All product names, pictures, companies or other brands used on our pages are the property of the respective rights owners:
• AS-i is the property of the AS-International Association, (→
• CAN is the property of the CiA (CAN in Automation e.V.), Germany (→
• CODESYS™ is the property of the 3S – Smart Software Solutions GmbH, Germany (→
• DeviceNet™ is the property of the ODVA™ (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), USA (→
• EtherNet/IP® is the property of the →ODVA™
• IO-Link
(→ is the property of the →PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• ISOBUS is the property of the AEF – Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation e.V., Deutschland
• Microsoft® is the property of the Microsoft Corporation, USA (→
• PROFIBUS® is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany (→
• PROFINET® is the property of the →PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• Windows
is the property of the →Microsoft Corporation, USA
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
About this manual Overview: documentation modules for ecomatmobile devic es
1.2 Overview: documentation m odules for ecomatmobile devices
The documentation for ecomatmobile devices consists of the following modules:
1.Data sheet
Contents Technical data in a table
Source → > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR0301 > [Technical data in PDF format]
2.Installation instructions / operating instructions
Contents Instructions for installation, electrical installation, (commissioning*), technical data
Source The instructions are supplied with the device
They are also found on ifm's homepage:
3.Programming manual + online help
Contents Description of the configuration and the functions of the device software
Source → > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR0301 > [Operating instructions]
4.System manual "Know-how ecomatmobile"
> select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR0301 > [Operating instructions]
Contents Know-how about the following topics:
• Overview Templates and demo programs
• CAN, CANopen
• Control outputs
• User flash memory
• Visualisations
• Overview of the files and libraries used
Source → > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CR0301 > [Operating instructions]
5.System manual "The ISOBUS in the ifm controller"
Contents Description of the configuration and the functions of the ISOBUS software in the device
Source → > select your country > [Data sheet search] > CRnnnn > [Operating instructions]
thereby "CRnnnn" stands for the articel numbers of the devices which are pre-installed with ISOBUS
*) The descriptions in brackets are only included in the instructions of certain devices.
1.3 CODESYS programming manual
In the additional "Programming Manual for CODESYS V2.3" you obtain more details about the use of
the programming system.
This manual can be downloaded free of charge from ifm's website:
You also find manuals and online help for ecomatmobile at:
→ecomatmobile DVD "Software, tools and documentation"
> Select your country > [Service] > [Download] > [Systems for mobile machines]
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
About this manual What do the sy m bols and formats mean?
1.4 What do the symbols and formats mean?
The following symbols or pictograms illustrate the notes in our instructions:
Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.
Slight reversible injuries may result.
Property damage is to be expected or may result.
Important notes concerning malfunctions or disturbances
Other remarks
► ... Request for action
>... Reaction, result → ... "see"
[...] Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications
Decimal number
Hexadecimal number
Binary number
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
About this manual How is this documentation structured?
1.5 How is this documentation str uctured?
This documentation is a combination of different types of manuals. It is for beginners and also a
reference for advanced users. This document is addressed to the programmers of the applications.
How to use this manual:
• Refer to the table of contents to select a specific subject.
• Using the index you can also quickly find a term you are looking for.
• At the beginning of a chapter we will give you a brief overview of its contents.
• Abbreviations and technical terms → Appendix.
In case of malfunctions or uncertainties please contact the manufacturer at:
We want to become even better! Each separate section has an identification number in the top right
corner. If you want to inform us about any inconsistencies, indicate this number with the title and the
language of this documentation. Thank you very much for your support!
