IEC Modular Hi-Rise, MPY, MXY, MAY, MBY Ditto Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

• Energy Efficient
• Easy to Install
• Extended Service Life
Energy ecient compact blower coils
Designed for ducted applications
Nominal CFM range of 600 to 3,000 CFM
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
Modular Hi-Rise Models:
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
International Environmental Corporation (IEC) works continually
to improve its products. As a result, the design and specifications
of each product may be changed without notice and may not be
as described herein. Please contact IEC for information regarding
current design and product specifications. Statements and
other information contained herein are not express warranties
and do not form the basis of any bargain between the parties
but are merely IEC’s opinion or commendation of its products.
Manufacturer’s standard limited warranty applies.
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
SECTION I – Receipt and Initial Installation
4 Receipt
4 Unpacking and Inspection
5 Handling and Installation
SECTION II – Product Line Specific Installation
5 Part 1 – Universal Hi-Rise Units (MUY)
6 Potential Unit Configurations
6 Unit Knockout Locations (Typical)
7 Supply, Return, and Drain Riser Installation
8 Riser to Unit Installation
8 Riser to Drain Installation
10 Supply Air Installation
10 Part 2 – Ditto and Siamese Ditto ( MAY/MBY)
12 Part 3 – High Rise, Ditto, and Siamese Ditto (MPY, MAY/
12 Supply, Return, and Drain Risers
13 Part 4 – Mega Mod Units (MGY)
14 Supply, Return, and Drain Risers
14 Riser to Unit Installation
15 Riser to Drain Installation
16 Unit Knockout Locations (Typical)
16 Supply Air Installation
17 Demolition
18 Installation
SECTION III – Finishing Installation (All Models)
18 Grille/Ductwork Installation
18 Outside Air Installation (if required)
18 Electrical Connections
19 Exposed Unit Touch-up and Repainting
19 Concealed Unit Enclosure
SECTION IV – Start-up (All Models)
20 Operating Conditions
20 Cooling/Heating System
20 Air System Balancing
21 Control Board Adjustment
22 Water Treatment
22 Water System Balancing
23 Controls Operation
SECTION V – Routine Maintenance (All Models)
23 Motor/Blower Assembly
23 Coil
24 Electric Resistance Heater Assembly
24 Electrical Wiring and Controls
24 Valves and Piping
24 Filters, Throwaway
25 Filters, Permanent
25 Drain
25 Replacement Parts
SECTION VI – Checklists
25 Receiving and Inspection
25 Handling and Installation
25 Cooling/Heating Connections
25 Ductwork Connections
25 Electrical Connections
26 Unit Start-up
26 Terms and Conditions
SECTION I – Receipt and Initial Installation
International Environmental Corporation fan coil units represent a prudent investment oering trouble-free operation and long service with proper installation, operation, and regular maintenance.
Your equipment is initially protected under the manufacturer’s standard warranty; however, this warranty is provided under the condition that the steps outlined in this manual for initial inspection, proper installation, regular periodic maintenance, and everyday operation of the equipment be followed in detail. This manual should be fully reviewed in advance before initial installation, start-up, and any maintenance. Should any questions arise, please contact your local sales representative or the factory BEFORE proceeding.
The equipment covered by this manual is available with a variety of options and accessories. Consult the approved unit submittals, order acknowledgement, and other manuals for details on unit options and accessories.
The equipment must always be properly supported. Temporary supports used during installation or service must be adequate to hold the equipment securely.
All power must be disconnected before any installation or service is attempted. More than one power source may be supplied to a unit. Power to remote mounted control devices may not be supplied through the unit.
Never wear bulky or loosetting clothing when working on any mechanical equipment. Gloves should be worn for proper protection against heat and other possible injuries. Safety glasses or goggles should always be worn when drilling, cutting, or working with chemicals such as refrigerants or lubricants.
Never pressurize any equipment beyond specied test pressures. Always pressure test with an inert uid or gas such as clear water or dry nitrogen to avoid possible
damage or injury in the event of a leak or component failure during testing.
Always protect adjacent ammable material when welding or soldering. Use a suitable heat- shield material to contain sparks or drops of solder. Have a re extinguisher readily available.
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage resulting from improper or unsafe practices during the handling, installation, service, or operation of any equipment.
