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About this Document
This section discusses the following topics:
•“Scope” on page 3
•“Document Conventions” on page 3
•“Revision History” on page 4
The Tsi350A PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual discusses the features, capabilities, and configuration
requirements for the Tsi350A. It is intended for hardware and software engineers who are designing
system interconnect applications with the device.
Document Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
Non-differential Signal Notation
Non-differential signals are either active-low or active-high. An active-low signal has an active state of
logic 0 (or the lower voltage level), and is denoted by a lowercase “b”. An active-high signal has an
active state of logic 1 (or the higher voltage level), and is not denoted by a special character. The
following table illustrates the non-differential signal naming convention.
StateSingle-line signalMulti-line signal
Active lowNAME_bNAMEn[3]
Active highNAMENAME[3]
Object Size Notation
•A byte is an 8-bit object.
•A word is a 16-bit object.
•A doubleword (Dword) is a 32-bit object.
Numeric Notation
•Hexadecimal numbers are denoted by the prefix 0x (for example, 0x04).
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi350A User Manual
About this Document4
•Binary numbers are denoted by the prefix 0b (for example, 0b010).
•Registers that have multiple iterations ar e denoted by {x..y} in their names; where x is first register
and address, and y is the last register and address. For example, REG{0..1} indicates there are two
versions of the register at different addresses: REG0 and REG1.
This symbol indicates a basic design concept or information considered helpful.
This symbol indicates important configuration information or suggestions.
This symbol indicates procedures or operating levels that may result in misuse or damage to
the device.
Document Status Information
•Advance – Contains information that is subject to change, and is available once prototypes are
released to customers.
•Preliminary – Contains information about a product that is near production-ready, and is revised as
•Formal – Contains information about a final, customer-ready product, and is available once the
product is released to production.
Revision History
80D5000_MA001_08, Formal, September 2009
This document was rebranded as IDT. It does not include any technical changes.
80D5000_MA001_07, Formal, April 2008
This document supports the production version of the Tsi350A. The asynchronous mode functionality
was removed from this document. Information has been removed from “Secondary Clock Outputs” on
page 84 and pin 52 in “208-pin PQFP Pin List” on page 1 04 was changed from ASYNC_MODE to
80D5000_MA001_06, Formal, January 2008
This document supported the production version of the Tsi350A. The Tsi350A is a performance
enhancement of the Tsi350 and there are no functional changes between the devices. All technical
information in this document applies to both the Tsi350 and the Tsi350A.
Tsi350A User Manual
Integrated Device Technology
About this Document5
80D5000_MA001_05, Formal, August 2007
The changes to this document were minor and include register address clarifications in the register
chapter and a compliance list added to the overview chapter.
This chapter describes the main features and functions of the Tsi350A. The following topics are
•“Overview of the Tsi350A” on page 17
•“Functional Description” on page 20
•“Architecture” on page 22
•“Data Path” on page 22
1.1Overview of the Tsi350A
The IDT Tsi350A is a PCI-to-PCI bridge that is fully compliant with PCI Local Bus Specification,
Revision 2.3. The Ts i350A has sufficient clock and arbitration pins to support nine PCI bus master
devices directly on its secondary interface.
The Tsi350A allows the two PCI buses to operate concurrently. This means that a master and a target
on the same PCI bus can communicate while the other PCI bus is busy. This traffic isolation may
increase system performance in applications such as multimedia.
The Tsi350A makes it possible to extend a sy stem ’s load capability limit beyond that of a single PCI
bus by allowing motherboard designers to add more PCI devices or more PCI option card slots than a
single PCI bus can support.
The Tsi350A has two identical PCI Interfaces that each handle PCI transactions for its respective bus,
and, depending on the type of transaction, ca n act as either a bus master or a bus slave. These interfaces
transfer data and control information flowing to and from the blocks shown in Figure 1.