We reserve the right to make alterations which can result in a change of contents of the
documentation. You can find the current version on ifm's websi te at:
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
About this manual History of t he instructions (CR030n)
1.6 History of the instructions (CR030n)
What has been changed in this manual? An overview:
2010-09-09 PID2 (FB) parameters of the inputs corrected
2010-11-10 Terminating resistors correction in topic 1244
2011-02-14 TIMER_READ_US (FB) conversion of max. counter value corrected
2011-04-05 Memory POUs FRAMREAD, FRAMWRITE,
2011-04-13 CANopen overview new: CANopen tables in the appendix
2011-04-14 CR0303 several corrections: - device has an own hydraulic library
2011-05-24 CR0303: memory FBs FRAMREAD, FRAMWRITE permitted values of the parameters SRC, DST
2012-01-09 Memory modules FRAMREAD, FRAMWRITE Swapped parameters SRC, DST in the table
2012-10-04 diverse corrections
2013-06-24 various new document structure
2014-04-28 Various function blocks More precise description of the function block input
2014-06-30 Name of the documentation "System manual" renamed as "Programming manual"
2014-07-18 CR0303: Error flag Wrong: ERROR_A_INx
2014-07-31 FB PHASE Description of parameters of outputs C, ET corrected
2014-08-26 Description of inputs, outputs highside / lowside replaced by positive / negative
2015-01-13 Structure of documentation for error codes, system
2015-03-10 Available memory Description improved
2015-05-26 FB J1939_x_GLOBAL_REQUEST More precise description
2015-06-10 Various function blocks Description of the FB input CHANNEL corrected
permitted values of the parameters SRC, LEN, DST
- some system flags do not exist
- IEC addresses of in- and outputs
- configuration of the inputs
- set the status LED in the application program
"Permissible values"
Correct: ERROR_Ix
• error flags:
now only in the appendix, chapter System flags
• CAN / CANopen errors and error handling:
now only in the system manual "Know-How"
• error codes, EMCY codes:
now in the appendix, chapter Error tables
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Notes: TEST inputs ............................................................................................................................. 11
What previous knowledge is required? ............................................................................................... 10
Start-up behaviour of the controller ..................................................................................................... 10
Notes: serial number ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Please note!
No characteristics are warranted with the information, notes and examples provided in this manual.
With the drawings, representations and examples given no responsibility for the system is assumed
and no application-specific particularities are taken into account.
► The manufacturer of the machine/equipment is responsible for ensuring the safety of the
► Follow the national and international regulations of the country in which the machine/installation is
to be placed on the market!
Non-observance of these instructions can lead to property damage or personal injury.
ifm electronic gmbh does not assume any liability in this regard.
► The acting person must have read and understood the safety instructions and the corresponding
chapters in this manual before working on and with this device.
► The acting person must be authorised to work on the machine/equipment.
► The acting person must have the qualifications and training required to perform this work.
► Adhere to the technical data of the devices!
You can find the current data sheet on ifm's homepage at:
in PDF format]
► Note the installation and wiring information as well as the functions and features of the devices!
→ supplied installation instr uc tions or on ifm's homepage:
► Please note the corrections and notes in the release notes for the existing documentation,
available on the ifm website:
> Select your country > [Data sheet search] > (article number.) > [Technical data
> Select your country > [Data sheet search] > (article number.) > [Operating
> Select your country > [Data sheet search] > (article number.) > [Operating
The driver module of the serial interface can be damaged!
Disconnecting or connecting the serial interface while live can cause undefined states which damage
the driver module.
► Do not disconnect or connect the serial interface while live.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Safety instructions What previous k nowledge is required?
2.2 What previous knowledge is required?
This document is intended for people with knowledge of control technology and PLC programming
with IEC 61131-3.
To program the PLC, the people should also be familiar with the CODESYS software.
The document is intended for specialists. These specialists are people who are qualified by their
training and their experience to see risks and to avoid possible hazards that may be caused during
operation or maintenance of a product. The document contains information about the correct handling
of the product.
Read this document before use to familiarise yourself with operating conditions, installation and
operation. Keep the document during the entire duration of use of the device.
Adhere to the safety instructions.
2.3 Start-up behaviour of the controller
Danger due to unintentional and dangerous start of machine or plant sections!
► When creating the program, the programmer must ensure that no unintentional and dangerous
start of machines or plant sections after a fault (e.g. e-stop) and the following fault elimination can
Realise restart inhibit.
► In case of an error, set the outputs concerned to FALSE in the program!
