IDUINO for maker’s life
LilyPad Buzzer(SE041)
1 Introduction
This module is a tiny buzzer for arduino LilyPad series board, which is a wearable etextile technology develop platform. Each lilyPad was creatively designed to have large
connecting parts to allow them to be sewn into clothing. There’s two pins on this
buzzer module, when this module receive high level signal from positive pole, it will
2 pinout
IDUINO for maker’s life
3 Example
Note that this example need to use LilyPad ATmega 328 board ,not arduino UNO
********Code begin********
LilyPad Buzzer Example
This example code shows how to hook up a LilyPad Buzzer to play a simple song
using the tone() function and setting variables for each note.
Buzzer connections:
* + pin to 5
* - to -
// Which pin the buzzer is attached to
int buzzerPin = 5;
// Delay in milliseconds
int delayTime = 500;
// Notes and their frequencies
const int C = 1046;
const int D = 1175;
const int E = 1319;
const int F = 1397;
const int G = 1568;
const int A = 1760;
const int B = 1976;
const int C1 = 2093;
const int D1 = 2349;
void setup()
// Set the buzzer pin as an OUTPUT
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);