4104.6 Ikelite to Nikonos Style Coiled Cord
This sync cord connects one (1) Ikelite Substrobe to a Nikonos IV, V, RS
camera, or suitable FILM camera housing that utilizes the Nikonos style
flash socket for external strobe connection. The Ikelite strobe will fire in
TTL automatic or manual exposure modes using the Nikonos V or RS
cameras. Strobe will only work in the manual mode with the Nikonos IV
The connector threads are very fine; DO NOT cross thread. If it is
difficult to turn, you are cross threading.
- ONLY Ikelite TTL Substrobes can be connected.
- DO NOT use the TTL cord on a non TTL strobe; you will damage the
- DO NOT remove sync cord from the strobe or camera underwater or
when wet. Connections are NOT waterproof when disconnected
- DO NOT leave the cord connected for prolonged periods. Otherwise, the
cord may freeze to the strobe or camera. After each dive, disconnect the
cord and lightly lubricate the connector threads. Never use spray lubricant.

Housing Bulkhead Compatibility
Over the years various housing manufacturers have introduced a variety of
"Nikonos-style" bulkheads with variations on the original contact design. The
plug end on this TTL Adapter has been designed to prevent damage by
some European housings with rigid contacts in place of the traditional
spring-loaded style.
This design may exhibit intermittency with some more traditional
Nikonos-style bulkheads. Two gold plated pins have been provided to
eliminate this intermittency. These pins should only be used in conjunction
with bulkheads featuring two spring-loaded contacts.
To see if your housing has spring-loaded contacts, use an open-ended
paper clip to gently push down on the contacts shown in Diagram A - page
3. Very little pressure is needed to check the contacts. IF the contacts are
spring-loaded, proceed to the directions on page 3 for inserting the included
gold plated pins.
These pins are specifically recommended for use with the Nikonos-style
bulkhead featured on Nauticam housings.
If your housing does NOT feature spring-loaded contacts, DO
NOT insert the included pins into your plug end.
Doing so may cause damage to your plug and/or
Index Groove
Stem O-ring
Connecting to the Camera or Housing
1. Make sure all components are dry. Clean and lightly
lubricate the stem shaft, O-ring and retaining ring
threads. Check the stem O-ring for nicks or cuts.
2. Align the Index Groove with the Indexing Pin of the
flash socket and insert the stem into the flash socket.
3. Rotate the Retaining Ring counterclockwise until it
mates with the flash socket threads. Then, carefully
rotate the Retaining Ring clockwise and thread it into
the flash socket until snug. Hand tighten only.