A restart can, for example, be caused by:
• voltage restoration after power failure
• reset after watchdog response because of too long a cycle time
• error elimination after an E-stop
To ensure a safe behaviour of the controller:
► Monitor the voltage supply in the application program.
► In case of an error switch off all relevant outputs in the application program.
► Monitor actuators which can cause hazardous movements in the application program (feedback).
► Monitor relay contacts which can cause hazardous movements in the application program
► If necessary, ensure that welded relay contacts in the application project cannot trigger or continue
hazardous movements.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Safety instructions Notes: serial number
2.4 Notes: serial number
► In the user's production facility, draw a diagram of the controller network in the machine. Enter the
serial number of each controller installed into the network diagram.
► Before downloading a software component, read out this serial number and check the network
diagram to make sure that you are accessing the right controller.
2.5 Notes: TEST inputs
► The TEST inputs of all the controllers in the machine should be wired individually and marked
clearly so that they can be properly allocated to the controllers.
► During a service access only activate the TEST input of the controller to be accessed.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Status LED .......................................................................................................................................... 25
System description Information ab o ut the dev ic e
3 System description
Information about the device ............................................................................................................... 12
Note on wiring ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Safety instructions about Reed relays ................................................................................................. 24
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Available memory ................................................................................................................................ 14
The device does not start until sufficient voltage is applied to the supply connection VBBs.
A voltage > 10 V is deemed sufficient.
Permissible operating voltage → data sheet
Prinziple block diagram
Figure: Block diagram of the supply
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
Available memory
FLASH memory (non-volatile, slow memory)
512 kByte
overall existing in the device
Thereof the following memory areas are reserved for ...
maximum size of the application program 192 kByte
data other than the application program
48 kByte
user can write data such as files, bitmaps, fonts
data other than the application program
read data with FLASHREAD (→ page 167
) or write data with FLASHWRITE
16 kByte
(→ page 168)
(files: 128 bytes less for header)
The remaining rest of the memory is reserved for system internal purposes.
SRAM (volatile, fast memory)
overall existing in the device
SRAM indicates here all kinds of volatile and fast memories.
Thereof the following memory areas are reserved for ...
data reserved by the application program 48 kByte
The remaining rest of the memory is reserved for system internal purposes.
256 kByte
EEPROM (non-volatile, slow memory)
overall existing in the device
Thereof the following memory areas are reserved for ...
variables in the application program, declared as VAR_RETAIN 256 Byte
remanent memory freely available to the user
Access is made via E2READ (→ page 165) and E2WRITE (→ page 166)
4 kByte
3 840 Byte
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
The controller monitors the supply voltages and the system error flags.
Depending on the status...
• the controller switches off completely
> the program stops
> the outputs become currentless and change to logic "0"
> the status LED goes out
Monitoring and securing mechanisms
After application of the supply voltage................................................................................................. 15
If runtime system / application is running ............................................................................................ 16
If the TEST pin is not active ................................................................................................................ 16
For the these devices the following monitoring activities are automatically carried out:
After application of the supply voltage
After application of the supply voltage (controller is in the boot loader) the following tests are carried
out in the device:
> RAM test (one-time)
> supply voltage
> system data consistency
> CRC of the boot loader
> if exists and is started: CRC of the runtime system
> if exists and is started: CRC of the application program
> memory error:
• If the test is running: flag ERROR_MEMORY = TRUE
(can be evaluated as from the first cycle).
• If the test is not running: red LED is lit.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
If runtime system / application is running
then the following tests are cyclically carried out:
>Triggering of the watchdog (100 ms)
Then continuous program check watchdog
>Continuous temperature check
In case of a fault: system flag ERROR_TEMPERATURE = TRUE
>Continuous voltage monitoring
In case of a fault: system flag ERROR_POWER = TRUE or ERROR_VBBR = TRUE
> Continuous CAN bus monitoring
> Continuous system data monitoring:
- program loaded
- operating mode RUN / STOP,
- runtime system loaded,
- node ID,
- baud rate of CAN and RS232.
>In the operating mode RUN:
Cyclical I/O diagnosis:
- short circuit,
- wire break,
- overload (current) of the inputs and outputs,
- cross fault (only for SafetyController).
