IFM Electronic CR711S Original Programming Manual

Original Programming Manual
Operating System V2.5.0.n
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
1 About this manual 6
1.1 Legal and copyright information ........................................................................................... 6
1.2 Purpose of the document ..................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Symbols and formats used .................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Overview: documentation modules for CR711S .................................................................. 8
1.5 Overview: documentation for CODESYS 3.n ...................................................................... 8
1.6 How is this documentation structured? ................................................................................ 9
1.7 History of the document CR0711 ......................................................................................... 9
2 Functions and features 10
3 Safety instructions 11
3.1 Please note! .......................................................................................................................11
3.2 What previous knowledge is required? ..............................................................................12
3.3 Important standards ...........................................................................................................13
3.4 Organise the creation of safe machinery with the V model ...............................................14
3.5 Start-up behaviour of the controller....................................................................................16
3.6 Warnings used ...................................................................................................................16
3.7 Notes: serial number ..........................................................................................................17
4 Installation 18
4.1 System requirements .........................................................................................................18
4.1.1 Hardware .................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 Software ................................................................................................ ..................................... 18
4.1.3 Licensing .................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Carry out installation ..........................................................................................................19
4.2.1 CODESYS programming software ............................................................................................. 19
4.2.2 Complete package for ecomatController CR711S ...................................................................... 20
4.2.3 Check the operating system version of the device ..................................................................... 22
4.2.4 Update the operating system of the device ................................................................................ 24
5 System description 26
5.1 Hardware description .........................................................................................................26
5.1.1 Hardware structure ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.2 Device supply (technology) ........................................................................................................ 33
5.1.3 Monitoring concept ..................................................................................................................... 36
5.1.4 Inputs (technology) ..................................................................................................................... 38
5.1.5 Outputs (technology) .................................................................................................................. 43
5.1.6 Feedback in case of externally supplied outputs ........................................................................ 50
5.2 Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................51
5.2.1 Serial interface ........................................................................................................................... 51
5.2.2 Ethernet interface ....................................................................................................................... 51
5.2.3 CAN: Interfaces and protocols .................................................................................................... 52
5.3 Software description ..........................................................................................................53
5.3.1 Overview: Software .................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.2 Software module for the device .................................................................................................. 55
6 Getting started 57
6.1 Start CODESYS .................................................................................................................57
6.2 Create CODESYS project ..................................................................................................57
6.2.1 Create new project with CR711S ............................................................................................... 58
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
6.2.2 Overview: Project structure with CR711S................................................................................... 59
6.3 Use CODESYS user manual .............................................................................................60
6.4 Configure programming interface ......................................................................................61
6.4.1 Set communication path of PLC ................................................................................................. 61
6.5 Add ifm function libraries to the application .......................................................................62
6.6 Activate the access protection for a project .......................................................................63
7 System configuration 64
7.1 Configure PLC....................................................................................................................64
7.1.1 Allocate memory partition ........................................................................................................... 64
7.1.2 Allocate inputs/outputs ............................................................................................................... 65
7.1.3 Manage files ............................................................................................................................... 66
7.1.4 Manage users and groups .......................................................................................................... 66
7.2 Configure inputs and outputs .............................................................................................67
7.2.1 via system configuration ............................................................................................................. 67
7.2.2 via function block ........................................................................................................................ 67
7.3 Configure interfaces ...........................................................................................................68
7.3.1 Configure serial interface............................................................................................................ 68
7.3.2 Configure Ethernet interface ....................................................................................................... 68
7.3.3 Configure CAN interfaces ........................................................................................................... 70
7.3.4 Interface configuration file comconf.cfg ...................................................................................... 76