Unpacking and Inspection
All units are carefully inspected at the factory throughout the manufacturing process under a strict detailed quality assurance program, and, where possible, ALL major components and sub-assemblies are carefully tested for proper operation and veried for full compliance with factory standards. Operational testing of some customer-furnished components such as electronic control valves and digital controllers may be a possible exception.
Each unit is carefully packaged for shipment to avoid damage during normal transit and handling. Equipment should always be stored in a dry place, and in the proper orientation as marked on the carton.
All shipments are made F.O.B. factory and is the responsibility of the receiving party to inspect the equipment upon arrival. Any obvious damage to the carton and/or its contents should be recorded on the bill of lading and a claim should be led with the freight carrier.
After determining the condition of the carton exterior, carefully remove each unit from the carton and inspect for hidden damage. At this time, check to make sure that “furnished only items such as thermostats, grilles etc. are accounted for whether packaged separately or shipped at a later date. Any hidden damage should be recorded and immediately reported to the carrier and a claim should be led. In the event a claim for shipping damage is led, the unit, shipping carton, and all packing must be retained for physical inspection by the freight carrier. All equipment should be stored in the factory shipping carton with internal packing in place until installation.
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
At the time of receipt, the equipment type and arrangement should be veried against the order documents. Should any discrepancy be found, the local sales representative should be notied immediately so that proper action may be taken. Should any questions arise concerning warranty repairs, the factory must be notied BEFORE any corrective action is taken. Where local repairs or alterations can be accomplished, the factory must be fully informed of the extent and expected cost of those repairs before work is begun. Where factory operations are required, the factory must be contacted for authorization to return equipment and a Return Authorization Number will be issued. Unauthorized return shipments of equipment and shipments not marked with an authorization number will be refused. In addition, any claims for unauthorized expenses will not be accepted by the manufacturer.
Handling and Installation
The units covered in this manual are identied by a tag on top of the unit which shows the oor and riser number for which each unit is designed. Units should not be installed at locations other than that marked on the unit identication tag. If no specic detail is shown on tag for unit location then determine conguration for the Universal unit based on information within this IOM. Should any questions arise regarding unit conguration, contact the sales representative or the factory BEFORE proceeding.
While all equipment is designed and fabricated with sturdy materials and may present a rugged appearance, great care must be taken to assure that no force or pressure be applied to the coil, risers, or piping during handling. Never use the risers to lift the unit. Also, depending on the options and accessories, some units could contain delicate components that may be damaged by improper handling. Lifting or supporting the cabinet only at the top and bottom should be avoided to maintain the straight and square cabinet alignment. The unit must be lowered into the space taking care to properly align the risers to engage the riser swaged sections on the unit below. The risers should never be bent or pushed together to be passed through the oor slot and should never be lifted up or pulled down to meet the risers on the oor below or above. The risers are designed with a
three-inch swage to accommodate a two-inch overlap and minor oor to oor variations.
The equipment covered in this manual IS NOT suitable for outdoor installations. The equipment should never be stored or installed where it may be subjected to a hostile environment such as rain, snow, or extreme temperatures.
During and after installation, special care must be taken to prevent foreign material such as paint, plaster, and drywall dust from being deposited in the drain pan or on the motor or blower wheels. Failure to do so may have serious adverse eects on unit operation, and in the case of the motor and blower assembly, may result in immediate or premature failure. All manufacturer’s warranties are void if foreign material is allowed to be deposited on the motor or blower wheels of any unit. Some units and/or job conditions may require some form of temporary covering during construction.
While the manufacturer does not become involved in the design and selection of support methods and components, it should be noted that unacceptable system operating characteristics and/or performance may result from improper or inadequate unit structural support. Due to variations in building construction, oor plans, and unit congurations, each installation is dierent. The actual step-by-step method of installation may vary from unit to unit. However, the risers should be moved as little as possible to avoid damage to the unit and internal components.
On certain units, shipping screws or braces must be removed after the unit is installed. Be sure to check all tags on the unit to determine which, if any, of these devices need to be removed.