If the TEST pin is not active
>Write protection for system data in FRAM ¹), e.g.:
• runtime system loaded,
• calibration data.
Implemented via hardware and software.
> Write protection for application program (in the flash memory)
> DEBUG mode
¹) FRAM indicates here all kinds of non-volatile and fast memories.
One-time mechanisms
> CRC monitoring during download or upload.
> It must be checked that the runtime system and the application are assigned to the same device.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Input group IN12...IN15 ....................................................................................................................... 20
Input group ANALOG0...7 ................................................................................................................... 19
Input group IN00...IN07 ....................................................................................................................... 19
Input group IN08...IN11 / FRQ00...FRQ03 .......................................................................................... 19
Analogue inputs
The analogue inputs can be configured via the application program. The measuring range can be set
as follows:
• current input 0...20 mA
• voltage input 0...10 V
• voltage input 0...32 V
The voltage measurement can also be carried out ratiometrically (0...1000 ‰, adjustable via f unction
blocks). This means potentiometers or joysticks can be evaluated without additional reference voltage.
A fluctuation of the supply voltage has no influence on this measured value.
As an alternative, an analogue channel can also be evaluated binarily.
In case of ratiometric measurement the connected sensors should be supplied with VBBs of the
device. So, faulty measurements caused by offset voltage are avoided.
In = pin multifunction input n
(CR) = device
(1) = input filter
(2) = analogu e current measuring
(3a) = binary -input plus switching
(3b) = binary -input minus switching
(4a) = analog ue voltage meas ur ing 0. .. 10 V
(4b) = analog ue voltage measuring 0.. .32 V
(5) = voltage
(6) = reference voltage
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
Binary inputs
The binary input can be operated in following modes:
• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal
• binary input minus switching (BH) for negative sensor signal
Depending on the device the binary inputs can configured differently. In addition to the protective
mechanisms against interference, the binary inputs are internally evaluated via an analogue stage.
This enables diagnosis of the input signals. But in the application software the switching signal is
directly available as bit information
In = pin binary-input n
(CR) = device
(1) = input filter
(2a) = input minus switchi ng
(2b) = input plus switching
(3) = voltage
Figure: basic circuit of binary input minus switching / plus switching for negative and positive sensor signals
In = pin binary input n
(S) = sensor
Basic circuit of binary input plus switching (BL)
for positive sensor signal:
Input = open signal = low (GND)
For some of these inputs (→ data sheet) the potential can be selected to which it will be switched.
Basic circuit of binary input minus switching (BH)
for negative sensor signal:
Input = open signal = high (supply)
In = pin binary input n
(S) = sensor
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
Input group ANALOG0...7
These inputs are a group of multifunction channels.
These inputs can be used as follows (each input separately configurable):
• analogue input 0...20 mA
• analogue input 0...10 V
• analogue input 0...32 V
• voltage measurement ratiometric 0...1000 ‰ von 32 V
• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal (with/without diagnosis)
→ chapter Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 187
All inputs show the same behaviour concerning function and diagnosis.
► Configuration of each input is made via the application program:
• configuration byte ANALOGxy_MODE
• FB INPUT_ANALOG (→ page 123
) > input MODE
If the analogue inputs are configured for current measurement, the device switches to the safe voltage
measurement range (0...32V DC) and the corresponding error bit in the flag byte ERROR_A_INx is set
when the final value (> 23 mA) is exceeded.
>When the value is again below the limit value, the input automatically switches back to the current
measurement range.
Input group IN00...IN07
These inputs are a group of multifunction channels.
These inputs can be used as follows (each input separately configurable):
• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal (with/without diagnosis)
→ chapter Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 187
► Configuration of each input is made via the application program :
• configuration byte INxx_MODE
Sensors with diagnostic capabilities to NAMUR can be evaluated.
Input group IN08...IN11 / FRQ00...FRQ03
These inputs are a group of multifunction channels.
These inputs can be used as follows (each input separately configurable):
• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal (with/without diagnosis)
• fast input for e.g. incremental encoders and frequency or interval measurement
→ chapter Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 187
Sensors with diagnostic capabilities to NAMUR can be evaluated.