8 Programming 77
8.1 Objects of a PLC application ..............................................................................................77
8.2 Create PLC application ......................................................................................................78
8.2.1 Supported programming languages ........................................................................................... 78
8.2.2 Supported variable types ................................ ............................................................................ 79
8.2.3 Options to access input and output data .................................................................................... 80
8.2.4 Configure task processing .......................................................................................................... 80
8.3 Use ifm function libraries ....................................................................................................81
8.3.1 Access to inputs ......................................................................................................................... 81
8.3.2 Access to outputs ....................................................................................................................... 82
8.3.3 Control device ............................................................................................................................ 82
8.3.4 Read device information ............................................................................................................. 82
8.4 Use IO mapping .................................................................................................................83
8.4.1 Access inputs ............................................................................................................................. 84
8.4.2 Access outputs ........................................................................................................................... 85
8.4.3 Read diagnostic data of the device ............................................................................................ 86
8.5 Use RawCAN (CAN Layer 2) .............................................................................................87
8.5.1 RawCAN: Control CAN network nodes ...................................................................................... 87
8.5.2 RawCAN: Send and receive CAN messages ............................................................................. 87
8.5.3 RawCAN: Request and send remote CAN messages ................................................................ 88
8.6 Use CANopen ....................................................................................................................89
8.6.1 CANopen: Send and receive SDO ............................................................................................. 89
8.6.2 CANopen: Network Management (NMT) .................................................................................... 89
8.7 Use SAE J1939 ..................................................................................................................90
9 Operation 91
9.1 Transfer CODESYS project to device ................................................................................91
9.1.1 Load the application to the device .............................................................................................. 91
9.1.2 Delete application from CR711S ................................................................................................ 92
9.2 Operating states .................................................................................................................93
9.3 Status LEDs .......................................................................................................................94
9.3.1 Status LED: system ifm operating system (SYS0+SYS1) .......................................................... 94
9.3.2 Status LED: system PLC (SYS0, SYS1) .................................................................................... 95
9.3.3 Status LED: System bootloader (SYS0) ..................................................................................... 95
9.3.4 Status LED: Ethernet interfaces (ETH0, ETH1) .......................................................................... 96
9.3.5 Controlling LEDs in the applications ........................................................................................... 96
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
9.4 Reset ..................................................................................................................................97
9.4.1 Supported reset variants ............................................................................................................ 97
9.4.2 Reset application (warm) ............................................................................................................ 97
9.4.3 Reset application (cold) .............................................................................................................. 98
9.4.4 Reset application (origin) ............................................................................................................ 98
9.5 Data transmission for series production ............................................................................99
9.5.1 Transmission of the files with CODESYS ................................................................................... 99
9.5.2 Data transmission with TFTP ................................................................................................... 100
9.5.3 Files for series production ........................................................................................................ 100
9.6 Display system information ..............................................................................................101
10 ifm function libraries 102
10.1 General ............................................................................................................................102
10.2 Library ifmCANopenManager.library................................................................................102
10.2.1 COP_GetNodeState ................................................................................................................. 103
10.2.2 COP_SDOread ......................................................................................................................... 105
10.2.3 COP_SDOwrite ........................................................................................................................ 107
10.2.4 COP_SendNMT ....................................................................................................................... 109
10.2.5 NMT_SERVICE (ENUM) .......................................................................................................... 111
10.2.6 NMT_STATES (ENUM) ............................................................................................................ 111
10.3 Library ifmDeviceCR0721.library .....................................................................................112
10.3.1 CAN_BAUDRATE (ENUM) ...................................................................................................... 113
10.3.2 CAN_CHANNEL (ENUM) ......................................................................................................... 113
10.3.3 CANconstants (GVL) ................................................................................................................ 113
10.3.4 SysInfo (GVL) ........................................................................................................................... 113
10.3.5 SysInfoStruct (STRUCT) ................................................................................................ .......... 114