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Tsi350A User Manual
Figure 1: Block Diagram
Secondary PCI Bus Interface
Primary PCI Bus Interface
Bus Arbiter
66 MHz / 32-bit
66 MHz / 32-bit
Boundary Scan
1. Functional Overview > Overview of the Tsi350A18
Option card designers can use Tsi350A to implement multiple-device PCI option cards. Without a
PCI-to- PCI bridge, PCI loading rules would limit option cards to one device. The PCI Local Bus
Specification loading rules limit PCI option cards to a single connection per PCI signal in the option
card connector. The Tsi350A overcomes this restriction by providing, on the option card, an
independent PCI bus to which up to nine devices can be attached.
Figure 2 shows how the Tsi350A enables the design of a multi-component option card or expand
existing PCI buses.
Tsi350A User Manual
Integrated Device Technology
1. Functional Overview > Overview of the Tsi350A19
Figure 2: System Block Diagram
•Industry-standard 32-bit, 66-MHz PCI bridge
•Fully PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3 compliant
•Supports up to nine PCI bus masters on the secondary interface
•Ten independent secondary clock outputs to the secondary slots
•Primary and secondary interfaces can be operated using asynchronous clocks
•Secondary clock can either be derived from the input primary clock or supplied by an external
clock source
•Secondary clocks can be masked through the GPIO interface during power up
•Supports four independent delayed transactions in each direction
•Supports up to nine secondary requests and grants
•External arbiter support on the secondary bus
•Supports CompactPCI Hot Swap functionality
•C I Power management with D3Hot support with option to disable clocks during D3Hot state
•Supports Bus Locking mechanism
•VGA/Palette memory and I/O decoding options
•Optional non-posted entry flush upon posted writes traveling the same direction
•Compatible with existing solutions from Intel, TI, PLX, and Peri com
This chapter outlines functionality of various interfaces and major blocks.
1.2.1PCI Interface
Tsi350A has two PCI interfaces, one on the primary side and another on the secondary side. These
interfaces transfer data/control information to and from BLU (Buffer Logic Unit). Write Buffer
1. Functional Overview > Functional Description20
This buffer is used as temporary storage for posted memory write data flowing from one interface to
the other. Each posted buffer has a capacity of 128 bytes. The amount of buffer locations allotted for a
transaction is dynamic. A single transaction can utilize from one memory location (4 bytes) to 32
memory locations (128 bytes) as needed. Write Queue
Posted Write Queue is used to store control information related to the posted write transaction flowing
from one interface to the other. Each Posted Write Queue is a 4-entry FIFO, providing four active
posted write transactions in each direction. Data related to each entry is stored in the Posted Write
Buffer. Posted Write Queue will accept entry from external master only when at least one entry is free
and at least one Q-word space is available in Posted Write Buffer. Buffer
Non-Posted Buffer is used to hold data for read transactions. Each Non-Posted Buffer contains 128
bytes of buffer space. The amount of buffer locations allotted for a transaction is dynamic. A single
transaction can utilize from one memory location (4 bytes) to 32 memory locations (128 bytes) as
needed. Tsi350A will start giving data on originating bus once the first four locations of the buffer are
filled or the transaction is completed on the target bus. Queue
Non-Posted Queue is used to store the control information related to the all non-posted transactions.
Each Non-Posted Queue is a 4-entry FIFO, providing 4-active non-posted transactions in each
direction. Data related to each entry is stored in the Non-Posted Buffer. The Non-Posted Queue will
accept a transaction from external master only when at least one entry is free.
Tsi350A User Manual
Integrated Device Technology
1. Functional Overview > Functional Description21 Logic
This module arbitrates the transactions from the Posted Queue and Non-Posted Queue. Space
The configuration registers help the system software to configure behavior of the bridge. The bridge
has Type 01 configuration header support as per the specification. All of these registers function
exactly as specified in the PCI to PCI Bridge Architectur e Specification, Revision 1.2. The
configuration space can be accessed only from primary bus interface. Tsi350A implements device
specific configuration registers to enable software to program the bridge features. Decoding Logic
Tsi350A operates in transparent mode. In transparent mode I/O, memory, pre-fetchable memory base
and limit, and optional Base Address Registers 0 and 1 define address ranges for the devices residing
on secondary bus. All other addresses are assumed to res ide on the primary bus. Inverse address
decoding determines when to forward a transaction up-stream. Bus Arbiter
Tsi350A is designed with an internal arbiter that can be enabled through input strap S_CFN_b. The
arbiter provides bus arbitration for nine additional masters. The arbiter can be programmed to
enable/disable and prioritize each request independently through software.