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
SECTION II – Product Line Specic Installation
Part 1 – Universal Hi-Rise Units (MUY)
The unique design of the Universal Modular Fan Coil unit allows for eld conguration for each unit. Air discharge, riser, drain, and outside air knockouts have been strategically located on each unit. Risers, shown with unit, are for reference only. All risers are factory fabricated and shipped loose for eld installation.
It is important that you identify all of the unit feature locations and which knockouts you intend to use before proceeding with the installation. Also, it must be determined whether your application requires a Mating Unit (primary/ secondary) and its conguration. Consult your local sales representative or the factory for further details on primary/ secondary arrangements.
Potential Unit Congurations
Risers: Three Locations–The pre-installed Supply, Return, and Drain risers (2-pipe or 4-pipe applications) can be oriented on any of three sides of the unit (see Figure 1).
NOTE: Risers can not be installed on the Return Air side of the
Return Air
HR = Hot Water Return HS = Hot Water Supply D = Drain CR = Cold Water Return CS = Cold Water Supply
R = Return D = Drain S = Supply
2- or 4-pipe
Figure 1
Unit orientation is determined based on the location of the risers in the building. The riser side of the Universal Modular unit always determines the rear of the unit (see Figure 2).
Return Air: Single Location–The Return Air/Access panel may then be oriented on the left, right, or front of the unit.
Supply Air: Five Locations (4 sides and top) includes stitched design for 1/2” duct anges.
Outside Air: Two Locations–Either side adjacent to the Return Air opening.
NOTE: Outside Air opening may not be used on a side if risers are
configured on that same side.
Unit Knockout Locations (Typical)
Side Supply Air Knockout (1 per side)
Riser Knockouts (4 per side, except on Return Air side)
Drain Knockout (1 per side, except on Return Air side)
Outside Air
(2 sides only,
adjacent to
Return Air
Optional Electrical Knockouts
Figure 3A
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
Top Supply Air Knockout
Electrical Knockouts
Figure 3B
Knockout Tab
Knockout Tab
Supply and Return
Figure 4
Cut Line
Supply and Return
Insulation Cutline
Figure 5
Supply, Return, and Drain Riser Installation
1. Three sides of each Universal Modular unit have four Supply and Return riser knockouts along the center and one Drain knockout near the lower part of the unit (see Figure 3A). Identify whether your application uses a 2-pipe or 4-pipe conguration.
a. 2-pipe congurations: typically use the two inner
riser knockouts.
b. 4-pipe congurations: will use all four riser
2. Locate and mark the riser and drain knockouts that apply to your particular unit application, insuring proper orientation of the Return Air opening in room.
3. Insert a at head screw driver into knockout slot shown in Figure 4.
4. Pry screw driver back and forth until knockout tabs break away from the unit.
5. Discard knockout. Be careful of sharp edges.
6. Use a sharp retractable knife (see Figure 5) and vertically cut the insulation down the center of the riser and drain knockouts the full length of the knockout.
7. Use adhesive or glue to re-attach insulation that has pulled away from the unit during knockout removal process.
CAUTION: Toxic residues and loose particles resulting from manufacturing and eld piping techniques such as joint compounds, soldering
ux, and metal shavings may be present in the unit and the piping system. Special consideration must be given to system cleanliness when connecting to solar, domestic or potable water systems.
Submittals and product literature detailing unit operation, controls, and connections should be thoroughly reviewed BEFORE beginning the connection and testing of risers and piping.
To assure optimal unit performance, the supply connection(s) are marked on the units coil with an “S meaning supply or inlet and “R meaning return or outlet indicating ow direction to and from the coil. Blue letters mark the chilled water connections and red letters mark the hot water connections.
The units internal piping is designed to accommodate a total riser vertical movement of ±1-1/2”, due to thermal expansion and/or contraction, when positioned properly at the job site. Risers must be anchored to the building structure to limit expansion and contraction movement to a maximum of 3”. Riser anchoring and expansion
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
compensation is not included in the unit and must be provided. Riser end caps, air vents, and/or ushing loops must be provided at the jobsite by the installer.
Proper eld riser installation and vertical positioning in the unit should have a pipe run-out to the service valves which are centered in the knockout access slots and that slope down slightly away from the riser (see Figure 6). This prevents condensation from running back to the riser and possible damage from dripping at the bottom of a riser column. Each job has specic requirements and satisfying those requirements is the responsibility of the installer.