10.3.6 LED_COLOUR (ENUM) ........................................................................................................... 114
10.3.7 LED_FLASH_FREQ (ENUM) ................................................................................................... 114
10.4 ifmFastInput.library ..........................................................................................................115
10.4.1 FastCount ................................................................................................................................. 116
10.4.2 IncEncoder ............................................................................................................................... 118
10.4.3 Period ....................................................................................................................................... 120
10.4.4 COUNT_DIRECTION (ENUM) ................................................................................................. 122
10.4.5 ENCODER_RESOLUTION (ENUM) ........................................................................................ 122
10.4.6 FREQ_SENSE_PERIODS (ENUM) ......................................................................................... 122
10.4.7 MODE_FAST_COUNT (ENUM) ............................................................................................... 122
10.4.8 MODE_INC_ENCODER (ENUM) ............................................................................................. 123
10.4.9 MODE_PERIOD (ENUM) ......................................................................................................... 123
10.5 Library ifmIOcommon.library ............................................................................................124
10.5.1 Input ......................................................................................................................................... 125
10.5.2 Output....................................................................................................................................... 128
10.5.3 SetLED ..................................................................................................................................... 131
10.5.4 SupplySwitch ............................................................................................................................ 133
10.5.5 SystemSupply .......................................................................................................................... 135
10.5.6 Temperature ............................................................................................................................. 137
10.5.7 FILTER_INPUT (ENUM) .......................................................................................................... 139
10.5.8 FILTER_OUTPUT (ENUM) ...................................................................................................... 139
10.5.9 MODE_INPUT (ENUM) ............................................................................................................ 140
10.5.10 MODE_OUTPUT (ENUM) ........................................................................................................ 141
10.5.11 SYS_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL (ENUM) ...................................................................................... 141
10.6 Library ifmOutGroup ........................................................................................................142
10.6.1 OutputGroup ............................................................................................................................. 143
10.6.2 FILTER_OUTPUT_GROUP (ENUM) ....................................................................................... 146
10.6.3 MODE_OUTPUT_GROUP (ENUM) ......................................................................................... 146
10.7 Library ifmOutHBridge .....................................................................................................147
10.7.1 HBridge .................................................................................................................................... 148
10.7.2 MODE_BRAKE (ENUM)........................................................................................................... 151
10.8 Library ifmOutPWM ..........................................................................................................152
10.8.1 CurrentControl .......................................................................................................................... 153
10.8.2 PWM1000 ................................................................................................................................. 156
10.8.3 MODE_CURRENT_CONTROL (ENUM) .................................................................................. 160
10.8.4 MODE_PWM (ENUM) .............................................................................................................. 160
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
10.9 Library ifmRawCAN.library ...............................................................................................161
10.9.1 CAN_Enable ............................................................................................................................. 162
10.9.2 CAN_Recover .......................................................................................................................... 164
10.9.3 CAN_RemoteRequest .............................................................................................................. 166
10.9.4 CAN_RemoteResponse ........................................................................................................... 168
10.9.5 CAN_Rx ................................................................................................................................... 170
10.9.6 CAN_RxMask ........................................................................................................................... 172
10.9.7 CAN_RxRange ......................................................................................................................... 174
10.9.8 CAN_Tx .................................................................................................................................... 176
10.9.9 CAN_Info (GVL) ....................................................................................................................... 178
10.9.10 CAN_BUS_STATE (STRUCT) ................................................................................................. 178
11 Troubleshooting 179
11.1 Error classes ....................................................................................................................179
11.2 Error messages ................................................................................................................180
11.3 Messages / diagnostic codes of the function blocks ........................................................180
12 Appendix 181
12.1 Directory structure and file overview ................................................................................181
12.2 ifm behaviour models for function blocks .........................................................................182
12.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................... 182
12.2.2 Behaviour model ENABLE ....................................................................................................... 182
12.2.3 Behaviour model EXECUTE ..................................................................................................... 183
13 Glossary of Terms 184
14 Index 198
15 Notizen • Notes • Notes 202
16 ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale 205
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
About this manual Legal and copyright information