Tsi350A implements 2-level arbitration scheme. The requesters are divided into 2 groups, a high
priority group and a low priority group. Each master can be assigned to either high or low priority
group through the configuration register.
1.2.2JTAG Controller
Tsi350A provides a JTAG test port that is compliant with IEEE Standard 1149.1, IEEE Standard Test
Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architectur e, to facilitate card and board testing using boundary scan
techniques. This function consists of five-signal test port interface with signals TCK, TDI, TDO, TMS,
and TRST.
1.2.3Hot Swap Interface
T si350A is designed with an interface for Hot Swap support. This allows the user to insert or extract the
bridge card without powering down the system. During insertion and extraction process, the bridge
indicates to system software about the Hot Swap event by driving HS_EN UM_b. It also provides a
visual indication to the user through the HS_LED signal.
Hot-Swap support is implemented in the 208-pin PQFP package only. The 256-pin PBGA
package does not support Hot Swap.
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi350A User Manual
Tsi350A internal architecture consists of the following major functions:
•PCI interface control logic for the primary and secondary PCI interfaces
•Data path and data path control logic
•Configuration register and co nfiguration control logic
•Secondary bus arbiter
1.4Data Path
The data path consists of a primary-to-secondary data path for transactions and data flowing in the
downstream direction and a secondary-to-primary data path for transactions and data flowing in the
upstream direction.
Both data paths have the following queues:
•Posted write queue
•Delayed transaction queue
1. Functional Overview > Architecture22
•Read data queue
To prevent deadlocks and to maintain da ta coherency, a set of ordering rules is imposed on the
forwarding of posted and delayed transactions across Tsi350A. The queue structure, along with the
order in which the transactions in the queues are initiated and completed, supports these ordering
Figure 3 shows the Tsi350A data path for the downstream direction, and the following sections
describe the data path queues.
Tsi350A User Manual
Integrated Device Technology
1. Functional Overview > Data Path23
Figure 3: Tsi350A Downstream Data Path
1.4.1Posted Write Queue
The posted write queue contains the address and data of memory write transactions targeted for the
opposite interface. The posted write transaction can consist of an arbitrary number of data phases,
subject to the amount of space in the queue and disconnect boundaries. The posted write queue can
contain multiple posted write transactions. The number of posted write transactions that can be queued
at one time is dependent upon their burst size. The posted write queue consists of 128 bytes in each
1.4.2Delayed Transaction Queue
For a delayed write request transaction, the delayed transaction queue contains the address, bus
command, 1 Dword of write data, byte enable bits, and parity. When the delayed write transaction is
completed on the target bus, the write completion status is added to the corresponding entry. For a
delayed read request tran sa ctio n, the de laye d tr ansac tion queue c ontains the address and bus c ommand
- and for non-prefetchable read transactions - the byte enable bits. When the delayed read transaction is
completed on the target bus, the read completion status corresponding to that transaction is added to the
delayed request entry. Read data is placed in the read data queue. The delayed transaction queue can
hold up to four transactions (any combination of read and write transactions).
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi350A User Manual
1.4.3Read Data Queue
The read data queue contains read data transferred from the target during a delayed read completion.
