VersaClock® 5 - 5P49V5935/33 Evaluation Boards
The evaluation board is designed to help the customer evaluate the 5P49V5935/33, the latest addition to the family of
programmable devices in IDT's Timing portfolio. When the board is connected to a PC running IDT Timing Commander™
Software through USB, the device can be configured and programmed to generate frequencies with best-in-class performances.
Board Overview
Use the following diagram to identify: power supply jacks, USB connector, input and output frequency SMA connectors.
Figure 1. Board Overview
REVISION A 05/13/15 1 ©2015 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.

VERSACLOCK® 5 - 5P49V5935/33 Evaluation Boards
OUT0 - This is a buffered output of the input reference clock, singled ended.
Power supply jack, J16 – Connect to 3.3V, 2.5V or 1.8V for the core voltage of the device.
CLKIN_S/CLKINB_S – SMA pair used to monitor the differential input CLKIN/CLKINB.
Differential Input clock connector – A differential clock can be connected as a source for the device.
5P49V5935/33 – the device to be evaluated.
XIN Connector – This SMA connector is for single-ended clock input. Please note the full swing of this input is 1.2V
USB connector – Used this connector to connect with your PC to run IDT Timing Commander Software.
OUT1 /OUT1B – Output 1. It can be a differential pair or two individual single-ended outputs. By default, it's an LVPECL
differential output.
Output voltage selector – 4-way header to select an output voltage. The center pin is the output voltage. Use the jumper
to select from 1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V. VDDO_J is the voltage from J15 (see E).
OUT2/OUT2B – Output 2. It can be a differential pair or two individual single-ended outputs. By default, it's an LVPECL
differential output.
Ground Jack – J17. If J15 and/or J16 is used for power supply, this jack is the power return.
OUT3/OUT3B – Output 3. It can be a differential pair or two individual single-ended outputs. By default, it's an LVPECL
differential output. (OUT3/OUT3B is not populated on 5P49V5933 EVB.)
Output Voltage Jack – J15. Connect to a voltage of 1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V for output voltages.
OUT4/OUT4B – Output 4. It can be a differential pair or two individual single-ended outputs. By default, it's an LVPECL
differential output. (OUT4/OUT4B is not populated on 5P49V5933 EVB.)
Board Power Supply
• Core Voltages
The core voltage includes a digital voltage VDDD and an analog voltage VDDA. Both core voltages can be powered by an
external bench power supply or by USB.
Bench Power Supply – To supply VDDD with a bench power supply, connect power to J16. To supply VDDA with a bench power
supply, connect power to J15. In the same time, place the jumpers in JP3 and JP5 to connect VDDA_J and VDDD_J, respectively.
USB Power Supply – When the board is connected to a PC through a USB cable, on-board voltage regulators will generate a
3.3V for the device. In this case, place the jumpers in JP3 and JP5 to connect VDDA_REG and VDDD_REG, respectively. See
JP5 jumper position for VDDD_REG in the following figure. USB power source is recommended because it's readily available
right from your laptop.
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VERSACLOCK® 5 - 5P49V5935/33 Evaluation Boards
Figure 2. Jumping to the VDDD_J side will select external bench power supply; Jumping to the VDD_REG
side will select power source from on-board regulators powered by USB
• Output Clock Voltages
Like VDDA and VDDD having two sources, each output voltage VDDO0~4 is also provided with two sources to choose from:
bench power supply or powered from USB. The selection is made by a 4-way header as shown in Figure 3 below. Jumping to
VDDO_J will select external power supply (JP15 and JP16 are connected to external power supply); Jumping to 1.8V, 2.5V or
3.3V will select each respective voltage from on-board voltage regulators powered by USB port.
Please note: each output voltage can be individually selected. Use the label on the evaluation board: VDDO_0 for OUT0,
VDDO_1 for OUT1, VDDO_2 for OUT2, VDDO_3 for OUT3, and VDDO_4 for OUT4 (5P49V5933 has only two outputs –
OUT1/OUT1B and OUT2/OUT2B whereas, 5P49V5935 has 4 outputs – OUT1/OUT1B, OUT2/OUT2B, OUT3/OUT3B and
Figure 3. Use the jumper to select a voltage for OUT3: 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V is from on-board voltage regulators
powered by USB; VDDO_J is from external power supply connecting to JP15 and JP16
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VERSACLOCK® 5 - 5P49V5935/33 Evaluation Boards
Connecting the Board
The board is connected to a PC through a USB connector for configuring and programming the device, as shown in Figure 4
below. The USB interface will also provide +5V power supply to the board, from which on-board voltage regulators generate
various voltages for the core as well as for each output.
The board can also be powered by a bench power supply by connecting two banana jacks J15, J16 for output and core voltages,
respectively. Please see board power supply section for details.
Figure 4. Connecting the Board with USB Port for Communications with Timing Commander Software
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