1 About this manual

Legal and copyright information ............................................................................................................ 6
Purpose of the document ...................................................................................................................... 7
Symbols and formats used .................................................................................................................... 7
Overview: documentation modules for CR711S ................................................................................... 8
Overview: documentation for CODESYS 3.n ........................................................................................ 8
How is this documentation structured? ................................................................................................. 9
History of the document CR0711 .......................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Legal and copyright information

© All rights reserved by ifm electronic gmbh. No part of this manual may be reproduced and used without the consent of ifm electronic gmbh.
All product names, pictures, companies or other brands used on our pages are the property of the respective rights owners:
• AS-i is the property of the AS-International Association, (
• CAN is the property of the CiA (CAN in Automation e.V.), Germany (→
• CODESYS™ is the property of the 3S – Smart Software Solutions GmbH, Germany (
• DeviceNet™ is the property of the ODVA™ (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), USA (
• EtherNet/IP® is the property of the →ODVA™
• EtherCAT® is a registered trade mark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany
• IO-Link® ( is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• ISOBUS is the property of the AEF – Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation e.V., Deutschland (
• Microsoft® is the property of the Microsoft Corporation, USA (
• PROFIBUS® is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany (
• PROFINET® is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• Windows® is the property of the Microsoft Corporation, USA
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
About this manual Purpose of the document

1.2 Purpose of the document

This manual describes of the ecomatmobile family for mobile machines of ifm electronic gmbh: ecomatController <eco100-Bez> (Art.-Nr.: CR711S) firmware version V2.5.0.n and higher
The CODESYS programming system is required to program this device: version 3.5 SP11 or higher
These instructions describe the following topics:
Configuration of the device in the setup mode  Firmware update of the device in the recovery mode  Configuration of the device using CODESYS  Programming of the device-internal PLC of the CR711S using the CODESYS programming
Description of the device-specific CODESYS function libraries

1.3 Symbols and formats used

Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.
Slight reversible injuries may result.
Property damage is to be expected or may result.
Important note Non-compliance can result in malfunction or interference
Information Supplementary note
Request for action
> ...
Reaction, result
123 0x123 0b010
Decimal number Hexadecimal number Binary number
Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
About this manual Overview: documentation modules for CR711S

1.4 Overview: documentation modules for CR711S

The documentation for this devices consists of the following modules: (Downloads from ifm's website ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale ( p. 205) )
Contents / Description
Data sheet
Technical data in a table
Installation instructions (are supplied with the device)
Instructions for installation, electrical installation, and commissioning  Technical data
Programming manual
Functions of the setup menu of the device  Creation of a CODESYS project with this device  Target settings with CODESYS  Programming of the device-internal PLC with CODESYS  Description of the device-specific CODESYS function libraries
System manual "Know-How ecomatmobile"
Know-how about the following topics (examples):
Overview Templates and demo programs  CAN, CANopen  Control outputs  Visualisations  Overview of the files and libraries

1.5 Overview: documentation for CODESYS 3.n

The following user documentation is provided by 3S GmbH for programming the CR711S with CODESYS:
Content / Description
Online help
Context-sensitive help  Description of the CODESYS programming system
After the installation of the programming system store and accessible on the hard disk of the PC/laptop: ...\Programme (x86)\3S CODESYS\CODESYS\Online Help
CODESYS installation and first steps
Remarks about the installing of the programming system CODESYS  First steps for handling the programming system CODESYS
After the installation of the programming system store and accessible on the hard disk of the PC/laptop: ...\Programme (x86)\3S CODESYS\CODESYS\Documentation
CODESYS user manual Safety SIL2
[H2] CODESYS Safety SIL2 - IEC Programming Guidelines.pdf
This document is for programmers who program safety-related controllers.
Download at:
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
About this manual How is this documentation structured?

1.6 How is this documentation structured?

This documentation is a combination of different types of manuals. It is for beginners and also a reference for advanced users. This document is addressed to the programmers of the applications.
How to use this manual:
Refer to the table of contents to select a specific subject.  Using the index you can also quickly find a term you are looking for.  At the beginning of a chapter we will give you a brief overview of its contents.  Abbreviations and technical terms Appendix.
In case of malfunctions or uncertainties please contact the manufacturer at: Contact ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale ( p. 205)
We want to become even better! Each separate section has an identification number in the top right corner. If you want to inform us about any inconsistencies, indicate this number with the title and the language of this documentation. Thank you very much for your support!
We reserve the right to make alterations which can result in a change of contents of the documentation. You can find the current version on ifm's website: → ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale (→ p. 205)

1.7 History of the document CR0711

What has been changed in this manual? An overview:
new document
Article number, operating system version, CODESYS version
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Functions and features History of the document CR0711

2 Functions and features

This device is used to control processes in applications. For this, device 2 contains 2 PLCs that can be programmed independently of each other. In the CODESYS software platform, these PLCs are called:
• standard PLC
• safety PLC
The safety functionality is in preparation. At present the device has NO safety functionality!
Do NOT use the device for safety-related functions!
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions Please note!

