Ikelite iTTL 4301 Instruction Manual

Ikelite iTTL Adapter
Ikelite iTTL Adapter
Ikelite Connector
Ikelite Waterproof Cap
Delrin Po d
Knurled Ring (Rotate)
Ikelite Bulkhead
Ikelite iTTL Adapter
kelite Connector
Ikelite Waterproof Cap
Delrin Po d
Knurled Ring (Rotate)
Ikelite Bulkhead
n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l
#4301 for Specified Nikon & Fuji Digital SLR Cameras
in Non-Ikelite Housings
Ikelite iTTL Adapter
i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l
#4301 for Specified Nikon & Fuji Digital SLR Cameras
in Non-Ikelite Housings
• The Ikelite iTTL Adapter is for use with Non-Ikelite housings with
a TTL hot-shoe & Ikelite-style bulkhead.
Refer to housing specifications or contact housing manufacturer for
• The Adapter offers both TTL and Manual operation.
Exposure compensation is not provided through the Adapter,
• The Ikelite iTTL Adapter is compatible with the following Digital Cameras; Nikon D-40, D-50, D-70, D-70s, D80, D-200 and Fuji S5 Pro.
• The Ikelite iTTL Adapter is Not compatible with the following Nikon Cameras; D-100, D-1X, D-2X, D-2H.
hot-shoe must have all 5 wires connected
connector style and wiring information.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg AAddaapptteerr ttoo hhoouuiinngg ________________________________________________
• Make sure all components are dry.
• Clean and lightly lubricate the o-ring on the male Ikelite connector. Check o-ring for cracks or nicks.
• Lightly lubricate the threads on the housing bulkhead.
• Note the positioning of the receptacles and pins. Properly align the end of the sync cord and insert it into the housing bulkhead.
• Hand tighten the knurled ring on the sync cord until there is no in-out movement between sync cord connector and housing bulkhead.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg DDSS SSuubbssttrroobbeess ____________________________________________________
Use ONLY with Ikelite DS Substrobes. DS50/51, DS125, DS200
see strobe compatibility chart on reverse side
• Make sure all components are dry.
• Remove the waterproof cap from the Ikelite bulkhead on the black delrin pod.
• Clean and lightly lubricate the o-ring on the male Ikelite connector. Check o-ring for cracks or nicks.
• Lightly lubricate the threads on the adapter bulkhead.
• Note the positioning of the receptacles and pins. Properly align the end of the sync cord connector and insert it into the adapter’s bulkhead.
HHoolldd tthhee aaddaapptteerrss kknnuurrlleedd rriinngg wwhheenn ttiigghhtteenniinngg tthhee ssyynncc ccoorrdd..
• Hand tighten the knurled ring on the sync cord until there is no in-out movement between sync cord connector and adapter bulkhead.
Single or Dual Ikelite sync cords can be attached.
Two strobes cannot be operated by independent adapters.
Dual strobe use requires dual sync cord.
• The Ikelite iTTL Adapter is for use with Non-Ikelite housings with
a TTL hot-shoe & Ikelite-style bulkhead.
Refer to housing specifications or contact housing manufacturer for
• The Adapter offers both TTL and Manual operation.
Exposure compensation is not provided through the Adapter,
• The Ikelite iTTL Adapter is compatible with the following Digital Cameras; Nikon D-40, D-50, D-70, D-70s, D80, D-200 and Fuji S5 Pro.
• The Ikelite iTTL Adapter is Not compatible with the following Nikon Cameras; D-100, D-1X, D-2X, D-2H.
hot-shoe must have all 5 wires connected
connector style and wiring information.
but can be accessed via the camera’s menus.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg AAddaapptteerr ttoo hhoouuiinngg ________________________________________________
• Make sure all components are dry.
• Clean and lightly lubricate the o-ring on the male Ikelite connector. Check o-ring for cracks or nicks.
• Lightly lubricate the threads on the housing bulkhead.
• Note the positioning of the receptacles and pins. Properly align the end of the sync cord and insert it into the housing bulkhead.
• Hand tighten the knurled ring on the sync cord until there is no in-out movement between sync cord connector and housing bulkhead.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg DDSS SSuubbssttrroobbeess ____________________________________________________
Use ONLY with Ikelite DS Substrobes. DS50/51, DS125, DS200
see strobe compatibility chart on reverse side
• Make sure all components are dry.
• Remove the waterproof cap from the Ikelite bulkhead on the black delrin pod.
• Clean and lightly lubricate the o-ring on the male Ikelite connector. Check o-ring for cracks or nicks.
• Lightly lubricate the threads on the adapter bulkhead.
