to turn the light OFF. To lock the switch,
slide the white lock upward towards the light body. Lock the switch when
the light is not in use.
BBAATTTTEERRYY IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN________________________________________________________________
Accepts eight C-cell batteries, alkaline or NMHi. Alkaline batteries
provide 15W initial intensity and 10 hours of high intensity light.
• Note the polarity markings at the base of the battery holder assembly.
• Follow the polarity markings when installing two batteries in each
of the four columns. Make sure that both batteries in each column have
the same polarity direction.