V-Stand - VESA Standard Multi-Mounting Stand
Carefully mark the locations of the four
V-Stand screw holes on the mounting
area . Drill four pil ot ho les a t the
ma rk ed lo ca ti ons for th e V-St an d
retention screws.
Align the screw holes on the V-Stand
with the VESA mount screw holes on
the system rear panel.
Insert the four monitor mounting
screws into the four screw holes on
the system real panel. Adjust the VStand to a proper position.
Tighten until the screw shank is
secured against the rear panel.
Align the V-Stand screw holes with the
pilot holes on the mounting area. Mount
the V-Stand by inserting the retention
screws into the four pilot holes and
tightening them.
Adjust the V-Stand to have a best
viewing angle to operate the system.