con nec t y our PC or other network equipment to the hub or sw itc h.
Whe n inse rti ng an RJ-45 connec tor, be sure the tab on the co nnector
cli cks in to pos iti on to ensure th at it is pro per ly sea ted.
War ning: Do not pl ug a phone jack connecto r into an RJ-45 port. This
may damag e the VoIP Router. Instead, use only twisted-pa ir cab les
wit h RJ-4 5 conn ect ors th at con form t o Aust ralian standards .
Not es:
1. Use 100-o hm shi eld ed or unshie lded t wisted-pai r cable with
RJ- 45 con nec tors f or all Ether net ports . Use Categ ory 3, 4, or
5 for connectio ns that operate at 10 Mbps, and Cat egory 5 f or
con nec tions that o perate at 10 0 Mbps .
2. Mak e sure ea ch twi ste d-pair cable length does not e xceed 100
met ers (3 28 fee t).
Ste p 4. Connect the power adapter
Plu g the power adapt er into the power socket on t he rear panel of t he
VoIP Route r, and the other en d i nto a power outle t.
Che ck the power indicato r on the fro nt panel is lit. If the po wer
ind ica tor is no t lit, re fer to “Troubl eshooting” .
In case of a po wer fa ilure, the VoIP Router will automatic ally restart
and begin to operate once the power is restored.
At this time we have now c ompleted connecting the rout er and may
now move to the actual configuratio n of your connecti on.
* Time needed to obtain line sync w ill va ry dep end ing on va rio us
fac tor s s uch as line noise and attempted sync speed.
Ste p 1. Find a su ita ble lo cation
The VoIP Router can be positioned at any convenient location in your
office or ho me whe re there is easy a ccess to a phone jack and power
poi nt nea rby. No sp ecial wiring or co oling requirements are needed
and there is no necessit y to keep the unit c onnected dire ctl y to a
com put er.
You should, howev er, comp ly wit h the follo win g guid elines:
• Keep the VoIP Router away from any heating devices
• Do not pl ace th e Vo IP Rou ter in a dusty or we t envi ronment
You should also reme mber t o turn off the power, remove the power
cord f rom the o utlet, and k eep yo ur han ds dry when you install the
VoIP Route r.
Ste p 2. Connect the ADSL L ine
Pho ne lin e conf igu rat ion
Run stand ard telephone cable from the wall jack providi ng ADS L
ser vic e t o the RJ-11 (“ADS L”) port on your VoIP Router. Wh en
ins ert ing an AD SL RJ-11 plug, be sure the tab on the pl ug cli cks in to
pos iti on to ens ure th at it is properly seated. If you are u sing a split ter
les s ADSL servi ce, be sure you add low-pass filters betwe en the
ADS L wall jack and your telephones. (Thes e filt ers pa ss voi ce sig nals
through but filter da ta sig nals o ut.)
Not e: If more tha n 4 connecti ons of any kind (i.e. faxes, phones,
mod ems et c) are to be used you w ill ne ed to get a ce ntral splitter
ins tal led.
Ste p 3. Attach to y our ne twork using Ethernet cab ling
The LAN ports on the VoI P Rout er aut o-negotiates the connecti on
spe ed to 10 Mbps Ethernet or 10 0 Mbps Fast Ether net, as well a s t he
tra nsm ission mode to hal f dupl ex or full duplex.
Use twist ed- pair c abling to co nnect any of the LAN ports on th e VoIP
Rou ter to an Ethernet a dapter on yo ur PC. Other wise, cascade the
LAN port on the VoIP Ro uter t o an Ethernet hub or sw itch, and th en