Riser to Unit Installation
Riser Stubout
Unit insulation
Riser Knockout
Figure 6
Before making the riser joints, the riser insulation must be pulled back away from the joint and protected from heat during the brazing process. Each riser joint must be in vertical alignment. Variations in oor-to-oor dimensions may require eld work such as cutting o or extending the risers. This operation is the responsibility of the installer. The riser joint ller material must be selected to withstand the total operating pressure (both static and pumping head) to which the system will be subjected. Low temperature lead alloy solders such as “50/50” and “60/40” are normally not suitable.
Flexible Hose Kit
Riser Stubout
Connection point to any factory
furnished and installed
Figure 7
Back-up Wrench
Figure 8
Riser to Drain Installation
Drain Pan
Riser Knockout
Unit Insulation
Unit Wall
Riser Stubout
Figure 9
1. After the applicable Supply, Return, and Drain knockouts have been removed, carefully position the unit so that the riser ball valves penetrate into the unit through the riser knockouts making sure the insulation penetrates into the unit as shown in Figures 6, 7, and 9.
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
2. Before anchoring the equipment in place, the unit must
be leveled and the cabinet must be plumb and squared.
The unit may be anchored in place by bolting directly
through the unit oor or attaching to the cabinet in some location that will not interfere with drywall or other items such as the supply grille, thermostat, or return access panel. When attaching to the unit cabinet, care must be taken to not penetrate the cabinet in locations that may damage internal components or wiring. The mounting technique is a matter of choice; however, the unit should always be anchored securely to prevent movement during construction and riser expansion and contraction.
After anchoring the unit, it is then ready for the various
service connections such as riser connections and electrical.
3. The plastic are caps on the end of the riser ball valves should be removed and discarded.
4. All Universal Modular units use reinforced braided stainless steel exible hose kits for piping between eld installed risers and unit water coils as shown in Figure 7. The hose kit design has threaded connections on each end. The hose kits allow for riser uctuations due to thermal expansion.
5. Use a wrench to tighten the swivel connections. Use a backup wrench to hold the riser ball valve stationary to prevent it from bending or twisting during installation as shown in Figure 8. Be careful to not over tighten swivel connections.
CAUTION: Hose connection torque requirements are 350 in. lbs. +10/-0 in. lbs. to prevent leaks.
6. Locate the units coil tting.
7. The plastic are caps on the end of the coil tting should be removed and discarded.
8. Use a wrench to tighten the swivel connections. The bae acts as a secondary wrench. Be careful to not over tighten swivel connections.
CAUTION: Hose connection torque requirements are 350 in. lbs. +10/-0 in. lbs. to prevent leaks.
9. Locate the p-trap drain and rubber hose factory installed to the drain pan connection in the bottom of the unit as shown in Figure 9.
10. Push the rubber drain hose over the riser drain stubout. Be careful that you do not bend the drain stubout.
11. Adjust the hose clamp over the riser stubout and rubber hose to hold in place as shown in Figure 9.
12. Test for leaks. Any and all leaks should be repaired before proceeding with installation. When testing with air or some other gas, it might be necessary to tighten stem packing nuts on some valves to maintain air pressure in the riser. Pressure testing risers with water should be done with the unit service valves closed to prevent ushing debris into the unit valve packages. This will also allow risers to be drained down after testing in the winter to avoid freeze-up problems. In the event that leaking or defective components are discovered, the sales representative must be notied BEFORE any repairs are attempted. All leaks should be repaired before proceeding with the unit installation.
13. After system integrity has been established, the riser insulation must be pulled back into place over the joint and glued or sealed to prevent sweating and heat loss or gain. All of the risers including the riser stubouts should be properly covered with insulation. Internally mounted chilled water piping and valves are located over the drain pan and need not be insulated.
Any reproong requirements where risers or piping penetrate oors or walls are the responsibility of the installer. This work should be done only after all pressure testing is completed. The reproong method used must accommodate pipe expansion and contraction and the piping must be protected from abrasion and chemical attack. The pipe insulation also must be maintained to prevent sweating and must be protected from wear or erosion at the joint between the insulation and the reproong material.
Modular Hi-Rise Series Fan Coils
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