3 Safety instructions

Please note! ......................................................................................................................................... 11
What previous knowledge is required? ............................................................................................... 12
Important standards............................................................................................................................. 13
Organise the creation of safe machinery with the V model ................................................................. 14
Start-up behaviour of the controller ..................................................................................................... 16
Warnings used ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Notes: serial number ........................................................................................................................... 17

3.1 Please note!

22910 11212
No characteristics are warranted on the basis of the information, notes and examples provided in this manual. The drawings, representations and examples imply no responsibility for the system and no application-specific particularities.
The manufacturer of the machine/equipment is responsible for ensuring the safety of the
Follow the national and international regulations of the country in which the machine/installation is
to be placed on the market!
Non-observance of these instructions can lead to property damage or bodily injury!
ifm electronic gmbh does not assume any liability in this regard.
The acting person must have read and understood the safety instructions and the corresponding
chapters in this manual before working on and with this device.
The acting person must be authorised to work on the machine/equipment. The acting person must have the qualifications and training required to perform this work. Adhere to the technical data of the devices!
You can find the current data sheet on ifm's homepage.
Observe the installation and wiring information as well as the functions and features of the
supplied installation instructions or on ifm's homepage
Please note the corrections and notes in the release notes for the existing hardware, software
and documentation, available on the ifm website
Website ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale ( p. 205)
The user is responsible for the reliable function of the application programs he designed. If necessary, he must additionally carry out an approval test by corresponding supervisory and test organisations according to the national regulations.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions What previous knowledge is required?
The safety functionality is in preparation. At present the device has NO safety functionality!
Do NOT use the device for safety-related functions!

3.2 What previous knowledge is required?

This document is intended for people with knowledge of control technology and PLC programming with IEC 61131-3.
To program the PLC, the people should also be familiar with the CODESYS software. The document is intended for specialists. These specialists are people who are qualified by their
training and their experience to see risks and to avoid possible hazards that may be caused during operation or maintenance of a product. The document contains information about the correct handling of the product.
Read this document before use to familiarise yourself with operating conditions, installation and operation. Keep the document during the entire duration of use of the device.
Adhere to the safety instructions.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions Important standards

3.3 Important standards

22977 23368
The safety functionality is in preparation. At present the device has NO safety functionality!
Do NOT use the device for safety-related functions!
Among other things, the programmer of safety-related controllers should also know and observe the content of the following standards:
Title, content
IEC 61508
Standard: Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety­related systems
ISO 13849
Standard: Safety of machinery, safety-related parts of control systems
• Part 1: General design principles Part 2: Validation
here: The device can be used up to PL d
IEC 62061
Standard: Machine safety – functional safety of electric, electronic and programmable machine controllers
• Specification of the functional requirements
• Specification of the safety requirements here: The device can be used up to SIL CL 2
Standard: Safety of machinery – Functional safety of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
• Functional requirements specification
• Safety integrity requirements specification here: device is suited up to SIL CL 2
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions Organise the creation of safe machinery with the V model