Read data travels in the opposite direction of the transaction. The primary-to secondary read data queue
contains read data corresponding to a delayed read transaction residing in the secondary-to-primary
delayed transaction queue. The secondary-to-primary read data queue contains read data corresponding
to a delayed read transaction in the primary-to-secondary delayed transaction queue. The amount of
read data per transaction depends on the amount of space in the queue and disconnect boundaries. Read
data for up to four transactions, subject to the burst size of the read transactions and available queue
space, can be stored. The read data queue for Tsi350A consists of 128 bytes in each direction.
1. Functional Overview > Data Path24
Tsi350A User Manual
Integrated Device Technology
2. PCI Interface
This chapter discusses the following topics:
•“Transaction Types” on page 25
•“Transaction Phases” on page 27
•“Write Transactions” on page 28
•“Read Transactions” on page 32
•“Configuration Transactions” on page 37
•“Transaction Termination” on page 42
2.1Transaction Types
This section summarizes the PCI transactions performed by Tsi350A.
Table 1 lists the command code and name of each PCI transaction. The Master and Target columns
indicate Tsi350A support for each transaction when Tsi350A initiates transactions as a master, on the
primary bus and on the secondary bus, and when Tsi350A responds to transactions as a target, on the
primary bus and on the secondary bus.
As indicated in Table 1, the following PCI commands are not supported by Tsi350A:
•Tsi350A never initiates a PCI transaction with a reserved command code and, as a target Tsi350A
ignores reserved command codes.
•Tsi350A never initiates an interrupt acknowledge transaction and, as a target, Tsi350A ignores
interrupt acknowledge transactions. Interrupt acknowledge transactions are expected to reside
entirely on the primary PCI bus closest to the host bridge.
•Tsi350A does not respond to special cycle transactions. Tsi350A cannot guarantee delivery of a
special cycle transaction to downstream buses because of the broadcast nature of the special cycle
command and the inability to control the transaction as a target. To generate special cycle
transactions on other PCI buses, either upstream or downstream, a Type 1 configuration command
must be used.
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi350A User Manual
•Tsi350A does not generate Type 0 configuration transactions on the primary interface, nor does it
respond to Type 0 configuration transactions on the secondary PCI interface. The PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification does not support configuration from the secondary bus.
The standard PCI transaction consists of one or two address phases, followed by one or more data
phases. An address phase always lasts one PCI clock cycle. The first address phase is designated by an
asserting (falling) edge on the FRAME_b signal. The number of address phases depends on whether
the address is 32 bits or 64 bits. Address Phase
A 32-bit address uses a single address phase. This address is driven on AD[31:0], and the bus
command is driven on C/BE_b[3:0]. Tsi350A supports the linear increment address mode only, which
is indicated when the lower two address bits are equal to 0. If either of the lower two address bits is
nonzero, T si350A automatically disconnects the transaction after the first data transfer. Address Phase
Dual address transactions are PCI transactions that contain the following two address phases specifying
a 64-bit address:
•The first address phase is denoted by the asserting edge of FRAME_b.
•The second address phase always follows on the next clock cycle.
The first address phase contains the dual address command code on the C/BE_b[3:0] lines, and the low
32 address bits on the AD[31:0] lines. The second address phase consists of the specific memory
transaction command code on the C/BE_b[3:0] lines and the high 32 address bits on the AD[31:0]lines.
In this way, 64-bit addressing can be supported on 32-bit PCI buses.
The PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification supports the use of dual address transactions in the
prefetchable memory range only. Tsi350A supports dual address transactions in both the upstream and
the downstream direction. Tsi350A supports a programmable 64-bit address range in prefetchable
memory for downstream forwarding of dual address transactions. Dual address transactions falling
outside the prefetchable address range are forwarded upstream, but not downstream. Prefetching and
posting are performed in a manner consistent with the guidelines given in this specification for each
type of memory transaction in prefetchable memory space.
Any memory transactions addressing the first 4 GB space should use a single address phase; that is, the
high 32 bits of a dual address transaction should never be 0.
