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CANopen encoder
1 Preliminary note
1.1 Symbols used
>Reaction, result
[…]Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications
Important note
Non-compliance can result in malfunction or interference�
Supplementary note
1.2 Warning signs used
Warning of damage to property�
2 Safety instructions
These instructions are part of the device� They contain information and illustrations
about the correct handling of the device and must be read before installation or
Observe the operating instructions�
Non-observance of the instructions, operation which is not in accordance with use
as prescribed below, wrong installation or incorrect handling can affect the safety
of operators and machinery�
The installation and connection must comply with the applicable national and
international standards� Responsibility lies with the person installing the unit�
Only the signals indicated in the technical data or on the device label may be
supplied to the connections or wires�
CANopen encoder
3 General information
3.1 CANopen technology
The CANopen communication profile is based on the CAN Application Layer (CAL)
specification of the CiA organisation� CANopen is considered as a robust fieldbus
with highly flexible configuration options� It is used in many various applications
which are based on different application profiles� CANopen comprises a concept to
configure and communicate real-time data using synchronous and asynchronous
messages� Four message types (objects) are distinguished�
1� Administration messages (layer management, network management and
identifier distribution)
2� Service Data Objects (SDO)
3� Process Data Objects (PDO)
4� Predefined Objects (synchronisation, time stamp, emergency)
For further information please refer to the CiA-CAN specification (CiA 406 encoders, CiA 301 - CANopen)�
3.1.1 Supported operating modes
Encoders with CANopen interface support the following operating modes:
●RTR (request)
The position value is only given to the bus on request�
●EVENT time
The position value is given to the bus cyclically (interval can be set)�
When the sync telegram has been received by the host, the absolute encoder
transmits the current process value� A sync counter can be programmed so that
the encoder does not send before a defined number of sync telegrams�
In addition other functions can be configured (direction of rotation, resolution etc�)�
3.2 References
CAN Application Layer, DS 201 …207 CiA
LSS profile DS305 CiA
CAL-based communication profile, DS 301 CiA
Device profile for encoders DS 406 CiA
CAN specification version 2�0 A Robert Bosch GmbH
CANary CAN controller Atmel
CANopen encoder
4 Functions and features
●There are 1 SDO server and 2 default value PDOs according to CiA DS 301�
The PDO mapping can be changed (dynamic PDO mapping)� The default value
identifiers have been assigned according to the "predefined connection set" in
the CANopen specification�
●The COB IDs of the PDOs and their baud rate can be configured�
●The module expects a sync object� The CAN identifier of the sync object can
be configured�
●The module supports "node guarding" and "heartbeat"�
●The module supports an emergency object� The COB ID of the EMCY object
can be configured�
●The module stores the last error� The error code of the corresponding
emergency object is stored�
●The module supports the load command (reset function to restore the factory
●Alarms and warnings are not displayed�
5 Installation of the encoder
Attention: This product corresponds to the standard EN 61000-6-4� The unit may
cause radio interference in domestic areas� Where applicable, the user has to take
appropriate measures to avoid these�
5.1 Settings of the encoder
► Set the node address of the encoder, the baud rate and the bus termination
before set-up of the device via software�
5.2 Signal assignment
Signal5-pole M12 connector
CAN GNDpin 1
24 V supply voltagepin 2
GND (PE)pin 3
CAN highpin 4
CAN lowpin 5
► Use screened cable�
CANopen encoder
5.3 Setting of the node number
5.3.1 Setting of the node number via SDO objects
For devices without terminal cap the address can only be set via SDO objects� The
address of an encoder without terminal cap is set to 32 as standard� Details on
changing the node number → chapter 7.4.
5.3.2 Setting of the baud rate via SDO objects.
For devices without terminal cap the baud rate can only be changed via SDO
objects� The baud rate is set to 125 Kbits/s as default value� Details on changing
the baud rate → chapter 7.4.
5.3.3 Setting the node number and the baud rate via LSS
Another possibility of how to set the node number and the baud rate for encoders
is Layer Setting Services. Further information → chapter 6.3.6.