► Configuration of each input is made via the application program:
• configuration byte INxx_MODE
• Fast inputs with the following FBs:
FAST_COUNT (→ page 131) Counter block for fast input pulses
FREQUENCY (→ page 132) Measures th e frequency of the signal arriving at the selected channel
INC_ENCODER (→ page 133) Up/down counter function for the evaluation of encoders
PERIOD (→ page 135) Measures the frequency and the cycle period (cycle time) in [µs] at the indicated ch annel
PERIOD_RATIO (→ page 137) Measures the frequency and the cycle period (cycle time) in [ µ s] during th e indicated p eriods at
PHASE (→ page 139) Reads a pair of channels with fast inputs and compares the phase position of the signals
the indicate d channel. In addition, the mark-to-space ratio is indicated in [‰].
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
Input group IN12...IN15
These inputs are a group of multifunction channels.
These inputs can be used as follows (each input separately configurable):
• binary input plus switching (BL) for positive sensor signal
• binary input minus switching (BH) for negative sensor signal
→ chapter Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 187
Sensors with diagnostic capabilities to NAMUR can be evaluated.
All inputs show the same behaviour concerning function and diagnosis.
► For the limit values please make sure to adhere to the data sheet!
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware descripti on
Output group OUT04...OUT07
These outputs are a group of channels with a single specified function.
These outputs have the following fixed setting:
• binary output, plus switching (BH), short-circuit proof, overload protected
→ chapter Possible operating modes inputs/outputs (→ page 187
► For the limit values please make sure to adhere to the data sheet!
Output group OUT08...OUT10
These outputs are a group of channels with a single specified function.
These outputs have the following fixed setting:
• binary output with relay (change-over contacts)
• The outputs have no current measurement, no overload detection.
► For the limit values please make sure to adhere to the data sheet!
Output group OUT11...OUT17
These outputs are a group of channels with a single specified function.
These outputs have the following fixed setting:
• binary output with relay (change-over contacts)
• The outputs have no current measurement, no overload detection.
► For the limit values please make sure to adhere to the data sheet!
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
3.2.5 Note on wiring
The wiring diagrams (→ installation instructions of the devices, chapter "Wiring") describe the standard
device configurations. The wiring diagram helps allocate the input and output channels to the IEC
addresses and the device terminals.
The individual abbreviations have the following meaning:
A Analogue input
BH Binary high side input: minus switching for negative sensor signal
BL Binary low side input: plus switching for positive sensor signal
CYL Input period measurement
ENC Input encoder signals
FRQ Frequency input
H bridge Output with H-bridge function
PWMi PWM output with current measurement
IH Pulse/counter input, high side: minus switching for negative sensor signal
IL Pulse/counter input, low side: plus switching for positive sensor signal
R Read back channel for one output
Binary high side output: plus switching for posit i ve output signal
Binary low side output: minus switching for negative output signal
Pulse-width modulated signal
Allocation of the input/output channels: → Catalogue, mounting instructions or data sheet
3.2.6 Safety instructions about Reed relays
For use of non-electronic switches please note the following:
Contacts of Reed relays may be clogged (reversibly) if connected to the device inputs without
series resistor.
►Remedy: Install a series resistor for the Reed relay:
Series resistor = max. input voltage / permissible current in the Reed relay
Example: 32 V / 500 mA = 64 Ohm
► The series resistor must not exceed 5 % of the input resistance RE of the device input (→ data
sheet). Otherwise, the signal will not be detected as TRUE.
RE = 3 000 Ohm
⇒ max. series resistor = 150 Ohm
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Hardware des cription
3.2.7 Status LED
The operating states are indicated by the integrated status LED (default setting).