3.4 Organise the creation of safe machinery with the V model

Define, observe, check and document the workflow steps in the V model Define responsibilities for tasks Define a person responsible for safety technology (Functional Safety Manager)
Every machine manufacturer should define the responsibilities for the respective tasks within his company through organisational measures. This is independent of the work steps ...
for machine design
• for the creation of the application program for the SafetyController A staff member responsible for the safety technology (FSM = Functional Safety Manager) should also
be appointed. In larger companies this role is assigned to staff members who have the primary responsibility.
• prepare specifications
• prepare safety concept and machine specifications
• prepare functional specifications
• determine or calculate the reliability of the safety function
• document all work steps
• archive the documentation and keep it during the life cycle of the machine
The execution and verification of a task must not be performed by the same staff member!
• create and verify specifications
• create and verify machine specifications
• create and verify the different safety-related function units
• verify the interaction of the function units The 4-eye principle is typically applied here.
To illustrate this structure in graphic form the V model can be applied. The machine manufacturer adds the corresponding details and responsibilities to each work step of a particular application. The machine manufacturer could also – depending on the work packages – create several organisational units based on the V model.
It is important that this organisational structure is documented and archived.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions Organise the creation of safe machinery with the V model
Figure: V model showing the individual work steps
In accordance with the applicable directives and standards:
adhere to the mechanical and electrical layout of the safety functions when designing the
mobile machine
document the respective steps of the specification and implementation process in a clearly
structured way
make a statement regarding their reliability and the likelihood of a dangerous error
Archive these documents during the entire life cycle of the mobile machine or machine series!
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions Start-up behaviour of the controller

3.5 Start-up behaviour of the controller

15233 11575
Danger due to unintentional and dangerous start of machine or plant sections! When creating the program, the programmer must ensure that no unintentional and dangerous
start of machines or plant sections after a fault (e.g. e-stop) and the following fault elimination can occur! Realise restart inhibit.
In case of an error, set the outputs concerned to FALSE in the program!
A restart can, for example, be caused by:
• Voltage restoration after power failure
• Reset after the watchdog responded because the cycle time was too long
• Error elimination after an E-stop To ensure safe controller behaviour:
monitor the voltage supply in the application program. In case of an error switch off all relevant outputs in the application program. Additionally monitor actuators which can cause hazardous movements in the application program

3.6 Warnings used

Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.
Slight reversible injuries may result.
Property damage is to be expected or may result.
Important note Non-compliance may result in malfunction or interference.
Information Supplementary note.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Safety instructions Notes: serial number

3.7 Notes: serial number

In the user's production facility, draw a diagram of the controller network in the machine. Enter the
serial number of each controller installed into the network diagram.
Before downloading a software component, read out this serial number and check the network
diagram to make sure that you are accessing the right controller.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation System requirements

4 Installation

System requirements........................................................................................................................... 18
Carry out installation ............................................................................................................................ 19
This chapter describes the installation of the software components that are necessary to program the CR711S.

4.1 System requirements

Hardware ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Software .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Licensing ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Under which conditions can and may this device be programmed and operated?

4.1.1 Hardware

Device from the ifm product family ecomatController CR711S  PC/laptop for CODESYS programming system
( Chapter Software > System requirements CODESYS Development System V3.5)
Ethernet connection between CODESYS PC/laptop and Ethernet interface of the CR711S
( installation instructions)

4.1.2 Software

To program the device-internal PLC of the CR711S, the following software components are required:
CODESYS Development System
Programming software CODESYS for PLC programming complying with the standard IEC 61131-3
3.5 SP11
Complete package for ecomatController CR711S, consisting of: Components of the complete package ( p. 20)
The features and functions warranted in this manual can only be obtained by using the software components in the versions that are mentioned here.
On their website, ifm electronic provide the software components for download: → ifm weltweit • ifm worldwide • ifm à l’échelle internationale (→ p. 205)

4.1.3 Licensing

By buying a controller CR711S, the buyer also purchases a licence that is valid for the use of the CODESYS 3.5 programming system.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation

4.2 Carry out installation

CODESYS programming software ...................................................................................................... 19
Complete package for ecomatController CR711S .............................................................................. 20
Check the operating system version of the device .............................................................................. 22
Update the operating system of the device ......................................................................................... 24

4.2.1 CODESYS programming software

The CODESYS Development System (short: CODESYS) serves as platform for the creation of PLC applications according to the standard IEC 61131-3.
Install CODESYS Development System
To install the software "CODESYS Development System":
For installation on the PC/laptop, administrator rights are required.
Install the programming system CODESYS 3.5 SP11.
CODESYS installation and first steps
> CODESYS 3.5 SP11 is installed on the PC/laptop.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation

4.2.2 Complete package for ecomatController CR711S

Components of the complete package
To program the device-internal PLC, ifm provides a complete package "CODESYS for ifm R360III Products". The overall package is structured as follows and includes the following components:
Data name / path
"CODESYS for ifm R360III Products".zip
Complete package
+ CODESYS Safety SIL2 xyz.package
Package "CODESYS Safety SIL2 Plugin"
+ ifm Safety SIL2 Extensions Vn.n.n.n.package
Package "ifm Safety SIL2 Plugin"
Package "ecomatController (device description, libraries, etc.)"
Runtime system
The following components must be installed:
CODESYS Safety SIL2 Plugin  ifm Safety SIL2 Plugin  ecomatController package (device description, libraries, etc.)
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation
Install package (PC/laptop)
To install a package
> CODESYS 3.5 SP11 is installed on the PC/laptop. > ifm package "CODESYS for ifm R360III Products" is stored on the PC/laptop.
Start CODESYS as administrator.
> CODESYS user interface appears.
2 Start Package Manager
Select [Tools] > [Package Manager] to start the Package Manager.
> Package manager appears. > Window shows installed packages.
3 Install package
Click on [Install...].
> The file explorer appears.
select the required file*.package and carry out a full installation.
> The [Package Manager] window shows the installed package.
Click on [Close] to quit the Package Manager. Save the project. Close CoDeSys Start CODESYS
> The installed package is now available.
To install another package, proceed again as described.
Update package (PC/laptop)
To update a package:
1 Uninstall the old version of the package
Uninstall package (PC/laptop) (→ p. 22)
2 Install the new version of the package
Install package (PC/laptop) (→ p. 21)
3 Update device
In the device tree: Mark node [Device (CR711S)]. Select [Project] > [Update Device...].
> Dialogue window appears.
Click on [Update Device] to start the update process.
> CODESYS loads new device libraries. > Device tree view is updated.
Click on [Close] to quit the Package Manager. Save the project.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation
Uninstall package (PC/laptop)
To uninstall a package:
1 Start package manager
Select [Tools] > [Package Manager] to start the Package Manager.
> Window [Package Manager] shows installed packages.
2 Uninstall package
Activate checkbox [Display versions].
> The window shows the version numbers of the installed packages.
Select the package version to be uninstalled and uninstall it with [Uninstall...].
> Selected package version is uninstalled.
Click on [Close] to quit the Package Manager.

4.2.3 Check the operating system version of the device

Check the operating system version of the device
To check the operating system version of the device:
► Connect to PLC (→ Set communication path of PLC (→ p. 61)) ► Copy the file \info\swinfo.txt by clicking on [<<] to a local PC drive (→ Manage files
(→ p. 66)).
Open swinfo.txt in an editor, e.g. Notepad
> Content of the opened file (example):
[ifmOS] Version=V1.4.0.3 BuildDate=21.10.2016 15:11:14
[Bootloader] Version= BuildDate=01.01.2017 23:10:15
Check the information in the [ifmOS] area behind [Version=]
> If the version deviates from the required version, the operating system must be updated.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation
Check the hardware version of the device
To check the hardware version of the device:
► Connect to PLC (→ Set communication path of PLC (→ p. 61)) ► Copy the fifle \info\devinfo.txt by clicking on [<<] to a local PC drive (→ Manage files
(→ p. 66)).
Open and check devinfo.txt in an editor, e.g. notepad
> devinfo.txt contains the following information:
Hardware article number
Hardware article designation
Production order number
ERP material number
Production order number of the final unit
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation

4.2.4 Update the operating system of the device

Update the operating system of the device with the batch file ............................................................ 24
Important: During the update process, the electric voltage supply of the device must be assured. The device may only be disconnected from the voltage supply after the data transfer/update process
is finished. An incomplete operating system update may destroy the device!
Important: Field test units cannot be updated!
Before the update process, please ensure:
Device is connected to the voltage supply and switched on The Ethernet interface is connected to the same network as the PC
Update the operating system of the device with the batch file
Strictly follow the instructions on the screen during the entire update process!
> Otherwise the controller may be destroyed!
To update the operating system of the device with the batch file update.bat:
Unpack the ZIP file with the batch file update.bat and the corresponding files in a local
memory location.
Important: The data path in which the batch file is unpacked may not contain any blanks!
Execute the batch file update.bat Follow the instructions on the screen.
> The [ecomatController Update Start Menu] appears.
If the device is not set to the standard IP address
Use the [i] key to select the menu item [Set device ip-address]. Enter the IP address set in the device and confirm with [RETURN].
> The IP address setting in the batch program has been changed.
Use the [P] key to call up the menu item [Ping device]
> The ping command is executed. The device must answer to the ping request to enable an
update process.
If ping is successful:
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
Installation Carry out installation
Use the [0] key to call up the menu item [Continue update process].
> Order number, software and hardware version are read from the device.
If an update is possible using the read data:
> The [ecomatController Update Menu] appears. > Otherwise: Error message and return to the [ecomatController Update Start Menu].
Follow the instructions on the screen.
> The updated process is executed.
After loading the first file and after the instruction on the screen, execute a power-on
reset of the controller.
> Otherwise the controller may be destroyed!
After the power-on reset, continue the update process following the instructions on the screen. > The user is informed about the success of the update process.
If the update process is finished successfully:
Disconnect the voltage supply. Re-connect the voltage supply after the waiting time.
> The PLC boots with a new operating system.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
System description Hardware description

5 System description

Hardware description........................................................................................................................... 26
Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Software description ............................................................................................................................ 53

5.1 Hardware description

Hardware structure .............................................................................................................................. 26
Device supply (technology) ................................................................................................................. 33
Monitoring concept .............................................................................................................................. 36
Inputs (technology) .............................................................................................................................. 38
Outputs (technology) ........................................................................................................................... 43
Feedback in case of externally supplied outputs ................................................................................ 50

5.1.1 Hardware structure

Overview: Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 27
Note on wiring ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Standard PLC and safety PLC ............................................................................................................ 30
Available memory ................................................................................................................................ 31
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
System description Hardware description
Overview: Hardware
System context of the controller
22922 23368
The safety functionality is in preparation. At present the device has NO safety functionality!
Do NOT use the device for safety-related functions!
All devices of this controller family can execute both security levels simultaneously:
• PLC for safety-related application (in the figure: yellow areas)
• PLC for standard applications (in the figure: blue areas) Elements that can belong to both security levels are grey.
Figure: System context of the controller
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
System description Hardware description
System overview
Overview of the system modules
Power supply
Device supply (technology) ( p. 33)
Inputs (technology) ( p. 38)
Memory, ports
Available memory ( p. 31)
Standard PLC and safety PLC
Status LEDs
Outputs (technology) ( p. 43)
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
System description Hardware description
Block diagram of the supply and of the output deactivation
Figure: Block diagram of the supply
Note on wiring
Group designations
Inputs and outputs are assigned in groups. Input groups are required for 2-channel safety-related inputs.
The identifier of an input or output results from the following principle:
1. Type (IN, OUT)
2. Group number (00...18)
3. Channel number (00...08) Examples:
IN0002 = input | group 00 | channel 02 in this group  OUT0507 = output | group 05 | channel 07 in this group
In case of ready-to-use multipoint connectors, both the corresponding identifier and the corresponding pin number is indicated on each individual wire.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatController/60-1 (CR711S) Operating System V2.5.0.n 2017-12-19
System description Hardware description
Standard PLC and safety PLC
22916 23368
The safety functionality is in preparation. At present the device has NO safety functionality!
Do NOT use the device for safety-related functions!
The device features separate controllers:
• for standard functions
• for safety-related functions (safety) Before the programming of the application may even begin:
► distribute the resources to both PLCs ( Chapter Configure PLC (→ p. 64)).
(system, inputs, outputs, user LEDs)
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