Tsi350A responds only to dual address transactions that use the following transaction command codes:
•Memory Write
•Memory Write and Invalidate
•Memory Read
•Memory Read Line
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi350A User Manual
•Memory Read Multiple
Use of other transaction codes may result in a master abort. Select (DEVSEL_b) Generation
T si350A always performs positive address dec oding when accepting tran sactions on either the primary
or secondary buses. Tsi350A never subtractively decodes. Medium DEVSEL_b timing is used on both
2.2.2Data Phase
The address phase or phases of a PCI transaction are followed by one or more data phases. A data
phase is completed when IRDY_b and either TRDY_b or STOP_b are asserted. A transfer of data
occurs only when both IRDY_b and TRDY_b are asserted during the same PCI clock cycle. The last
data phase of a transaction is indicated when FRAME_b is de-asserted and both TRDY_b and IRDY_b
are asserted, or when IRDY_b and STOP_b are asserted (se e “T rans action Termination” o n page 42 for
further discussion of transaction termination).
Depending on the command type, Tsi350A can support multiple data phase PCI transactions. For a
detailed description of how Tsi350A imposes disconnect boundaries, see “Write Transactions” on
page 28 for a description of write address boundaries and “Read Transactions” on page 32 for a
description of read address boundaries.
2. PCI Interface > Write Transactions28
2.3Write Transactions
Write transactions are treated as either posted write or delayed write transactions.
2.3.1Posted Write Transactions
Posted write forwarding is used for memory write and for memory write and invalidate transactions.
When Tsi350A determines that a memory write transaction is to be forwarded across the bridge,
T si350A asserts DEVSEL_b wit h medium timing and TRDY_b in the next cy cle, provided th at enough
buffer space is available in the posted data queue for the address and at least 8 Dwords of data. This
enables Tsi350A to accept write data without obtaining access to the target bus. Tsi350A can accept
one Dword of write data every PCI clock cycle; that is, no target wait states are inserted. This write
data is stored in internal posted write buffers and is subsequently delivered to the target.
Tsi350A continues to accept write data until one of the following events occurs:
•The initiator terminates the transaction by de-asserting FRAME_b and IRDY_b.
•An internal write address boundary is reached, such as a cache line boundary or an aligned 4 kB
boundary, depending on the transaction type.
•The posted write data buffer fills up.
Tsi350A User Manual
Integrated Device Technology
2. PCI Interface > Write Transactions29
When one of the last two events occurs, Tsi350A retur ns a target disconnect to the requesting initiator
on this data phase to terminate the transaction. Once the posted write data moves to the head of the
posted data queue, Tsi350A asserts its request on the target bus. This can occur while Ts i350A is still
receiving data on the initiator bus. When the grant for the target bus is received and the target bus is
detected in the idle condition, Tsi350A asserts FRAME_b and drives the stored write address out on the
target bus. On the following cycle, Tsi350A drives the first Dword of write data and continues to
transfer write data until all write data corresponding to that transaction is delivered, or until a target
termination is received. As long as write data exists in the queue, Tsi350A can drive 1 Dword of write
data each PCI clock cycle.
Tsi350A ends the transaction on the target bus when one of the following conditions is met:
•All posted write data has been delivered to the target.
•The target returns a target disconnect or target retry (Tsi350A starts another transaction to deliver
the rest of the write date)
•The master latency timer expires, and Tsi350A no longer has the target bus grant (Tsi350A starts
another transaction to deliver remaining write data).
2.3.2Memory Write and Invalidate Transactions
Posted write forwarding is used for memory write and invalidate transactions. Memory write and
invalidate transactions guarantee transfer of entire cache lines. If the write buffer fills before an entire
cache line is transferred, Tsi350A disconnects the transaction and converts it to a memory write
Tsi350A disconnects memory write and invalidate co m mand s at aligned cache line boundaries. The
cache line size value in Tsi350A cache line size register gives the number of Dwords in a cache line.