LED colourDisplayDescription
Permanently off No operat i ng voltage
Briefly on Initialisation or reset checks
(time frame = 200 ms)
Flashing with 5 Hz TEST=TRUE: no runtim e system loaded
(time frame = 200 ms)
Flashing with 2 Hz Application = RUN
(time frame = 200 ms)
Permanently on Appl i cation = STOP
Flashing with 2 Hz Application = RUN with error
(time frame = 200 ms)
Briefly on FATAL ERROR
(time frame = 200 ms)
Permanently on
The status LED can be changed by the programming system for the operating states STOP and RUN.
To do so, the following system variable is used:
LED_MODE Flashing frequency from the data structure "LED_MODES"
If the flashing mode is changed in the application program, the default setting table is no longer
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
CAN interfaces .................................................................................................................................... 27
System description Interface description
3.3 Interface description
Serial interface ..................................................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Serial interface
This device features a serial interface.
The serial interface can generally be used in combination with the following functions:
• program download
• debugging
• free use of the application
The serial interface is not available to the user by default, because it is used for program download
and debugging.
The interface can be freely used if the user sets the system flag bit SERIAL_MODE=TRUE.
Debugging of the application program is then only possible via one of the 4 CAN interfaces.
Connections and data → data sheet
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Available CAN interfaces and CAN protocols ..................................................................................... 27
System description Interface description
3.3.2 CAN interfaces
Connections and data → data sheet
Available CAN interfaces and CAN protocols
The following CAN interfaces and CAN protocols are available in this ecomatmobile device:
CAN interface
Default download ID
CAN protocols
Standard baud rate = 125 kBit/s
ID 127 ID 126 ID 125 ID 124
CAN Layer 2
Interface does not
Interface does not
Interface does not
SAE J1939
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
Performance limits of the device ......................................................................................................... 41
The software in this device communicates with the hardware as below:
software moduleCan user change the module?By means of what tool?
Application program
with libraries
Runtime system *)
Bootloader no --(Hardware) no ---
*) The runtime system version number must correspond to the target version number in the CODESYS target system setting.
→ chapter Set up the target (→ page 45
Below we describe this software module:
Upgrade yes
Downgrade yes
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Software description
On delivery ecomatmobile controllers only contain the boot loader.
The boot loader is a start program that allows to reload the runtime system and the application
program on the device.
The boot loader contains basic routines...
• for communication between hardware modules,
• for reloading the operating system.
The boot loader is the first software module to be saved on the device.
Runtime system
Basic program in the device, establishes the connection between the hardware of the device and the
application program.
On delivery, there is normally no runtime system loaded in the controller (LED flashes green at 5 Hz).
Only the bootloader is active in this operating mode. It provides the minimum functions for loading the
runtime system, among others support of the interfaces (e.g. CAN).
Normally it is necessary to download the runtime system only once. Then, the application program can
be loaded into the controller (also repeatedly) without affecting the runtime system.
The runtime system is provided with this documentation on a separate data carrier. In addition, the
current version can be downloaded from the website of ifm electronic gmbh:
> Select your country > [Service] > [Download]
Application program
Software specific to the application, implemented by the machine manufacturer, generally containing
logic sequences, limits and expressions that control the appropriate inputs, outputs, calculations and
The user is responsible for the reliable function of the application programs he designed. If necessary,
he must additionally carry out an approval test by corresponding supervisory and test organisations
according to the national regulations.
ifm Programming Manual ecomatmobile CabinetController (CR0301) Runtime System V05 2016-04-21
System description Software descripti o n
ifm electronic offers several libraries (*.LIB) to match each device containing program modules for
the application program. Examples:
ifm_CR0301_Vxxyyzz.LIB Device-specific library
ifm_CR0301_CANopenMaster_Vxxyyzz.LIB (optional)
ifm_CR0301_CANopenSlave_Vxxyyzz.LIB (optional)
ifm_CAN1_EXT_Vxxyyzz.LIB (optional)
ifm_CR0301_J1939_1_Vxxyyzz.LIB (optional)
Details: → chapter ifm libraries for the device CR0301 (→ page 55)
Must always be contained in the application program!
if the CAN interface of the device is to be operated as a
CANopen master
if the CAN interface of the device is to be operated as a
if the CAN interface of the device is to operate on 29 bits
if theCAN interface of the device is to communicate with a motor
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