5.3.4 Bus termination
If the encoder is the last participant, an external terminating resistor or a
terminating T connector has to be used�
5.4 LED indications
redflashes, 1 Hz operating voltage OK,
faulty bus connection
redlights"BUS OFF" caused e�g� by short circuit, wire
break, faulty connector
greenflashes, 2�5 Hz operating voltage OK, bus connection OK
green/redgreen flashing, 2�5 Hz
and red flashing 1x at each 3rd
pulse of the green LED
greenflashes, 1 Hz bus stopped
greenlightsmaster failure,
guarding error, either node guard or heartbeat
encoder remains in the preoperational
operating status
> guard and heartbeat error are not indicated
green/redgreen lights/
red flashing, 2�5 Hz
non reproducible indication (no clear
description of the indication)
CANopen encoder
6 Configuration
This chapter describes the configuration of the parameters of an absolute encoder
with CANopen interface�
6.1 Operating modes
6.1.1 General information
In the preoperational mode the encoder replies to the CAN bus after sending its
boot up message�
Boot up message: 700 hex + node number (further details in the Communication
Profile chapter 7�3�)
► Change parameters only in the preoperational mode�
This mode decreases the bus load and simplifies the control of the messages sent
and received� It is not possible to send or receive PDO messages in this mode�
6.1.2 Preoperational mode
To set the encoder to the preoperational mode, the master must send the following
IdentifierByte 0Byte 1Description
0 h80 h00NMT PreOp, all nodes
0 h80 hNNNMT PreOp, NN
NN: node number
It is possible to set all nodes (byte 1 = 0) or individual nodes (byte 1 NN) to the
preoperational mode�
6.1.3 Start-operational mode
To set the encoder to the operational mode, the master must send the following
IdentifierByte 0Byte 1Description
0 h01 h00NMT start, all nodes
0 h01 hNNNMT start, NN
NN: node number
It is possible to set all nodes (byte 1 = 0) or individual nodes (byte 1 NN) to the
operational mode�
CANopen encoder
6.1.4 Start/stop mode
To set the encoder to the stop mode, the master must send the following message:
IdentifierByte 0Byte 1Description
0 h02 h00NMT stop, all nodes
0 h02 hNNNMT stop, NN
NN: node number
It is possible to set all nodes (byte 1 = 0) or individual nodes (byte 1 NN) to the
stop mode�
6.1.5 Reinitialisation of the encoder
► Carry out reinitialisation in the event of incorrect function�
IdentifierByte 0Byte 1Description
0 h81 h00reset all nodes
0 h81 hNNreset node
NN: node number
It is possible to reset all nodes (byte 1 = 0) or individual nodes (byte 1 NN)� After
reinitialisation the device replies again in the preoperational mode�
6.2 Standard operation (CAN transmission modes)
RTR modeThe connected host requests the current position value via a remote
transmission request telegram� The encoder reads the current position,
sets off set parameters (if applicable) and returns the position value via
the same CAN identifier�
EVENT timeThe absolute encoder cyclically sends the current position value -
without any request by the host� The cycle time can be programmed in
milliseconds for values between 1 ms and 65536 ms�
Sync ModeWhen the sync telegram has been received by the host, the encoder
transmits the current process value� If several nodes reply to the sync
telegram, the individual nodes report one after the other according to
their CAN identifier� The programming of an offset time is not necessary�
A sync counter can be programmed so that the encoder does not send
before a defined number of sync telegrams�
6.3 Storing parameters
6.3.1 Object directory
Object IndexObject description
1005hCOB ID Sync
100Chguard time
100Dhlife time factor
1016hconsumer heartbeat time
CANopen encoder
Object IndexObject description
1017hproducer heartbeat time
1020hverify configuration
1800hcommunication parameter PDO 1
1801hcommunication parameter PDO 2
1A00htransmit PDO1 mapping parameter
1A01htransmit PDO2 mapping parameter
2100hoperating parameters
2101hresolution per revolution
2102htotal resolution
2103hpreset value
2104hlimit switch, min�
2105hlimit switch, max�
2160hcustomer storage
2200hcyclic timer
3000hnode number (NN)
3001hbaud rate
6000hoperating parameter
6001hsteps per revolution
6002htotal resolution
6003hpreset value
6.3.2 Saving process
The parameters are stored in a non-volatile EEPROM� The changes made are
stored in the working memory of the encoder� Once all parameters have been
checked, they can be transferred to the EEPROM in a write cycle�
The stored parameters are activated after a reset (power on, NMT reset)�
6.3.3 Storing without reset
Once the saving process is completed by using the object 1010, there will be no
automatic reset to activate the parameters�
6.3.4 Storing with reset
The object 2300 from the manufacturer-specific directory carries out storage via an
automatic reset� The parameters become active at once� This has to be taken into
account when the node number or the baud rate are changed since there may be
interference on the bus�
CANopen encoder
6.3.5 Restoring the parameters
The factory-set parameters can be restored� The settings stored in the EEPROM
are not overwritten� Only after the storage command has been sent again will the
default settings be stored in the EEPROM non-volatilely� The restored parameters
are identical for each CANopen encoder of this type and may possibly not
correspond to the original parameters� Please check the restored parameters with
regard to their validity before you perform the storage process again�
6.3.6 Layer Setting Service (LSS)
To configure the encoder via LSS, the encoder is handled like a slave� The
controller must have LSS master functionality� The LSS master device requests
the data of the encoder� The LSS master enquires the LSS information (vendor ID;
product code, revision number, serial number) of the slave� In this case the slave
is unambiguously recognised and the settings, node number and baud rate can be
7 Programmable parameters
The objects are based on the device profile CiA 406 DS V3�2: CANopen profile for
encoders (www�can-cia�org)
Detailed description of the command byte
CommandData lengthData type
43h4 bytesunsigned 32
47hbyte 3unsigned 24
4Bhbyte 2unsigned 16
4Fh1 byteunsigned 8
23h4 bytesunsigned 32
27hbyte 3unsigned 24
2Bhbyte 2unsigned 16
2Fh1 byteunsigned 8
7.1 Object directory
Data is transferred according to CAL exclusively via object-oriented message
telegrams� These objects are classified into groups via an index register� Each
index entry can be further subdivided via a sub index� The complete overview of
the standard object directory is shown in the following table�
Index (hex)Object
0000not used
0001-001Fstatic data types
0020-003Fcomplex data types
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