For Tsi350A to generate memory write and invalidate transactions, this cache line size value must be
written to a value that is a nonzero power of two and less than or equal to 16 (that is, 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16
If the cache line size does not meet the memory write and invalidate conditions, that is, the value is 0 or
is not a power of two or is greater than 16 Dwords, Tsi350A treats the memory write and invalidate
command as a memory write command. In this case, when Tsi350A forwards the memory write and
invalidate transaction to the target bus, it converts the command code to a memory write code and does
not observe cache line boundaries.
If the value in the cache line size register does meet the memory write and invalidate conditions, that is,
the value is a nonzero power of 2 less than or equal to 16 Dwords, T si350A returns a target disconnect
to the initiator either on a cache line boundary or when the posted write buffer fills. For a cache line
size of 16 Dwords, Tsi350A disconnects a memory write and invalidate transaction on every cache line
boundary. When the cache line size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 Dwords, Tsi350A accepts another cache line if at
least 8 Dwords of empty space remains in the posted write buffer. If less than 8 Dwords of empty space
remains, Tsi350A disconnects on that cache line boundary. When the memory write and invalidate
transaction is disconnected before a cache line boundary is reached, typically because the posted write
buffer fills, the transaction is converted to a memory write transaction.
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi350A User Manual
2.3.3Delayed Write Transactions
Delayed write forwarding is used for I/O write transactions and for Type 1 configuration write
A delayed write transaction guarantees that the actual target response is returned back to the initiator
without holding the initiating bus in wait states. A delayed write transaction is limited to a single
Dword data transfer.
When a write transaction is first detected on the initiator bus, and Tsi350A forwards it as a delayed
transaction, Tsi350A claims the access by asserting DEVSEL_b and returns a target retry to the
initiator. During the address phas e, Tsi350A samples the bus command, address, and address parity one
cycle later. After IR DY_b is assert ed, Tsi350A also samples the fir st da ta Dword, byte enable bits , and
data parity. This information is placed into the delayed transaction queue. The transaction is queued
only if no other existing delayed transactions have the same address and command, and if the delayed
transaction queue is not full. When the delayed write transaction moves to the head of the delayed
transaction queue and all ordering constraints with posted data are satisfied, Ts i350A initiates the
transaction on the target bus. Tsi350A transfers the write data to the target. If Tsi350A receives a target
retry in response to the write transaction on the target bus, it continues to repeat the write transaction
until the data transfer is completed, or until an error condition is encoun tered.
If Tsi350A is unable to deliver write data after 2
returns a target abort to the initiator. The delayed transaction is removed from the delayed transaction
queue. Tsi350A also asserts P_SERR_b if the primary SERR_b enable bit is set in the command
2. PCI Interface > Write Transactions30
attempts, Tsi350A ceases further write attempts and
When the initiator repeats the same write transaction (same command, address, byte enable bits, and
data), and the completed delayed transaction is at the head of the queue, Tsi350A claims the access by
asserting DEVSEL_b and returns TRDY_b to the initiator to indicate that the write data was
transferred. If the initiator requests multiple Dwords, Tsi350A also asserts STOP_b in conjunction with
TRDY_b to signal a target disconnect. Note that only those bytes of write data with valid byte enable
bits are compared. If any of the byte enable bits are turned off (driven high), the corresponding byte of
write data is not compared.
If the initiator repeats the write transaction before the data has been transferred to the target, Tsi350A
returns a target retry to the initiator. Tsi350A continues to return a target retry to the initiator until write
data is delivered to the target, or until an error condition is encountered. When the write transaction is
repeated, Tsi350A does not make a new entry into the delayed transaction queue. For detailed
information on how the Tsi350A responds to target termination during delayed write transactions, see
“Delayed Write Target Termination Response” on page 44.
implements a discard timer that starts counting when the delayed write completion is at the
head of the delayed transaction queue. The initial value of this timer can be set to one of two values,
selectable through both the primary and secondary master time-out bits in the bridge control register . If
the initiator does not repeat the delayed write transaction before the discard timer expires, Tsi350A
discards the delayed write transaction from the delayed transaction queu e and asserts P_SERR_b (if
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Integrated Device Technology
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