• Note the positioning of the receptacles and pins. Properly align the end of the sync cord connector and insert it into the adapter’s bulkhead.
HHoolldd tthhee aaddaapptteerrss kknnuurrlleedd rriinngg wwhheenn ttiigghhtteenniinngg tthhee ssyynncc ccoorrdd..
• Hand tighten the knurled ring on the sync cord until there is no in-out movement between sync cord connector and adapter bulkhead.
Single or Dual Ikelite sync cords can be attached.
Two strobes cannot be operated by independent adapters.
Dual strobe use requires dual sync cord.
Instructions continued on reverse side
Instructions continued on reverse side
SSwwiittcchhiinngg bbeettwweeeenn TTTTLL aanndd MMaannuuaall_________________________
The knurled ring on the iTTL Adapter’s black delrin pod has a
white dot.
• The knurled ring can be rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise to align the knurled ring’s white dot with the white dot on the label next to TTL or Manual.
TThhee DDSS SSuubbssttrroobbee mmuusstt bbee sseett ttoo TTTTLL mmooddee ffoorr tthhee iiTTTTLL aaddaapptteerr ttoo
• pprroovviiddee TTTTLL ooppeerraattiioonn..
SSwwiittcchhiinngg bbeettwweeeenn TTTTLL aanndd MMaannuuaall_________________________
The knurled ring on the iTTL Adapter’s black delrin pod has a
white dot.
• The knurled ring can be rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise to align the knurled ring’s white dot with the white dot on the label next to TTL or Manual.
TThhee DDSS SSuubbssttrroobbee mmuusstt bbee sseett ttoo TTTTLL mmooddee ffoorr tthhee iiTTTTLL aaddaapptteerr ttoo
• pprroovviiddee TTTTLL ooppeerraattiioonn..
DDSS--5500 SSuubbssttrroobbeess
• Substrobes with Serial Number below 63,850 can Not be updated to operate correctly with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
• Substrobes with Serial Number between 63,850 and 69,999 require a $100 update to operate with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
DDSS--112255 SSuubbssttrroobbeess
• Substrobes with Serial Number below 2,500 can Not be updated to operate correctly with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
• Substrobes with Serial Number between 2,500 and 4,999 require a $100 update to operate with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
IIkkeelliittee LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyy
All Ikelite products are warranted against any manufacturing defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. Defective products should be returned prepaid to Ikelite. Ikelite will, at its discretion, repair or replace such products, and return to customer prepaid. All other claims, of any nature, including but not limited to bulb failure are not covered. Except as mentioned above, no other warranty expressed or implied, applies to this Ikelite product.
DDSS--5500 SSuubbssttrroobbeess
• Substrobes with Serial Number below 63,850 can Not be updated to operate correctly with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
• Substrobes with Serial Number between 63,850 and 69,999 require a $100 update to operate with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
DDSS--112255 SSuubbssttrroobbeess
• Substrobes with Serial Number below 2,500 can Not be updated to operate correctly with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
• Substrobes with Serial Number between 2,500 and 4,999 require a $100 update to operate with the latest TTL conversion circuitry.
IIkkeelliittee LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyy
All Ikelite products are warranted against any manufacturing defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. Defective products should be returned prepaid to Ikelite. Ikelite will, at its discretion, repair or replace such products, and return to customer prepaid. All other claims, of any nature, including but not limited to bulb failure are not covered. Except as mentioned above, no other warranty expressed or implied, applies to this Ikelite product.
RReettuurrnniinngg PPrroodduuccttss ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee
Ikelite is most interested in performing any service to assure that all products perform as intended. For repair or service, return the product to the address below with your name, address, phone number and a brief description of the problem. Evidence of purchase date must be provided to obtain warranty service.
IIkkeelliittee UUnnddeerrwwaatteerr SSyysstteemmss
5500 WW 3333rrdd SSttrreeeett
IInnddiiaannaappoolliiss,, IINN 4466220088 UUSSAA
eemmaaiill:: iikkeelliittee@@iikkeelliittee..ccoomm
RReettuurrnniinngg PPrroodduuccttss ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee
Ikelite is most interested in performing any service to assure that all products perform as intended. For repair or service, return the product to the address below with your name, address, phone number and a brief description of the problem. Evidence of purchase date must be provided to obtain warranty service.
IIkkeelliittee UUnnddeerrwwaatteerr SSyysstteemmss
5500 WW 3333rrdd SSttrreeeett
IInnddiiaannaappoolliiss,, IINN 4466220088 UUSSAA
eemmaaiill:: iikkeelliittee@@iikkeelliittee..ccoomm