SSUUPPEERR--EEYYEE VVIIEEWWFFIINNDDEERR_____________________________________________________________________________________________
See exactly what the camera sees underwater using the camera's electronic
viewfinder in conjunction with the Ikelite Super-Eye, which is permanently mounted
in the eyeport on the clear back plate. The Super-Eye extends the viewfinder image to
provide enhanced viewing underwater.
LLCCDD MMOONNIITTOORR_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The camera's LCD monitor can be viewed thru the side of the housing. Open the
LCD monitor on the camera, rotate 180°, and then press it back against the side of the
camera so that the LCD monitor is visible.
To view the image on the LCD monitor from the rear of the housing, Ikelite offers
optional External Mirror #9290.95, which adheres to the outside of the housing. Then
the LCD image can be viewed from the rear.
BBAATTTTEERRYY AANNDD TTAAPPEE_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Install a fully charged Sony battery on the camera:
Sony NP-FP50, NP-FP70, NP-QM71
The Sony NP-FP70 and NP-QM71 batteries overhang the back of the camera tray
Other brand batteries may not fit inside the housing. If the battery selected
overhangs the camera tray by a dimension greater than 8mm (5/16"), then the batter
is too large and will cause the housing to leak.
Make sure you have loaded an appropriate Sony disk in the camera.
FFIINNAALL PPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Remove the lens cap and cord from the camera. Otherwise, they may interfere with
the housing seal.
The camera's auto focus feature is utilized underwater. For best results, move in
close to your subject and use the wide-angle range to shoot thru as little water as
possible. Full range zoom range is accessible underwater. Chart shows recommended
initial settings underwater.
Power On/Off – Camera (On)
Zoom Lever – Wide Angle Setting
Focus – Auto Mode
Exposure – Auto Mode
CCAAMMEERRAA TTRRAAYY_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Note the placement of the camera tray underneath the guides, and note the two
white-color locks on the inside wall of the housing that secure the tray in place. Gently
push up on the white tray locks to release the camera tray, and slide the tray out of the
Place the camera between the stabilizing pins on the tray. Secure camera with the
tripod mounting bolt. The camera should fit easily on the tray and should be parallel
with the sides of the tray.
IINNSSEERRTTIINNGG TTHHEE CCAAMMEERRAA_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Pull the housing controls out to provide clearance for the camera. Slowly slide the
camera tray (with camera mounted) back into the housing.
force this installation; if the controls are out of the way and everything is
lined up properly, the camera and tray will fit easily inside. Make certain that the tray is
completely in the housing, and make sure that both white tray locks have locked the
camera tray in place.
HHOOUUSSIINNGG CCOONNTTRROOLLSS_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Slide the housing controls back in place making sure they properly align with the
camera functions.
Operate each control to see how it works with the camera. Some controls such as
start/stop will be used frequently. Other controls may seldom be utilized. Refer to your
camera owner's manual for the proper function of each camera control. Look thru the
back to be sure that you can see into the viewfinder.
When using the housing controls, especially the start/stop,
use excessive
force because you could damage the camera.
Remove the lens cap and cord from the camera. Otherwise, the cord may interfere with the housing
seal. If the housing controls are not properly positioned, they could interfere with the housing seal.
50 West 33rd Street • PO Box 88100 • Indianapolis, IN 46208 USA • 317.923.4523